Cinema Antifa - Casablanca

well Yea Forums what do we think?

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Other urls found in this thread:ém_Tower

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>can't discuss a movie without somehow bringing his political position into it


Hot Take:
Fascism is bad

dont @ me queers

he's fallen deeper and deeper into the political twitter abyss he's never coming back from it

pretty based




>local honeypot '''nazi''' party didn't get to parliament
>I have to endure normies talking about how 'fascism was defeated again' all fucking day.
Send help

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this nigga on a whole new level

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He's literally this:

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holy shit this is all Brows Held High fucking based Jeremiah should watch his Trash Humpers review

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is not shutting down all speech equality while only shutting down some, discrimination? They were depraving them of their free speech. what many don't understand is that calls to violence are not protected speech , singing a song that is not about shooting up people is.

Do any of you know what your ancestors did? I grew up in a time when we were told it was unimportant and we should not take pride in their accomplishments. consequently I also don't know anything about their failures or what they did for food.

*ancestoral imperial smiles*

>Trump supporters are the proletariat

A few brainwashed class traitors, maybe, but mostly they're about as bourgeois as it gets.

also small correction. shutting down all speech is equality in a layman terms. In truth anything that takes away is not equality even if it takes away equally, meaning if you just make everyone poor thats not equality even if they are technically equal. felt like I should correct it before some smartass did

are they uneducated rednecks or burgies, make up your mind.
Last I checked most googler onions boys and hollywood kikes lean left and go out of their way to mess with any right wing narrative.
If anything you guys are the fucking fascists.

Antifa recruits from Berkeley dropouts, college professors and trannies most of whom have never so much as met a manual labourer in their lives much less done manual labour themselves

that does not mean the other side is full of manual labourers

Farmers. No idea about anything else.

There's hasn't been a genuine rich leftist since Engels, Hollywood celebrities and Silicone Valley oligarchs are respectively controlled opposition and libertarian weirdos (and even libertarian is too friendly a term for them, considering their utter disregard for privacy and actual individuality that goes beyond easily marketable "identities" that might as well be fashion statements)

The liberal left is a sham the CIA propped up during the Cold War to prevent a real proletarian movement to take hold and to defang actual radical civil rights movement by drowning them in stoned, suburban, mostly white, hippies. They made some good music and that's about as useful as they got. You're more of a leftist than just about anyone in Hollywood when you join a labour union.

>class traitors

>faggots actually use this term seriously

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Wtf does Casablanca have to do with Nazis?

then go bomb banks or some shit, stop harrassing normal people who don't know better

Christ I thought polfags were batshit

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I can't find this comment.
Its basically just pro-war propaganda, its skippable.

The mistake is equivocating the scene to what's happening now. Playing la marsaillaise in nazi occupied morocco is a bit more meaningful and courageous than any of antifa's bullshit.

>Here's your movie reviewer bro

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>The liberal left is a sham the CIA propped up during the Cold War to prevent a real proletarian movement to take hold

Or...Marxism is such a fucking joke anyone with common sense abandoned it decades ago.

>voting to protect American jobs from outsourcing to the third world and insourcing to illegals makes you a class traitor

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he's a big guy

>pursuing illegal and dangerous actions out of misguided altruism stirred up by propaganda distributed by a rich elite seeking to break down barriers to their total dominion
nothing about playing la marsaillaise in nazi occupied morocco is different to antifa.

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I can't even tell if this is bait or sincere but either way kys

based leftist intellectual

>all white cast where every character is wrapped in pontificating self-importance
sounds about right

except thats not what they are voting for, end result speaks for itself.

They cute

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That's exactly what they were voting for, but because the American government is a corrupt joke of a system, they are not getting what they voted for.

Yeah antifa

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It's a dead ideology, I don't know why Murican liberals are so obsessed with it.

Reminder you can't be anti-Fascists and not an antifa.

>honey I'm home from work! How was your day? Did you ban anymore misogynists from your subreddit? What was it called again... r/gamerghazi?

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stick to converting gay redditors, chapofag.

Well they ain't in Antifa

Hell yeah brother! I heard the local council put up a new bin outside out fave latte joint. Let's show them booshgwazee who's boss!

Horrible face, smoochable butt.

