Anime can't be kin-

>anime can't be kin-

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it's part 5, he should be drawn leaner

Dare i say...

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>tfw too much of a brainlet to understand how King Crimson and Gold Experience Requiem work

King Crimson is easy if you actually think about it for more than a second. I think GER is essentially the reverse card in uno right?

>GER is essentially the reverse card in uno right
that would be pic related, GER neutralizes King Crimson by not allowing it to play out any future in which harm is done to Giorno

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King Crimson is an easy stand that people try to explain far too much.
GER resets things to their zero point IIRC, been years since I've read part 5.
King Crimson is basically the world with extra effects. Epitath can see a short bit into the future, King Crimson stops time and reacts accordingly, leaving the result but removing any adverse affects.
Shoot him, bullet hits wall behind him but he is unharmed.

from my understanding
King Crimson basically has the ability to skip time for others so they do what they were originally going to do but they dont see it, while king crimson gets to see and witness and do things within that 10 second time skip.
GER basically it stops an outcome from happening and returns that event back to the start, I think anyway

From my understanding King Crimson skips ten seconds, while acting within those ten seconds. The people effected will spend ten seconds doing the last action they made i.e. standing, running, dropping blood.

GER prevents giorno from being harmed, reversing whatever caused it. Those repeats of diavolo was him attempting to kill giorno and being groundhogs day'd until his will broke and his hesitation allowed giorno to win. I think GER gets beaten by the world above heaven because it has the ability to rewrite reality meaning the damage is never done to giorno so there is nothing to prevent.

Jonathan should have been the one to defeat Dio.

If you nuked him he could skip the blast but would die from the radiation.

He can see the future and hide in a fridge, like Indiana Jones.

GER is just weaponized Zeno's Arrow

isnt dio kill? only watched up to egypt because stands are gay

GER just wins

fuck you

woah look at that hes attacking with his arms crossed! offence and defence, the perfect strategem!

hamon is fucking shit. keep watching it, the stands get more ridiculus with every part

>wow I just totally figured out exactly what this extremely specific enemy stand does haha how convenient

my stand's ability is that it can defeat any stand!

my stand's ability is that the author is massively retarded

Dont forget gay.

>not loving 500iq i´m going to fire bullets and turn them into a tree wich then get destroyed wich i planned because now the tree turns back into bullets wich i can kick wich will ricochet directly into your face wich i then turn into a beetle just to make sure your really dead asspulls

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Why was Mista the only one who used a gun? Just have your stand fight the other guy's stand and shoot the user. If the user uses his stand to stop the bullet your stand kills him.

part 6 fixes this

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smart nigga moments

Why didn't Giornio just turn the entire building into asbestos and give Diavolo cancer?

Since we're on Yea Forums and not that shithole that is Yea Forums, can we admit that Jojo is very enjoyable, but extremely extremely flawed both in terms of ridiculous asspulls and poor visual or written explanations of what's going on.

I read Part 7 recently and it was a blast, but those two things were pretty big flaws, so that what would be an awesome fight is bogged down by firstly Araki not being able to actually convey what is going on, and secondly shit happneing that simply makes no sense.

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