This flick was unironically pretty decent and funny. Why do you guys hate on it so much...

This flick was unironically pretty decent and funny. Why do you guys hate on it so much? Probably one of the better women-led original movies out there.

Attached: Ghostbusters-2016.jpg (1600x900, 416K)

you have to reduce your onions intake


I watched it and it's got a decent first act but then it loses a lot of steam and I was not invested at all so I dropped it. No desire to finish.

you really need to have sex

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If it wasn't based on the original Ghostbusters movie then it would probably be considered a decent movie, it's that it pales in comparison and was aggressively pushed as a replacement of the original movie that made it hated.

The movie was also brought down a huge deal by the non-existent writing (Paul Feig likes to just have people ad lib a lot) and the lack of a supernatural aesthetic that Dan Akroyd brought to the original due to his love of the supernatural and aliens and all that. The movie also did bad about realizing what worked in the original movie. As the original had the guys working as glorified exterminators mostly to make a living, versus Fembusters trying to make it look like the women were being badasses (at times).

the movie would have been a lot better without kate mckinnon. she ruined it for me. havnt seen her in anything else but after that performance i think shes comedy kryptonite.

This movie should be erased from existance.

I love this I dont get the hate.

Why? Because you hate women?

Not him but fuck women, fuck niggers, fuck faggots and fuck you

Mate she was the best one

why? because you hate movies?

You sound insecure. Do you think coming here to be edgy will solve your self-esteem and financial situations?

sounds like you got money problems go over to /biz/

textbook projection

Okay you're right sorry for being a faggot.


did they seriously write that with a straight face?

It wasn't that bad but it was a really shitty use of the Ghostbusters IP

Read up on the original comics, they were pretty dark.

the best one was the black one because its racist to say otherwise.

Have sex.

I did not laugh one time during this movie

I thought the scene with Leslie Jones with the mannequins, and also the final boss turning into the logo was good. That’s it

The rest was horseshit

OP you pooped your pants.
oh wait, that was a line in the movie. an entire scene about a guy that shit his pants.
yeah good stuff.

>still trying
hope that black spot in your last x-rays evolves in a massive tumor

Saw it with a friend who took his stepdaughter to see it. Forgettable is the best possible description I could give it.

So did the SNL ape ever find out Sony was the one that makes it when she went on a twitter tirade?

At least it was the end of Feig.

Hi, Amy Pascal!

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The comic was pretty fucking dark at times.
I remember that scene where he shoves an exhaust pipe into that mechanic's ass, only it was played straight. Turns out that would not be good for your health.

og comic is edgelord incarnate.

absolutely based

dont forget the pussy fart jokes.

Having seen the black ones nudes, which included her being done anal, and the dude screwing her had a god damn fucking worm on his dick I now have no will to live.

>white ""men"" are so cucked they cry white women are being erased when white women stole a bunch of white male franchises

>His dick worms never grew in puberty

What do you eat as self-sustaining snacks then?