I don't give a fuck. As long as it triggers all the nazi-stormfront losers on here I'm happy. You wouldn't have replied to this thread if that video didn't piss you off.

i just moved my penis from my right pants leg to my left pants leg

gay and yikespilled

>content exists
>only people who criticize it are X
This is your brain on Marxism

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>Do any of you know what your ancestors did?
In America, hardly anybody has records of their ancestors prior to the Civil War and the establishment of federal tax records.

>You wouldn't have replied to this thread if that video didn't piss you off.

also lmao at that dude who thinks im a marxist just because i shat on nazism. Literal moron.

why are you including my penis into this

Not an argument

>You wouldn't have replied to this thread if that video didn't piss you off.

have sex.

you're weird

Not an argument

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have sex

i don't think i was wrong about you being a goo gobble tho

you think this

fighting nazis = fighting fascism
antifa = bored middle class kids shouting down someone who thinks $4 million of the university budget would be better spent on scholarships for the disadvantaged than a safespace for spoiled little shits using racebait as an excuse to throw a neurotic tantrum

the majority of Trump supporters are professionals, bosses, or college kids, that hardly makes them the proletariot. There are some like the poster admits, but most are literally there to suck the cock of the upper class.

Antifa is claiming ownership of a movie that literally crated the racist "Sambo" character?

You've failed to defend your position that it's inappropriate to critique these self-styled movie critics. Only resorting to mere recycled rhetoric in an attempt to fortify your stance, which has done nothing to further your position, and has in fact done quite the opposite

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Traitors before enemies.

You may not like it, but this is what Peak Leftism looks like.

Could you better define what a traitor is in your eyes?

protectionism is hard to implement without consequence and jobs are going to get automated anyways. trump has an archaic view on labor. everyone might benefit from increased immigration as labor is not finite.

have sex

how the hell are we both going to get a lot of jobs being automated while at the same time we'll be needing more immigration for labor

I'm not him. Just pointing out that them targeting what they see as traitors makes sense.

Cotton mills and mines, probably farmers before that

I can trace my lineage on my father's side 'til the 16th century. Sucks for you that you probably don't know anything about your family before they arrived at Ellis Island.

> labor is not finite.
Please elaborate.

Without getting into whatever the fuck targeting traitors involves, what makes a person a so-called "traitor"? Love for your country? Putting the needs of citizens above noncitizens? Disagreement? Merely questioning? The antifa circlejerk on reddit targets anyone who attempts to ask questions outside of their "gospel". Absolutely derranged

yeah dude like golf club billionaires and white-picket-fence middle class jobbers are totally the proletariat

I'm rollin on trips buddy. I'm swimming in pussy right now

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I'm not the one to answer those questions.

not really. how could assaulting other proles possibly affect the bourgeois? it's just classic divide and conquer shit. good job taking the bait, useful idiot.

>Dude you're not fascist so you must be antifa
>Dude you're for equal rights so you must be feminist

You tried.

close but no cookie

I should notify you of my earlier achievements
As trips are quite rare, I would like both of you to congratulate me on my efforts

A ton of working class folks voted for Trump, but they did so mostly because the neoliberal global capitalist order (the so called "international division of labour") left them behind

These people are victims, first of all

Only if you acknowledge my dubs.

I'm assuming you mean illegal immigration. I'd hope that the immigrant population granted amnesty would integrate with footholds in low skilled labor before that labor itself becomes obsolete. trump isn't addressing this issue well
captial by its very nature is that of constant expansion. stimulating it should create more labor, however automation might have an education barrier i'll say

isnt such tribalism anathema to your other bullshit? im honestly confused

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no Trump supporters are footsolders for the bourgeoisie. but nice try teeny pooper.

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The power of my trips compels you to check everything.

>1-percenters are getting richer than ever
>everyone else is being left behind and fighting for scraps
>meanwhile, the planet is heating up, robots are taking over and a global recession is coming

Movies for this feel?

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yeah my ancestors were slave owners. good for them lmao. and the others fought in the war.

This must be some sort of psychological pathology. It's not healthy to hate your in group like that.

then why weigh in, retard? why post at all? just playing devil's advocate for the fuck of it, right? i can't stand dishonest pricks like you.

