New trailer is up
Jolie looks bad, the wall is no joke.
>niggers in medieval setting
I try I really try but I can't see how anyone can like this shit with no sense
Another billion for Based Disney.
RIP any other movie coming out in October.
literally who the fuck asked for this
I've been wondering aloud lately where this horrible kind of kitsch aesthetic in current fan art and fantasy art comes from. It really is Disney's influence. My gosh they're atrocious. Cancerous company.
Oh jeez, the last one was so bad. Like not normal bad but SPECTACULARLY bad, especially if you like the original Sleeping Beauty. the joke is so deep it’s even in the visuals, adapting one of the most beautifully animated movies into a soft flacid cgi fest
This is going to be Flop City, clearly.
Didn't the last one under-perform?
disney did the same with Alice in Wonderland 2
they saw the first made money and made it
Looks suprisingly dark, even kinda scary for ths sissy company. I like dark fantasy. May give it a try.
another trailer so quickly and right after Mulan?
Sure it is
Just like Captain Marvel, Endgame, Aladdin, Toy story 4, Lion King, Frozen 2, Star Wars, and Far From Home
I'm predicting an Alice situation, first one did well but was shit, the sequel does terribly in comparison because no one gives cares anymore.
>first movie
>Maleficent is misunderstood, betrayed, etc, she's not evil basically
>second movie
>she's totally fucking evil
It made $758mil, studios would nuke countries for that amount of money this year. Seriously only Disney movies have made that much this year and Sony which is in collaboration with Disney will have their first soon.
nop it did 1 billion and something
I know there is a small subset of the gay population that can make cool art, but really, otherwise, gays are responsible for so much ugly, awful culture. I don't care that they're gay, but their taste - the mainstream ones' tastes - is SO AWFUL. Disney is a really gay company actually. It really shows in their aesthetic.
Don't normies kinda hate Jolie after she showed what a manipulative, lying cunt she is during her divorce with Pitt?
>ugly Aurora
>sub Saharan Africans in medieval fairy tale European tale
>shitty acting
>bland Prince instead of a Chad or qt twink
>Maleficent’s motivation is kid friendly
Disney live actions are utter shit
She's not evil
The trailers have made it insanely obvious that Michelle Pfeiffer and her bad accent is the real villain
It looks like PC shit as usual
Dumbo, Wrinkle in Time, Mary Poppins, Nutcracker, Cars 3.
normies only hate what the media tells them to
Yeah, that's the formula with all of these. I can't remember which was the first book or musical that did this, but it's this feminist deconstruction of fairytales gimmic where they tell the story from a female villain's perspective and reveal she's actually the GOOD GUY, whoa.
what's with her nose?
Wicked started it all
I tried couldn't make it past 30 seconds
This is causing me a headache what the fuck
so much noise, so many bright colors making it look like a salad, I'm not even that fucking old jesus
welcome to 2005+
Yeah, that was the one. So stupid and trite. Bad is good! Good is bad! The baddies were really oppressed by the goodies!
will maleficent finally fuck aurora or is this shit gonna waste my time again?
>sloped brow
>thin, anemic lips
>weak chi
>flat nose
She has nice skin but otherwise is completely unremarkable. If if weren't for the nepotism casting directors would never give her a second glance.
Max Landis was kind of doing that with the good, oppressed orcs in that Will Smith thing he wrote. Then it turned out Mr. 'Bad is Good' was a gaslighting rapist, lol.
Black people in a made up fantasy world is nothing to get triggered over you fucking losers
Now the shit they tried to pull in that Mary Poppins sequel that would be more understandable
Only one guy (probably you) mentioned that. Stop trying to make everything a cultural binary issue. You're profoundly tedious and you only do it to try to distract from the fact that you're fucking lame and talentless and ugly.
>Gee, I wonder what the chances are that Michelle Pfeiffer's secretly bad and that once again Maleficent is actually the protagonist of the story. That sure would surprise me and be a great unexpected twist
It's apparent that The Little Mermaid fiasco is making them push these trailers out. Damage control.
>insane fantasy story that's already a very clear bastardisation of Sleeping Beauty
>"b-but why are there black people in my fantasy film?"
I actually really liked Wicked. It didn't seem stupid at the time, it was a nice twist on a stupid story. But now it's become a painful trope
they cast a Puerto Rican in Poppins
>inb4 Pfeiffer turns out to be the titular "Mistress of Evil" and lesbians and preganant women praise it as the best twist since The Sixth Sense
Owen Wilson's bastard child
Yeah Wicked was fine and not the problem, its the copycats
>Doing damage control over movie that hasn’t even started production yet
What did she do?
Wait the king did not die in the last one?
she is looking bit skeletal
the chad sharp boned villainess vs the virgin butterface heroine
implying its not needed.
nah its probably the other dark wings.
Remember when Maleficent was just some bitch who got pissy because she wasn’t invited to a birthday party?
