Look at this dude

Attached: geralt-1.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:



He just looks like Superman in a whatever knight costume.

What the fuck do are they supposed to be eating in whatever world this show takes place in. Cavill looks like a fucking beast

Thanks for bringing up capeshit in an unrelated thread. We really needed it

Point is he doesn't look like a different character, he looks exactly like Henry Cavill in a fan made costume.
And considering Cavill's limited acting abilities, it won't be any better in scenes.

Thanks again for pointing that out. Do you have a twitter or youtube channel where I can follow more of your stuff?


he looks fine

That is how average slav looks like, westcuck.

why didn't they get a black actor, missed opportunity from netflix

Yeah you can find me on this epic secret underground site called 4channel.org


hes not wrong you autistic faggot,remove the dollar store necklace and you wouldnt even think of geralt.

Fuck Gerald, everything should be Cavill, Trish should be Cavill, Ciri should be Cavill, even the air we breathe should be Cavill.

calm down bug chaser

he looks pretty good

I like it. All numales will be forced to watch Chad Cavill instead Gays of Thrones.

His Chad chin doesnt fit Geralt. Does anyone has an edit with Cavill with Witcher 3 beard?

>forced to watch Chad Cavill
More like they will be forced to watch Cavill get cucked by the oh so superior women and minorities. Did you forget who are the writers of this garbage show?

I mean the main tagline of it is "THE WORST MONSTERS ARE THE ONES WE CREATE"

giga chad would fit better

Oh snap! Is DC doing a time traveling Justice League movie? Knight Superman looks AMAZING. Kino and based

Reminder that this show is run by a SJW woman who support Black Life Matter or other lib shit. There will be no early seasons Game of Thrones edgy scenes with sex and brutality toward women or people of color. Even later seasons of GoT went sofdick and censored brutality or Daenerys tits

He just looks like Superman in a whatever knight costume

Will they do it?

Attached: Henry Cavill & Freya Allan.png (1341x989, 1.52M)

But Geralt looked like a complete Chad in the games too, just with pale and beat up skin

Attached: tw2 geralt.jpg (1118x720, 158K)

Jesus christ
Stop being such an autistic faggot, Henry

Point is he doesn't look like a different character, he looks exactly like Henry Cavill in a fan made costume.
And considering Cavill's limited acting abilities, it won't be any better in scenes.

He looked much normal like any Slav. Cavill's jaw is too square and wide and has that balls looking chin that is only present in American population

lmao he look like prince charming from shrek 2

Attached: 1423950679-31.jpg (998x1200, 137K)

Well, Cavill has a history with underage women, so it's likely.

>Cavill's jaw is too square and wide and has that balls looking chin that is only present in American population
>only present in American population
Cavill is British

He looks great. Why did Yea Forums complain about this again?

Because literally everything else about it is garbage.
The writers are garbage, the production design is garbage, the costume design is garbage, the other casting is garbage, and Netflix in general is garbage.

luckily witchers dont have emotions so he is good for it

>that balls looking chin that is only present in American population
>balls looking chin

That's a new one.

Attached: Sidjameslaugh.jpg (380x475, 56K)

>haha guys I'm the witcher wooo

Attached: yikes.jpg (420x525, 94K)

Point is that same for all actors.

Of course the romance novel reading roasties making this show pick a super Chad like Cavill to lead their SJW fantasy world

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>a fan made costume
Blame the production team for hiring their local knitting club to do the costumes.

Based. He can cosplay as his favorite vidya hero for money. What a Chad.

>guys it will be great just trust me

Attached: yikes_2.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

How bad do you have to be at the game that you can't afford to keep geralt clean shaven?

grrr we hate em dont we pepebro

>here's your Witcher medalion bro

Attached: 1562578239766.jpg (136x148, 17K)

just like my favorite Power Rangers episode

Attached: yikes_3.jpg (896x504, 231K)

That's pretty much exactly as it's described

Fuck me, they even turned Vesemir into a penny pincher. FUCK these Netflix cunts bros...


