He's got the goods, he's a great actor and he looks the part. Who cares if he's not 6ft tall, camera tricks will help.
If he's not the next 007 then they can fuck themselves
Actually a great choice, too bad idris elba will get the part
>using the subject field
summer is here
He doesnt strike me as the kind of actor that would want to do james bond
nah, doesn't look good as bond
This guy constant face expression reeks of anxiety. He also has psychokiller eyes. And he's not attractive. He's a perfect villain for Bond.
Idris Elba will be the next Bond.
Just see him Peaky Blinders. He'll ace it.
>he's not attractive
Blind fuck. He's hotter than Craig, anyway.
He's too old lol, the producers want a white guy.
NCW for bond
manlet cope
>next bond
Not gonna happen.
He would be a perfect villain, how the fuck is Rami Malek supposed to be intimidating?
Acting chops yes, but he has a villain look
I want Tom Hiddleston to be the next Bond
Fassbender or Cavill, no one else
Too short, too skinny, and too boyish looking.
well he doesn't even look human
Not wi my bloody brass hand.
Have you been to England? The next 007 is gonna be black or brown without fail. I wouldn't be surprised if they made him muslim too.
I'm really okay with wither of these. Great actors. They're not the biggest names out there and no bond was before they were bond.
Murphy will have to do some bulking up first though.
The guy is like 5'7, no camera tricks will be enough to make him Bond while doing action stuff
Bomb, James Bomb, license to taquiya
>psychokiller eyes
Don't agree with him for Bond at all but psycho eyes on a Bond actor is fitting. Fleming said Bond should have a cruelty and coldness in the eyes and the twist of the mouth along with the handsomeness.
>Potato nigger
but he has to have charm, this actor looks crazy like the one in funny games
>And he's not attractive
Alot girls I know love him in Peaky Blinders and were interesting in other things he has been in.
Not the guy but I am a Bong and you present it was if we are overrun with them everything. London, Birmingham, etc. yes but you don't know England that well if you think the villages, smaller cities, market towns, etc. are brimming with them too, let alone the Welsh, Scottish, etc. periphery. I know a brown guy from London that had a mini sperg out when he went to a Russel Group uni in the north and was taken aback at how overwhelmingly white it is. They may make him a Muslim eventually but as of now I suspect they know they'd be pushing their luck a bit too much, plus the Italians that own Bond seem pretty conservative and reticent to consider Hack fan choices like Elba or Hiddleston. Pic related, the Irish actor Aidan Turner, is a good choice for the role. He's handsome but has that darkness to his face too.
>here's your bond bro
I'm talking about once single trait, not Cillian. I agree he'd be a shit Bond.
Canonically Bond is half porridge wog and half Swiss of either frog or kraut extraction, so it's not too egregious if he's played by a potato eating bogtrotter.
>not the fake version
Fuck off, user. Here is the real version.
>he looks the part
he looks like a lippy 12 year old twerp from a council estate
He's a turbo manlet and looks too feminine. Bond has to be rugged
Barbara Broccoli wants a white guy.
Nothing that can't be helped with makeup and changing his style. Just man up, he's the next Bond. There's no one else unless they get a literal who off the theaters.
Cillian is infinitely charming, check out Peaky Blinders. He plays a Bond-esque guy there, it amazed me.
Do name a better choice. Not Cavill, he has zero presence, zero acting chops, zero charisma too. He's literally cardboard.
He'd be good for an edgy bond, but if the bond is gonna be a suave Pierce brosnan type than I doubt it. He's perfect for an anti hero at best, but not a straight up good guy.
Aidan Turner. Picture over here:
He's 5'7. 3 inches shorter than Daniel Craig who looks like a stubby shrunken stunted runt child onscreen. I'll pass
I agree Murphy is too short, albeit Craig looks that way largely cause of how fucking stocky he is. His stomach was bloated as hell as far back as Casino Royale
Yeah that's a good one for sure
Respect this manlet, he's phenomenal in Peaky Blinders. He can wear lifts if it's that important, or stand on platforms in characters scenes.
Which actor did the best portrayal of James Bond? (Based on personality not looks)
Daniel Craig.
Wasn't he already in a Bond movie?
Thimothy Dalton
Going by that image? Matthew Goode.
See? He's so good you're already thinking of him playing Bond. Trust me he'll ace it lol
Murphy is way skinnier than Craig tho, Craig is pretty built and stocky which makes you look way more square when you're a manlet
I cant picture this creep fuck having sex with models from portugal
Not trolling so don't take this the wrong way but, the next bond will be a woman.
The world is ready for two blonde Bonds in a row.
This make me wish Peter Cushing would've portrayed Bond in Casino Royale, instead of that made for TV shit
Check him out in Peaky Blinders, he fucked a bunch of women there. You guys really don't know that side of him, he's got it.
He doesn't have much of a presence.
>being this retarded
He looks so ridiculously creepy. Something about him disgusts me on a primal level.
Which is why he should play a bond villain
I'd agree that he would be much better villain than bond himself
But I genuinely hate seeing him. Not "would love for him to be crushed by Bond"-hate. Just avoid at all cost hate. And in this case that cost would be not paying a $15 ticket.
Nope. Go with a no name
Imagine being braindead.
Matt Berry
They need to get Pierce back
They'll need some way to make him look a tiny bit older.
what if one of them plays james and the other guy plays bond, then they can both be james bond
James Bond is literally a psychopath though
The names Bond...
>some kid broke into our evil lair pretending to be James Bond
>please have security escort him out
>looks like a raging Jewish stereotype to the point he's said he has a Jewish face in interviews yet all evidence suggest he has no Jew blood at all and is completely British
Weird. It's not even a pigmentation thing. Lily James has dark hair, dark eyes, and if you gave her tanned skin, she'd still look British and not a Jew stereotype.