He gave Avengers: Endgame a 5/10. Was he in the right?

He gave Avengers: Endgame a 5/10. Was he in the right?

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He fucks dogs.

He reviews movies?

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YMS doesn't like anything.

Except dog anus

dog fucker

I don't think I've seen a review by him I've actually agreed with. Even with movies that I have a similar opinion on, he likes or hates them for completely different reasons than I do, and they're usually nitpicks.

only ones that came out after the year 2000 and "reviews" is pushing it

so much dogs to fuck so little time

Yes, marvel is garbage.



>gives endgame a 5/10
>all of maulers zoomer fans rush to disown yms and join merks sorry ass making daily dogfucker hate threads

Maybe you can turn your brain off and just watch a movie but he's just too smart for that.

It literally doesn't have to do anything with any reviews... he just fucks dogs is all.

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Does he review movies or fuck dogs? I forget sometimes.

He’s a mentally ill furry. All furries are mentally ill.

I don’t think he can even think straight.

He's not wrong, infinity war was a way better film. But he's a dog fucker so fuck him q

Yes, but he still fucks dogs.

Why is Yea Forums the only board that doesn't commit bestiality?

Infinity war was the best avengers movie by a country mile, and endgame is so cheap and shitty, in a way it didn't even have to be. It undies far too much of infinity war and ruins any sense of anything being at stake. It wasn't a perfect movie but it was pretty good as a standalone except for Tom Holland, he's a terrible actor and can't convince me of anything, he's also a not so closet homo. If infinity war was the last movie in the series it would go down in history as some of the bravest shit for such a long running franchise of films. Too bad endgame Saturday morning cartoons it and only kills off one of the many actors who are fucking done being in avengers shit. They could have easily killed all of them and left them dead out of convenience and had a true lasting impression. Now we're getting 20 more years of Junior varsity avengers doing "higher stakes" power creep shit with lower budgets and somehow even worse cgi

>When he pretentiously gushes about synecdoche New York and Kaufman basically says "you missed the point and I'm not convinced you actually know what I was going for"
Now that was kino. Still a boring shitty movie, Kaufman only serves to prove that he's high on his own jenkem and people who claim to like his films just pretend to like it for big brain good boy points.

Seems like you have a shitty attention span.

I can’t stand his nasally voice, does he actually speaks like that?

he's a gay autistic Canadian so yes they all sound that way

That's him trying not to be nasally and annoying. I'd say watch his gaming streams but it's even worse, instead of trying to give his voice some range and direction he just monotonously drones on, and then gets super excited and his voice gets high gay and squeeky.

cmon faggots - they are all awful movies.

you cant expect otherwise

Okay I’ll bite what’s with the dog fucking allegations

the way he says "annoying" makes me want to stab pencils into my ears


He publically states there is nothing morally wrong with raping animals if you are willing to kill them for sustenance, which from a Christian position is the purpose of livestock to begin with, and from an atheist position contributes to the degeneration of society

That’s pretty fucked


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Ralphthemoviemaker > IHE > YMS

They are all terrible in their own ways but I can at least stomach ralph's shit.

>bad because we don't agree

Mistagg >Ralph>ihe>yms
Ihe could beat Ralph if his critiques ever amounted to more than THIS MOVIE IS SO BOOOOHHHHHRRIIINNNNG

based canine copulator

IHE is just a pleb who goes after lowest common denominator trash and can't give actual critique to save his life. Honestly worse than dogfucker.

ralph ruined any credibility he had with this

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its clear mark was making them he would post the same stupid images just like the weird sam hyde spammer only recently has he not spammed his images every thread about yms

Yea Forums is pedophiles

You know, I used to watch his videos a while back. When I heard him defend fucking animals I never looked back. Furfags need to disappear from life.

What ever happened to mark? Was it over money?

Why does everyone youtuber with a review channel try and make drive on their first go around?

