It’s getting worse

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Have you tried being yourself?

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For you

Is it just me... or are things getting crazier out there?

What is?

>Have you tried being yourself?
That's what got me into this mess in the first place


maybe try having sex?

Stop being bitches

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You have one life to live, do what you want with it

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Do you read Sutter Kane?

Wife material

>that terminator-level drive to kill herself

Give me a break, she could have found another guy within minutes.


What is getting worse?

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that particular article didn't mention that she had almost uncontrollable IBS and really bad gas so it had practically killed her acting career before it started, that boyfriend was the only guy who could stand to be around her

Soon brother, soon.

Shut up you little bitch, she didn't another guy she wanted to die. And she fucking did.

this girl literally looks like wojak lol

imagine the smell