>guys no really it's going to be great just trust me

Attached: yikes_4.webm (480x600, 2.89M)

AHHHHHH that damn race changing of the characters is killing muh vidya gam movie!

Its the one that Peter Griffin has

looks like an episode of that wow parody porn series from the late 2000s with mia rose

>there are actual soi filled gamers who will watch cuckflix for this garbage
>SJW american woman having any idea about east European culture, racial ethnicity and gender norms

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A cleft?

The race is not even the main problem, the main problem is obvious dogshit production design, dogshit choreography. And the fact that there are like 15 twitter writers.

>All elves will be portrayed as Blacks
WOW such a subtle addition to the books!

He had a square and wide jaw in the game too Slavman

Attached: geralt-the-witcher-hd-screenshot.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Why the fuck wouldnt they give him the white beard. I dont get it

Is this some LARPing session or official thing?

Well he is a literal mutant.

how could you possibly know? all their is are production shots, I know it's a difficult concept for vidyafags but random behind the scenes still shots don't mean anything

The costume is good actually and even the gray hair isn't bad. It's just Cavill face that look too modern i think. He should've grown a beard, it would have been better.

the elves are mostly evil in the books, so I doubt it

yeah and Cavill should hide it as its not a Slav feature

>how could you possibly know
Does this look good to you? Do you think you can fix that in post?

But it is very attractive

But geralt keeps clean shaven as much as possible, he's basically autistic about it

That's not even shot, your complaining about the costume not the choreography which you have no idea about, noone does we haven't seen anything yet

I mean he is supposed to be mutant half-monster thing after all

>here's you Geralt bro

Attached: sec_37751568-0ef2.jpg (644x338, 34K)

That's a costume test not a scene you vidyafags, complain about the costume fine but that's not choreography of anything it's a costume test

He will have facial hair growth progress from episode to episode and reddit will lose their shit.

What the fuck is this entire sentence. Are you some third world pajeet?

That hairline isn't book accurate

lol so vidyafags really are illiterate, good to know

Read the books. Witchers have emotions. Geralt is just an /r9k/ tier autist and uses mutations as an excuse so people stop bothering him about acting like a robot.

my favourite thing he does is just making up "witcher rules" cause he doesn't want to do something

obviously refers to Vampires and Werewolves who create more monsters like them by biting people.

you told me he'd be black and transgender to stick it to the racist incels who like the video game

That is a if not the major theme f the entire series, a lot of the monsters geralt is hired to kill literally did nothing wrong, while humans dwarves and elves are pretty much all pieces of shit

witcher is literally just capeshit

no its fantasy but go ahead and just keep applying "capeshit" to everything, thats sure to convince people

nigga why would i waste my time on trivial unfun bullshit like that.
it's like getting on someone's ass for not playing the bowling missions in gta 4

cavil would demolish her so hard the membrane that separates her ass and pussy would vanish and she'd be stuck with an aussy for the rest of her life.

Attached: aussie in their habitat.jpg (915x1084, 87K)

Yeah the show will never do any of the books justice. The costume alone makes it clear that they will do a game Witcher adaptation where Geralt is a badass in cool armor and not just a dirty gypsie in rags who tries to make a few bucks here or there in order to survive.

The games >>>>>>>>>> the books

yea I just want to see him slumming around taking odd jobs, and that bit where he just punches the fuck out of a "duelist" that challenges him

In what way? The characters are much more complex and interesting in the books. The games treat them all rather straight forward as if the CDPR people only took everyone at face value and ignored the deeper parts of their personalities. Like how Triss is actually a love interest for Geralt in the games when he only pities her in the books because of how pathetic she is in trying to be loved.

go back vidyafags have already proven they are illiterate, your opinion on any book is irrelevant

he's never read the books don't bother, and yea the whole triss love angle in the games was really strange

gypsies are inherently unlikeable.

Just like Witchers. That's my point.