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Jesus Christ I didnt think it could be possible to be more annoying than little kids but Adam really showed me here

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The dog fucker's actually right this time. Endgame was garbage

he liked Shazam

Is it just me or does his voice get more grating the longer the video goes on? Fucking insufferable, can't believe people listen to that voice streaming for hours on twitch.


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fuck off furry die die die

very based

This guy is not only a dog fucker, but he's a pretentious faggot with a nasally voice.

Holy shit palindrome digits

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i think he does it on purpose. if you watch his early videos its much more toned-down and he sounds more like a regular person. could just be that he got better audio equipment, though


>tfw have this on my hard drive but won't ever upload it when Yea Forums asks for it

Bad because his opinion is often trash.

IHE is worse than YMS

this is true, every ihe opinion is low IQ garbage

>talentless contrarian furfag

yeah... he's right your alley op

Plebs hate him because he btfos their favourite flicks while at the same time promoting some kinos to the masses.

this. people on this board can't think of any legitimate criticism other than "he fucks dogs" (which is not true)

hi adam, can you give me a shoutout on your next video?
my name is Seymore Mandix

Why did he give Zootopia a 10/10?

thanks for your input adam

>promotes kinos
>thought too old to die young was boring

pick one

>he btfos their favourite flicks
checks out


This guy is gross so I don't care what he thinks.

With respect to Avengers Endgame - I don't know how this film will age well. It follows a very specific narrative that requires you be familiar with 10+ years of Marvel films.

Back to the Future Part 2 faced this problem and that was just with people who hadn't seen the first film. Imagine Infinity War and Endgame being your first Marvel films.

cunnyfags are worse


>can't think of any legitimate criticism
what about how you overly nitpick the shit out of movies? honestly, adam, i don't understand how you enjoy movies when you criticize the smallest shit

Just to clarify do you fuck dogs or have them fuck you, adam?

answer him Adam

Get fucked, Mark.

based thread destroyer

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he is too stupid to understand what film criticism is actually about so he just imitates cinemasins and puts his disgusting cracker mug on the screen when he has a ~*~SuPeR wAcKy PoInT~*~

That ugly face triggers me to hell everytime I see it. He looks like this butch Welsh girl I know.


I’m so glad this pseud retard is no longer relevant in discussion

>too stupid to understand what film criticism is actually about so he just imitates cinemasins

where does the dog fucker thing stem from? is there proof that he fucked a dog or something or is it just some meme? genuinely out of the loop here

He gave some shitty defense of fucking dogs that people have repeatedly ripped to shreds and he just gets salty and tries to straw man. He did this on a live stream and on reddit

He likes french art house movies

>"And I'm giving this Labrador's anus a 6 out of 10. Maaaaybe a 7, I'll seeeee"
>*the dog begins whimpering in pain and fear*
>"Quiet! QUIET!"
>*Adam begins beating the poor dog whilst shilling Sardonicast*
>"Hmph! A-and one more thing!"
>*Adam kicks the dogs in the ribs and into a dark closet which he closes and locks. As the dog continues whimpering, Adam pants; his grotesquely fat face is red and sweaty*

he thinks eating meat is worse than raping animals because he is a disgusting wh*toid mutt

just being a furry is never enough for furries, is it? it's like degeneracy comes as a complete package or none at all

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Does anyone here watch his gaming channel?
The videos of him playing Life is Strange and just shitting all over the god awful writing and dialogues were great.

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I stopped liking him after the whole Citizen Kane thing

His terrible response is at 9:43:

Read surveillance capitalism and you’ll understand the type of modern degenerate obsessed with labels icons and groups which perpetuates the decay

People who complain about children in films and TV have generally terrible taste, especially when you find they rate overacting as a good performance from an adult. It's extremely close minded and YMS is like this in so many other aspects, he's just a sperg that people think his opinion is worth merit because he's overly cynical.

thanks for the book tip


>Frozen is unrealistic because there's a light on them at night, therefore it sucks
>Also, The Holy Mountain is my favorite movie
I don't even like Frozen that much, but spends so much of the review on the fucking light being on them, which really just goes to show how little he really knows about filmmaking. Also, how the fuck does his hypercritical ass love The Holy Mountain so much? Does he just accept things not making sense in "art films", but everything else has to be perfectly logical?

