Be me

>be me
>start of 2018
>lonely and neet
>need to change
>watch Prisoners movie one night
>Kino meter goes off the charts
>detective Loki is a badass (Jake Gyllenhaal)
>he does this cool mysterious eye twitch / blink
>I wanna be more mysterious
>make continuous effort do it every minute in public
>starts to become natural, feel like his character, feel more confident
>notice I'm doing it on my own now, constantly
>it's been over a year and I literally can't stop
>mom is worried and is taking out loan to take me for brain scan

we don't have health insurance and we are not rich, what do I do Yea Forums

Attached: loki.gif (268x170, 2.52M)

>taking out loan to take me for brain scan
Jesus how much does it cost? 1000 dollars?

You're in too deep now user. Go take that scan, I'm sure they'll find some other things that are fucked with your brain.

pretend to be the driver instead


this, opie sounds kinda tarded

Get a job with health insurance...

Your mistake was doing the blink without having the kino hair to complement it. You need the full package or it comes across as retarded.

Land of the Mutts
Home of the Crooks

My scan cost me 500 bucks

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Also I'm a doctor and you're retarded for even making this thread
That'll be $200

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This. Besides the blinking you have to have abstract religious not obvious neck tattoos, dress in casual all black, not be a fat filthy neckbeard and have the hair of God himself.

Attached: Prisoners.2013.BluRay.1080p.DTSx264.mkv_snapshot_01.52.51_].jpg (1920x1080, 749K)

Also need a movie star face but ok

Would this look have worked for Mysterious? Or it’s too sexy and dark? I want him to fuck me either way but he is literal perfection in Prisoners.

Mysterio, sorry.

land of the kikes

>Kino meter

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Girls call me mysterious all the time, it's not a good thing.

Atleast girls call you all the time.

It’s anxiety and/or ocd. Ive been doing the eye twitch thing for years. My wife used to call me blinky
It’s not that serious. No need for a brain scan unless you got other issues too

>imitate how Kitano does his half paralyzed blink
>do it for a few weeks in public
>finally do it in front of the mirror
>realize I look fucking retarded
How does Kitano do it guys?

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Try getting half your face scraped off in a motorcycle crash

I make a 'pllitch' sound like I'm kissing air, same sound old Rust does in True Detective. I also got a little drawl in my voice, I can't stop this help

Is this the new Drive posting?

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In my country I did it for free.

holy fuck that is depressing

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please let this be real

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wat i always wonder about this haircut.

how much hairgoo do you need to keep this up and how inconvenient it must be. you need to wash it out every single night otherwise your bed will be hairgoopalace

It's the only reason I stick to an ivy cut. I just use a bit of hair wax, it doesn't get sticky and styles my hair. Any longer and it'll be a nightmare to manage.

Bruh a brainscan is the equivalent of 500 dollars where I'm from. I pity you Americans.


I like his coat, where do I cop it


What's your zodiac, OP?

Did she take out the loan yet? Tell your mother the truth before she does

>start of 2018
Nice try faggot.

oh I get it, you'd have to be braindead to pay that much for a brainscan which means you can save that money

It's an old pasta, newfags.

Land of the Free
Home of the Brave

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