>Watch The Departed >Expect it to be a crime/drama thriller >Instead it should be called The Cuckparted >mfw the protagonist gets cucked six ways from sunday
What was the point of this fucking movie?
Pic related: He literally didn't do anything wrong
Pre-emptive stirke on Infernal Affairs redditors. If that isn't your native language you are literally incapable of appreciating the performances and you're lying about preferring it to The Departed.
Austin Williams
>the rat at the end
Jonathan King
Why are his brains shooting out the back of his head? I don't see an entry wound. Is this the same level as the laser gun from Goodfellas?
Wyatt Thompson
Matthew Rivera
Shoddy digital effects. What else do you expect from a senile filmmaker?
Oliver White
this movie made me hate boston accent
Isaiah Cruz
I saw the Simpsons spoof before the actual movie and I couldn't believe the rat was actually a thing.
Austin Stewart
Fuckin fiyafightas are a buncha queers
Hudson Moore
>laser gun from Goodfellas Explain
Henry Campbell
>It's a frog poster misunderstands a shitpost episode
Ian Wright
This is the most overrated film of all time. It’s a shitty remake of a foreign film, but somehow it’s not rightfully derided. You know you’ve fucked up when slants have better acting than you. I think it’s riding entirely on name recognition, because people are sheep.
Yeah, but I also can’t tell if the performances are absolute shit, like in the departed. It’s also far more believable setting it not in bumfuck Boston with modern technology. But you can ignore all that, if you completely lack taste: the simple fact is that the departed ending is pure shit and completely misses the point of the story.
Gavin Brooks
Anthony Ward
>Be Scorsese >Take a caustic, pitch black Hong Kong crime kino. >Rewrite the characters to be quipping clowns. >Rewrite the mob boss to be a cartoon character. >Rewrite the psychologist character to be totally irrelevant outside of being a slut. >Rewrite the ending for Americans, so that the bad cop gets assassinated instead of getting away with it and having to live with his guilt. >Win your only best picture Oscar for this trash.
The original is tripe. I saw it before I saw the Departed which was its own flavor of bullshit.
William Myers
Practically ever Damon character is gay because he's gay in case you were unaware.
Gabriel Adams
>i-i was only pretending to be retarded
Camden Collins
*goes black and white* *fades out* *flashback* *melodramatic music starts up* the absolute state of asian cinema youtu.be/k-SOciCRCdo
Jack Kelly
He, won a best picture for a rip off?
Asher Morgan
Wasn't even me. This thread got plenty of (you) action, which is too much for this lame duck movie
Jonathan Hernandez
It's an official American remake, but they hushed up that fact to make it seem like an original screenplay, since remakes are obviously less prestigious. The original is actually part of a trilogy.
William Watson
>OP spams cuck You HAVE to be over 18 to be here.
Nicholas Torres
Pretty embarrassing, user; how did you manage to get plebfiltered by a remake of all things?
Imagine having your own mind this warped from the culture of some ridiculous meme image board that your only means of communicating criticism is by muttering "cuck" repeatedly.