>trying to play it off like a funny misunderstanding after raging on reddit and youtube for a week
>still "looking for a good opportunity" to google basic film history after years as a reviewer
Never forget.

>spergs out when his whiny is ass is called out for being pompous, stuck up, and arrogant
>complains about the only one to find a supposed joke in Infinity War funny and how that reminded him of how truly lonely he supposedly was (despite all the reaction videos he's done with groups of friends)
May have well screeched 'I AM A LONELY TORTURED ARTISTIC GENIUS' at us, if he could pull himself off of a stray dog he kidnapped for more than 6 minutes.

He like Synechdoche Ny

He likes to nitpick a lot and despite his claims that he doesn't, he thinks a script is only worth something when the characters in it know 100% what they're doing. Being irrational or having weird quirks makes a character worthless for him. Unless it's a franchise he likes, he also judges people for being invested into a movie series and thinks they're dumb. His Star Wars videos are a perfect example of this.

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yeah I’m not shocked he liked it


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all night scenes should be shot completely unlit. turn on one light and its unrealistic and ruined. i, yms, am a normal person with normal movie expectations.

So basically you hate him because he trashed A Quiet Place and didn't jump on the TLJ hate train because he wasn't invested in Star Wars to begin with. Got ya.

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That's a lot of projection. I never watched a quite place. It's also one thing to trash a movie, it's another to trash people for caring about a movie. The same shit you constantly do and criticize people for. Does this hurt you, Adam?

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holy based

people get so triggered by his review of a quiet place because he simply pointed out what the movie did wrong for him. the movie set up this particular world - and the rules that governed it - with the aim of enveloping the audience or having this sense of immersion. he just points out what damaged the credibility, premise, immersion etc. of the world that the filmmakers set out to create. the points he makes are totally valid and people dismiss them as "nitpicking" (implying that they are not valid points of criticism) instead of arguing with the analysis he makes


>durrr how do they mow their lawn
>durrr why don't they live in the waterfall

Yeah that's great film criticism

People didn't like that review because aside from the nitpicking there was no real substance at all. Just "why didn't they do this wtf bad" for 20 minutes. Stop shilling for lazy content.

he's saying the writing is bad and giving examples... how is that bad criticism?

Cinemasins is shit, but if anything, it's demonstrated that you can nitpick the shit out of any film, good or bad. I haven't seen A Quiet Place, so I can't comment on that, but in general, his criticisms are are so fucking shallow, and can ultimately be boiled down to the film not being perfectly believable. Newsflash, asshole: movies aren't fucking real life. If a film is engaging, or funny, or interesting, or thought-provoking, or tense, or any other positive adjective, why do you care that every tiny little detail doesn't perfectly add up?

contrarian mongoloid

Even us furfags hate this shitbag. just wank to 2d

based and 2d pilled

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Where is this from? I don't care about e celebs so I haven't seen what people base this on.

he doesn't but people here like to think he does

This just sounds like any other American/Canadian to me, what makes his pronunciation different?

here he doesn't do it, but he defends it
they're referring to the timbre of his voice

Yes but he fucks dogs so I don't care

>examples of bad writing

Nigga you could nitpick ANY movie to death. No movie is going to be 100% logical and consistent.
Calling out little plot holes is NOT film criticism. It's missing the point of watching movies.
If you can't watch a movie abot monsters that hunt by sound without getting hung up on how people trim their lawn, that isn't something to be proud of

>just shut up and enjoy the movie
some movies are more logical and consistent than others. that isn't the only criteria you can judge film on but it is definitely one of them

Okay but people make bad decisions all the fucking time....to expect every single movie character to make logical or even just good decisions is retarded. Adam himself makes shitty illogical decisions. Would the movie Traffic get a low score because "lol why is that guy addicted to drugs, that's stupid, doesn't he know that drugs are bad for you"

Mark was uncomfortable with Adam overly gay with him during the pokemon videos

he's such a pompus ass and it's so annoying. he also clearly doesn't understand how film making is done, you could see this alot with some of his reviews like the frozen one where he gets mad that there's artificial light so the cameras could actually see the actors and it's not just a dark screen. he also gets mad at characters who are in experienced in being in stressful situations panicking or not knowing what to do.
yeah Adam of course you don't like avengers end game, it's not a french movie about a gay depressed guy who fucks dogs but is also a alcoholic

worst criticism you could possibly have against him. stop paying money to "turn your brain off" retard, you already do it for free.

