Duuude these military movies are so cringe man xD why should we worship these men who do nothing but kill colored...

>duuude these military movies are so cringe man xD why should we worship these men who do nothing but kill colored people lmao worshipping murderers haha

t. guy who works an office job and has never even been in a fistfight

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Thank you got. You will have a garbage can dedicated to your memory in israel

what did he mean by this

USA winning world war 2 is why we have colored people fucking everything up, buddy. Only rock rubbing zogbot brainlets love the military blindly.

War movies are cool tho

Why did that translator faggot ruin the movie?

>Germans are colored

>there's literally only been 1 war ever

damn thats some big brain right there

>office guy when he gets in a fist fight

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only british and jewish people can be white. germans and italians are based POC

The WW2 allied soldiers were racist, homophobic, sexist and almost every bit as backwards and anti-progressive as the modern Conservatives today. They weren't better than the Nazis and had more common with them than today's generation. To hell with them. If they were alive today, they would be against all the LBGT reforms, the feminist movement, the Civil Rights, and all the other changes that makes this world a better place.

Why didn't they just land on top of Hitler?

actually and literally kys you'reselve faggot

Dude, imagine being so dumb that you read obvious irony as if it was serious, miss the point completely, get angry and reply to it. That is mindblowing.

While I dislike american foreign policies nowadays and think that ameircan patriotism is often a bit cheesy and corny,especiallytowards the millitary.
I have to say that america was based in the second world war and during the cold war.Nowadays their actions in the middle east are pointless,but I have to give them credit to protect us from Communism and their threatment after WW2 towards us.
The WW2 generations of every country were a million times more based than boomers,millenials and zoomers.You had 18-20 years that were more mature and manly,than the onions generations of now ever will be in their whole lifes and a million times less egoistic than boomers.
The people that experienced the war or were born into it,sacrificed way more than the entitled bitches of my generation,while being a million times more grateful and modest.Maybe their beliefs were backwards compared to now,but they had a million times more courage and modesty than the faggots of today trash talking them.


Yeah they should have sided with Germany.

Who are you quoting?

they are now


They were correct.

>the LBGT reforms, the feminist movement, the Civil Rights
>make this world a better place
You only get to pick one senpai.

>When the G.I. Generation would have literally given up their lives to ensure future peace for the generations after them, only to have the modern generation hate them for not adhering to 21st century ideals that would be outdated later on as well

I fucking hate you faggots. If we went by your standards, no one in history would be remembered fondly or their historical acts celebrated because they didn't think much of the plight slavery, democracy or the oppressed minority groups. The time will come when our generation will be judged by the next ahead of us, and I hope to God they have the common sense to realize times were different, that they could understand the social, political, and cultural context we were living in, and measure our worth by their standards.

Go die for Israel you filthy mutt

>When the G.I. Generation would have literally given up their lives
Not that guy but the overwhelming majority of US G.I.s were drafted into WW2 and didn't actually volunteer and probably would rather of not been there. A lot of people even fled the US due to avoid being drafted but this is always whitewashed in modern narratives about the war. It was only after the war that many retroactively started promoting an idea of a "just war" because of muh evil nazis and japs etc so suddenly everyone who served was retroactively a volunteer who signed up.

g*rmoids and j*poids were evil though

most americans actually liked the nazis until the feds started censoring pro-nazi speakers like that catholic guy

Never said they weren't I'm just pointing out the way narratives retroactively get altered and weaved into a kind of mythos, which taints the actual truth of went on at the time.

No but they died for Israel like retards

Israel didn't exist during WW2 retard

I guarantee you if a draft was implemented today, there would far more deserters and cowards and protestors, even if the draft was to protect our country or allies from invasion. Also, for the Band of Brothers, many of them did volunteer or at least wanted to be there, they even volunteered to be assigned to the dangerous missions by joining E-company. Winters, Lipto,n Spiers, and Nixon, all volunteered or enlisted. For Winters, though, he had no desire to get into the war and only volunteered so that he would not be drafted later.

Dude, Germans are evil lmao

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No it exists because of WW2

I prefer Spielberg's other historical fiction.

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holocaust was faked to create israel, hitler was a crypto jews and the british were in on it

Yeah who wants to die for this faggot government who spies on its citizens tries to disarm them and exists soley to serve zionists


Fuck mutts 1488

Reminder this actually fucking happened

These guys lived hell and gave their lives for discord trannies lmao.

Actually extremely refreshing to see a leftist think like this instead of the usual "uhhhh we fought nazis 80 years ago, so don't you dare be against anything progressive". Or it's just bait, in which case, pretty good.

>dude the holocaust was just a prank bro lmao but heres some land

Ahahahaha, this is what the mutt fought for.

Weak bait

Hmm where are all the JIDF spammers? Oh wait its 6pm in Tel Aviv

The ones I killed in my video games were

excuse me sweaty but you are wrong

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Daily reminder that these fanatical Leftists can't recognize nuance and only see allies or enemies. If you don't agree with them, you're the enemy that should be treated with disrespect and defamation.

Pic related.

Attached: The Future They Choose.png (1000x1413, 601K)

>they made the scout black
>scout is the sniper class
>everyone fucking picks the snipers in battlefield so the germans are always entirely black

me in the pic rel when Tyrone visits my wife again


the same was with nigger medic in bf3

why doesn't /pol/ ever talk about the real WW2 American kino?
the score my Zimmer alone makes it 100 times better than the "lmao white people suck" thing that SpielBERG did

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you must have been SEETHING to make this thread lmao


I mean think about it. Why people worship those who destroyed the good guys?

Why didn't they just send the best sniper in the force to deal with Hitler personally? Sending a lone wolf is much harder to detect than storming the beach with a million guys who get shot down and Hitler then knows your coming