Looks incredibly based

I have read them and they are not great.
Also short stories >>>>>>>> novels

that much is almost true, except for
>when geralt gets made 'of rivia'
>the assault on vilgys fort

He doesn't though

Are you an autistic? It's all being recorded by one of the extras on their phone and they're laughing half the time - they're just fucking around. There's no choreography in sight here.

why would they? he shaves

there's a video of this with sound? can you post it, i've only seen that damn webm that's been posted 5 million times.

t. bideo game nerd

my mom sister and daughter want to fuck him

difficult to take your role seriously when you're wearing a black cock outfit

is this also autisim? look at their faces

Also the entire Thanedd coup. The book lulled you in to the point where you thought nothing would ever happen and then suddenly shit got real. One of my all time favorite reading experiences. I did not see any of it coming.

would you believe me if i told you i never watched beyond the first two seconds until you told me to just now?

what about your gf

i hate the witcher and i cant wait for this stupid show to fail miserably but this makes me lose it every time.

also thread/

me ofc

yea it slows to a crawl, and then FUCK


>Black ones
>Wearing black


what's the point of carrying water for netflix over this? the suits look retarded and that's a fact and you look dumb when you try to defend them.

at least focus your energies on something like "we don't know anything substantial about it yet, this is just backstage leaks, let's wait until we see a trailer/episode", etc.

I will torrent the series for Henry alone
I also get to laugh at the other stuff as a bonus

cheap shit, get a hair cut

i own an electric razor
do you know how much money i've saved on haircuts over the years

do you?

rent free

This is going to be a fucking disaster.
6/10s at best

stop samefagging

thats not samefagging, its a broken bot


>everything is always ok


why is this board so unironically and collectively gay for this man? he's not even some meme at this point, anons crave to be bred by him

Attached: 37536287286357.jpg (690x920, 47K)

I'm not even gay or anything, he's just a handsome, likable guy. Has probably been on here a few times, maybe even posted. Truly /ourchad/.

It's truly a mystery.

Attached: Henry Cavill Immortals-2.jpg (2400x1628, 231K)

who's ready for interracial sex scene?

Attached: af0zr9.jpg (1040x768, 299K)

ayy lmao @ bottom right

I literally do not care about the race of most characters, as long as the Nilfgaardians are Roman looking and Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer are white. But they fucked up already with Yennefer so I'll have to pull myself together.

Also, they will never be able to pull off the story twists the books set up so beautifully

Look good as Kraven

Attached: Kraven the hunter!.jpg (600x338, 73K)

>imagine the smell

he has good genes. his brother is also chad

Attached: 1203230147.jpg (359x512, 25K)

I don't even care about the race thing, but those costumes look embarrasingly cheap.

He is handsome, muscular, polite, affectionate, loves animals, likes video games, has a big fluffy doge, is funny, gorgeous eyes, and despite the meme has nice hair.

Attached: 1536246689468.gif (268x268, 2.6M)

no because youll just say were
>carrying water for netflix
at that too.

Yeah, and he looks different in everything he's in. Who remembers he was in Tudors? Nobody, because he didn't look like himself back then

we're all women ITT though

wow this looks much better than i expected kill allnigros

>roman looking
are you confusing holy roman empire with rome?

isn't he a little too masculine to be a witcher? I always thought Geralt had a bit of a feminine air about him similar to an elf etc

uh oh time for another thread of retards who didn't read the books to say
for the 400th time, still being wrong

Probably, to be fair though, the Nilfgaardian foot soldiers can be any race because they conquered so many places

because thats video game shit?

>why is this board so unironically and collectively gay for this man?
So you new here... mmmhhmmmm

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I’ve never watched the super man movies because they’re shit. He looks like a passable Geralt. Too bad the women are all minorities.

thats how its actually described stop thinking this is a video game adaptation you fucking retards

>Who remembers he was in Tudors?

I remember it, especially for the good armour - something the Witcher probably won't have.

