Will he be named at the Epstein trail tomorrow?
Will he be named at the Epstein trail tomorrow?
whos lardo retardo
What's his name again?
Who? You mean "Beer Can" Dan? You mean Dan "Rough-rider" Schneider? Dan, "the man with a cunny-ing plan"? You talking 'bout Dan "Post your feet, I'll let your favorite stars eat" Schneider?
Dan fought against Epstein, sure he tickled some toes but who hasn't?
>Epstein trail
>Hikers find a surprise at the end of their journey
>It isn't a bear
Wtf kys
Imagine being a neckbeard on Yea Forums
You spent the last decade of your life trying to take down a children's show creator for imagined crimes because of memes
You do this instead of getting a job
You do this instead of meeting a girl
You do this instead of getting married and starting a family
You do this instead of having a life
And what do you have to show for it?
A few million piss bottles and cum rags while your perceived enemy just got a fat $7 million bonus and will go on to to work for Disney and make more bank
I have a feeling Dan is safe from the Epstein info. I think even Epstein had standards and wouldn't let a footfag onto his plane.
>Will he be named at the Epstein trail tomorrow?
Peak Dan. Cucking a sitting President.
Based level >9000
t. Dan
t. faggot
Based Dan get away with it. God among men.
>Will he be named at the Epstein trail tomorrow?
Will Bill?
If he fought Epstein it was probably to access more preteens.
thanks for bringing politics up. now this thread can get BASED
surprisingly his name isn't on the list
quick rundown?
Some guy posted it. IMO its interesting how oddly specific some of the details are. Obviously its authenticity cannot be verified.
Yeah....no. I think some of those people, maybe, but this looks like your typical pol dogshit. I'll wait till tomorrow when a real list comes out.
What's specific about it? It doesn't even say what the list is supposed to mean. Is it a witness list? Supposed incoming indictments? Currently open investigations? The lolcowing of some stupid faggot? Who knows.
>only big democrats
call it politic bullshit post
the IMAGINE pasta has really changed over the years
When I was about 12 I used to make those fucking terrible quizzes on those god-awful quiz websites. One of them was a Drake & Josh trivia quiz. Anyway, I thought that the guy who made the show was Rob (not Dan) Schneider, so somewhere on the internet is a Drake & Josh trivia quiz filled with references to South Park's Rob Schneider jokes.
Some just keep getting away with it
This guy posted it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
So it's some dumb LARPer
got it
Sounds like /pol/ meme. I bet almost no one will be named.
I'd love it but this is pure LARPing
Hi Dan!
Probably. If so it's one of the better larps I've seen.
dumb frogposter
>so somewhere on the internet is a Drake & Josh trivia quiz filled with references to South Park's Rob Schneider jokes.
Sounds rad bro.
what did she mean by this?
You realize Dan has an IQ of 180 and is one of the world's greatest criminal masterminds, right? Legit 180 IQ look it up. No one is ever going to catch him.
he looks like fat ryan reynolds from just friends.
Aww fuck not RDJ! Everyone else in that list can burn.
poor girls
what did she mean by this?
Oh boy. What a coincidence that it's exclusively members of the Democratic Party and, except for West, celenrities known to be critical of the government on that list. That doesn't sound at all like something a rightist shill made up.
Lol, I do all of this
fuck that crackhead tranny cock sucker, and his reddit persona super hero
Based Dan is untouchable
I don't see Trump in here. I mean, he raped a 13 years old, that's something.
Oh and I don't see the only one that count either, Alan Dershowitz
a lot of jews will be named, but the media will call the white pedos
Fuck you Dan, your day will come soon enough.
"suicide" in cell seems likely
>oddly specific
>Many age 20-39
Flight manifests are very flammable unfortunately.
Holy fucking based