No they're obviously the poor oppressed people forced into hiding by the evil queen
Come on I know this is Yea Forums but at least try to use your brain
Black Panther made a billion dollars. Do you honestly think Disney cares if insecure little white bois on the internet throw a temper tantrum? You were never going to go see a live action Little Mermaid movie anyway no matter who they cast, so it's not like they're losing money on you. Cope.
Did Brad really get cucked by his own adoptive son?
Captain Marvel would have been a better example
yeah, what was I thinking. Its probably another skrulls situation. They will act like assholes only to be revealed as good. Turns out why mel was alone in the forest at the stat was because evil queens parents killed of everyone in the land. Its unlikely but they may also turn her into a mastermind who used magic on the king to have him cut of mels wings
Lol that kid looks like such a smug little prick.
IMHO rightfully so, I mean they basically invited everyone except her.
pretty sure she had a double mastectomy or some shit
Definitely unlikely because this queen is the prince's mother whereas the king in the first one was Aurora's father
One thing ironic about these celebs adopting poor kids is that the kids grow up to be average or ugly looking at a level that would disqualify them from being the types of people said celebs would otherwise ever even talk to in real life. There's such a profound elitism on looks and body types in Hollywood / LA, people literally talk about how they only want to associate with beautiful people and how most people are below them.
that was years ago and she looked fine, even if bit too flat chested.
That is what I mean, she is from another kingdom so they might have been doing some shit without Aurora's kingdom knowing. would be way to have it and avoid contradiction with the previous movie
that's why harvey fucked pretty much every hollywood thot huh
Daaaaamn... Angelina Jolie looks like *THAT*??
not even gonna watch it for my husbando. even more looks like he has a very small part
They didn't fuck him because they were attracted to him. Actually I have a story from a friend who worked on set with some producers. One producer related to him how he was on a set of a movie he was doing and went up to talk to the lead actress and she sized him up and said, "um, who the fuck are YOU?" and dismissed him. Then she found out he was a producer and apologized profusely. (he's was some squat bald guy)
Guess the actress.
I don't need to guess, I just don't believe you
Yes because Black Panther was a woke racebending pandering fest. Negro logic work in mysterious ways.
Well, it's true, have a lot of old friends who lived around Hollywood and heard some stories. But anyways you shouldn't believe stuff people post on here, although I'm telling the truth in this case.
To be honest with you, I don't believe this particular story or that you know people from hollywood, what I do believe is that something like that probably happened at one point or another
They're all shit people really
Well, I do know people down there, many. And I don't tell made up stories. I'm very straightforward and honest. But yeah that kind of thing happens all the time. I used to live down there myself and the culture is awful. I hate it.
in a medieval european setting? they would kill him at the first spot thinking he's somekind of demon spawn
soo all of these demons are good boys that dindu nuffin?
All of these live action versions of classic cartoons, I don't get it, they all look like the most soulless cashgrabs but they still make banks, only roasties go to see them, why are roasties so tasteless and dumb, they're literally killing cinema
It's funny to me that they feel it's progressive to just make straight-up demonic tropes the good guys. Like if you think women are equal, fine. I think women are equal. But why does so much feminism feel the need to promote it in this form that is so often blatantly diabolical in imagery and lacking kindness and all about power politics and bitch-queens. Why can't you promote feminist characters in decent people? Have a good character be a good person?
It's just funny to see something so blatantly anti-God try to gaslight the viewing public with this not-so-subtle bad-is-good, good-is-bad gimmick and very quickly just resort to blatant satanism. Same with that Sabrina show.
>Why can't you promote feminist characters in decent people? Have a good character be a good person?
I mean, Robin on Stranger Things was a decent female and gay character. But that show has heart, seems to have its head on straight. To the extent it finds a moral middle ground, it does so with kindness and even-handedness. Not just some POWERFUL bitch stomping through and crushing their enemies. I mean give me a break with all that shit. So corny and ineffective. I mean I like smart women. Enough with the condescending overcompensating power fantasy characters. Women don't need that.
Lin Manuel Miranda is whiter than many burgers
The prince's mother was an ogre on the Grimm's version and she tried to eat Brier Rose
If you had actually seen the movie and not been triggered by a fucking magazine cover like the inbred retard you no doubt are you would know that he was the LEAST of that movies problems
but he’s also more tan than me, a half Mexican burger
I did see the movie. He was okay but stuck out like a sore thumb. The whole
movie was just okay.
No. Women like her cause she strong menopausal, and also got her tits chopped off. She's untouchable. They also can't hate Brad Pitt cause he's hot
Never saw the first movie but the fanart it spawned was pretty great tbqh.
>who is prester John
>what was the Abyssinian–Adal war
Not if they were God fearing Christians they wouldn't
>make characters drink out of starbucks cups with a mercedes ad in the background
>uh its just fantasy you shitlords dont you see the flying monkeys and shit too?
Movies that prioritize wokeness usually come out shit in other aspects as well, as a result of the focus not being to make the best film possible
>Aurora is getting married
>Maleficent goes mad of jealousy
They're not even trying to be subtle this time.