Memes and Yea Forums shitposting aside, is this movie actually any good/worth watching?

Memes and Yea Forums shitposting aside, is this movie actually any good/worth watching?

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Was playing on the airplane, turned it off after 20 minutes since it’s was just boring overly serious superhero shit and no chemistry or charisma with the characters.

Watched Stan and Ollie, Alita and some Thai comedy, all were worth watching and entertaining unlike Captain Marvel.

Why do people act like giving up two hours of their time is some huge sacrifice that needs to be contemplated over?


The Captain Marvel movie is genuinely not very entertaining.

I think described it best.

higher further faster baby

Because unlike you they have lives those 2 hours get taken out of

It’s not worth watching. Brie Larson is just unlikeable and I’m not even talking about her offscreen antics.

Always other things you can do with those 2 hours. I can always use more time in the day to read my books or whatever else instead.

Then why are you here?

In the grand scheme of things, two hours is miniscule.

I also watched it on an airplane

It’s just bog standard Marvel capeshit with a some cheap “YASS QWEEN” pops and some propaganda about refugees sprinkled in.

It’s about on par with like, Ant Man and Age of Ultron and the other bland entries in this franchise

It's not the worst MCU film, but it's not that interesting either.
She doesn't use her powers in visually interesting ways and she doesn't really learn to use them either. There is no growth between this and Endgame.

But there are tens of thousands of movies. You can’t watch them all not would you want to, so you have to have some criteria to pick and choose otherwise you will end up watching many many boring 2 hour movies.

Why don’t you just pick a movie you think will be terrible and spend the next 2 hours watching it?

It's not absolutely terrible, it's just mediocre. It's Thor 2 tier.

I don't know of a single MCU movie that's worth watching.

The original Avengers and Thor Ragnarok were entertaining. The rest are pretty meh.

If you need to ask whether or not to watch a movie like Captain Marvel chances are you'll just watch something just as low brow instead.

You got something for mommy, Peter?

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>don’t think, just watch Marvel movies

You take that back, ant man is kino

Yes. It's solid.

Only if you have nothing better to do

It’s a major step forward for women’s rights, so it’s good.

It's an ok movie. If you like mcu movies you will enjoy this one i think. Captain Marvel isn't really an interesting character but she isn't as bad a some other says.

Horribly boring.

It's ok-ish.
Action is fine and story is nothing special.
Larson is not that wooden.

You will forget about it very quickly.

The best these marvel movies can be is entertaining. This shit was boring on top of you know, shit