Wat if I told you that Murricans are the Burgeoisie of the entire world and need to be dealt with before we can live in a glorious socialist Utopia...Death to Murrica!

Stop posting.

This but unironically

Just drop the code words and admit you hate the Jewish elite already bro. We all know what you class obsessed weirdos really talk about anyways.

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it's true, bitch

this but unironically

Reread your post after you calm down and you will get your answer.

Were they part of the Junta?
I know my grandpa was, to some degree

this, but without the glorious socialist utopia

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>talks about how fascism shuts down all freedom of speech under the pretense of shutting down some freedom of speech
>calls yelling loudly antifascist

he's so close to seeing his hypocrysy and yet so far away lmao

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i'm not calmed up, buddy, and i can't infer what you think from my own words. stop being an obtuse pseudo intellectual and tell the thread what you think.

I wasnt being ironic

americans are so cucked lmao

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I think you're retarded.

farmer family can trace it back to 17th century

great talk, champ

Thank you. Effort posting is no easy thing.

i don't know who my dad is

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>t. Oven dodger

he probably thought it'd be exasperating talking to an american who's completely clueless about everything he's talking about

lol, is this nigga for real?

Casablanca is pro-war propaganda. Of course, it's anti-fascist. However, Rick would be pretty cheesed off if a horde of trans-mutant cuckolds ransacked his bar because "fuck capitalism".

I wonder how much of Casablanca's cast and crew went on to support the Hollywood blacklist later on.

Bogart was against the blacklist

>Of course, it's anti-fascist.
What do you think the term 'antifa' stands for?

i thought it was intifada desu



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You sound like a fucking weeb tbqh


it stands for anti-fascists but that's just a cover for young queer men to harass normies and have gay sex later.

>only furthering my point

i´ll get shat on for actually knowing about fucking rick and morty lore, but that morty would kill that rick. just like another antifa puritan would cave that ones skull in for using that problematic archaic font.

>call themselves anti-fascists
>act like fascists
>try to impose fascism on people
What did they mean by this?

rick and morty is good for what it is

>and have gay sex later
You mean like this guy?

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yeah exactly

Teach me how to unweeb, senpai.

Apparently, some of them were architects.

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Why does he keep talking about 'doing fascism' and 'not doing fascism'? Does he understand his own language? This is shit English.

What a cuck.

do you hear that, alt-right nazis?

if you happen to find yourself occupying Morocco, you're gonna get milkshaked. Now I am the Casablanca.

because he has no grasp of what facism is except a blanket term for things and people he doesnt like and must rebel against

Top tier lovecraft aesthetic.

Yeah I just saw a post of him saying
>IQ is a racist concept that no one should take seriously

Jesus, this guy.

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Imagine these two having sex. His fupa slapping against its(?) fat flaps. Ugh.

You all need to kill yourselves

it's y'all you cracka ass cracka

Found moreém_Tower

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Hello, Giorgos.
Tell your countrymen to stop voting for retarded stooges who shit all over your economy instead of worrying about fascism.

Are you black? or not white?

>I grew up in a time when we were told it was unimportant
this is not a consequence of your generation, it is a consequence of your parent's retardation.

seeth more z tier eceleb

Didnt golden dawn lose their votes to that new right wing party? I know they basically lost half their votes.

A shame too.

hey that's in lisboa or atleast looks like it

They lost more to ND because they were seething too hard at syriza to think rationally and realise that ND has more in common with syriza than with them.

Fascism is good and righteous.

The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree apparently.

I hope this fucker dies. What a pathetic waste of life.

she looks like one of those muppets you see in old shows on nickelodeon and the guy is a neckbeard (most of leftism is just projection)


>Fascism is bad
based retard

if fascism is so easily defeated why do they KEEP WHINING ABOUT IT?

Uhhhh, I actually like the guy’s Shakespeare reviews

>complain about identities and whites in the same post

but he is right about it being more courageous, as the pigs don't do shit with antifa

fought in some wars. pretty cool.

it is though
manual shit correlates with lower education and those people are more "conservative"

source? aside form your anus of course

>the ring
>my preecciousss

It doesn't. It makes them useful idiots.

This "man" is pathetic