Attached: henry cavill the tudors-3.jpg (2000x1333, 469K)

im not talking about their race, but its not like they would take provincial soldiers en masse and just send them up to the northern realms. Provincial soldiers typically stay in their general area.

lol, and in this pic he looks completely different from how I remmeber him in Tudors. At the beginning of the show I didn't even recognize him until I looked up the cats

holy shit literally make his hair white, eyes yellow give him a sword on his back and one on the horse and that dog medalion and you have a witcher

Wait, this is set before the games so it should be Geralt, Yen and Ciri's adventures, but I saw images of adult Ciri, what the fuck?

He got more hairy and grizzled as the seasons went on.

Attached: Henry Cavill - Tudors.jpg (1088x1450, 460K)

damn that armor design looks pretty great. not sure about the weird ball things on the shoulder plates though

It's weird, I assume they will have one half of the first season focusing on the Short story books and then start jumping back and forth in time. Or tell the beginning of the story in a flashback style.

Also, Ciri probably looks older because most of the shit that happens to her is pretty heinous and honestly I don't want to see that happen to an 12-14 year old actress

I looked for you at the Trident.

Attached: it has to be done.jpg (400x242, 23K)

>the average slav looks like an Amerimutt actor

Ok, Vitali.

subliminal advertisement must work since both my brothers are back to playing W3 recently lol

>she'd be stuck with an aussy for the rest of her life.


Henry Cavill isn't American.

that's how it supposed to be faggot

>in the books, elves and dwarves are discriminated against by the humans
>but in the show, humans are diverse POCs

Are they gonna show POCs yelling slurs at elves? Because that would be based... unless they went the idiot route and make only the racist humans white and all elves are brown

He could have been a great Aegon Targaryen.

Can Colossal Cavill stop Salamandra?

Attached: 8ECrY8l.gif (728x408, 2.05M)

tis a mystery

Attached: 1536084412239.gif (268x400, 2.53M)

>calling a movie you never watched shit
The absolute state of Yea Forums

I hope they don't make fun of manlets like in the video game

Attached: 3e9.png (500x533, 531K)

>thinking cavill is an american

jesus christ people on this site are so damn retarded

Fucking Chad

could be epic but I do not like this director of spiderman

Gnomes did nothing wrong tho

The Temerian armour looks pretty good.

Attached: giysrc6czb031.jpg (1024x766, 76K)

gonna watch for cavill
no homo

stop trying to imply the 'NetWitcher' is cool

cosplayers make better looking armor than that out of foam and glue

He is so handsome!

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>He looks like a passable Geralt.
Stop talking nonsense. In the books Geralt was a freak.

Looks nothing like Geralt, but I'll still watch this absolute unit. Honestly, I am more disappointed in the other cast choices, especially Yennefer.

Attached: 65191523_586621098528275_4114942918351730798_n.jpg (1080x1080, 126K)

It’s gonna be a good show. Deal with it

this, incels hating on it have to have sex

Attached: 1548883512184.jpg (1095x335, 138K)


the books are actually very feminist and Geralt despises racism so it’s good that the show has writers who feel the same

Yea but Geralt hates elves though.

They'd never have the balls to do it, but if they lightened her up and gave her the right makeup the indian chick could look like yen

they wont have the balls for that though
its going to suck regardless

They gonna americanize it the same way they wanted to do with metro. It is going to be all about colonialism and slavery and american race problems so no, it isn't good that writers are obsessed about it.

Should've just been a Highlander reboot rather than The Witcher.

God I wish he would breed me

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hot take, pajeet

Attached: freya allan the witcher ciri.jpg (1038x1280, 157K)

>basing your series on the books (no one has read) instead of witcher 3

Attached: 1560873611782.png (1024x1052, 839K)

>only knowing Witcher 3
fucking casuals

>knowing more than witcher 3
I wish I was 14 again and had time to waste my time with that shit

Attached: 1530706411503.jpg (288x450, 19K)

>white hair
>black stubble
Genius work.


Please, larpers actually put effort into their costumes

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