>characters should act illogically
i highly doubt the writers intentionally wrote in illogical decisions for the characters to make (according to (you)) their movie seem more realistic - *because in real life people make illogical decisions*. you're just trying to defend lazy writing

>I shouldn't ever have to pay to turn my brain off
>Says the alcoholic
Yeah that's rich, Adam one more shot of patron!

way better film reviewer than RLM or Nostalgia Critic

it's nether confirmed or denied but he defends animal rapists says enough for me

>everyone who isnt 100% on your side is a dogfucking retard
all i said is that you arent better than the creepy fag because you enjoy paying money to "turn your brain off", the rest of what you said is perfectly true however.

e celeb threads normally never stay up but yms does makes me think

That doesn't say much
>I uhhhh, I really like the uhhhh, the part where uhhhh, the main character says this line, and it shows a tv, that was pretty cool..
>Nostalgia critic
>Melvin Melvin brother of the joker

it's not a special opinion to hold though

>thinks old movies are bad because they are old and the newer movies are better because they are newer

absolute state of this faggot. people complain about dogfucking BUT THIS IS WAY WAY WORSE

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If you believe that someone can't be a critic without extensive knowledge of the history of the medium they critique, fine. I disagree strongly, but it's an opinion as valid as any others (at least, in MY opinion). What I don't like is all of the bashing. Using this as an excuse to shit on someone. It's the most film student-y BS, where you have all this knowledge that mutates into an unfounded superiority complex. It's the kind of elitism that breeds anti-intellectualism simply by being so repulsive. Can none of us have mercy?

My dislike of him is how his quickies are often rushed and often features mistakes and misinterpretations. His First Reformed video where he criticizes the ending for being something that it’s entirely not. He often is also to look or criticize the overall themes or purpose of films. He also seems to think that technical aspects of filmmaking is all that makes a film great. His view on what makes a film great is entire narrow mineral as he has set preconceptions of what is good editing and cinematography and anything that doesn’t fit those preconceptions than it must be bad or decent. Also his lack of knowledge of the history is abysmal and really harms his reviews.

Probably. End Game was very average. How it followed the 7-8/10 Infinity War I'll never know.

Daily reminder Mark stopped working for someone (who's willing to pay him thousands of dollars each month) out of pure dishonest laziness, causing Adam so much stress and hurt that they attempt suicide because of him yet retards here still defend him despite being a piece of shit. Mark has acknowledged that Adam's suicide attempt did happen, and that he was the one who found him and called him an ambulance. It doesn't seem like he wants to be accountable for it, though, despite Adam's insistence that the stress and betrayal of trust that Mark brought about drove him to do it. Mark can't get his facts straight or provide any evidence or argument against Adam with any confidence. He's gone back on his word before, admitting to blatantly lying about Adam on-stream (archive.is/KE3vq). Mark said he'd make a video chronicling his side of the story, but abandoned it likely because 1). If he told the truth in detail he'd look like a dishonest piece of shit, and 2). If he lied like he usually does, Adam has enough evidence against him (like this: pastebin.com/kZS1RTRu) to make him look like even more of a dishonest piece of shit. Adam seems ready and excited to give more video and photo evidence if he's given the opportunity. He extorted thousands of dollars from Adam while not working to earn much of it, and in the aftermath has given questionable accounts and made himself look like the victim. I loved him on the Plaze channel but he really doesn't seem like a good person. I've heard both sides of the story and one just doesn't seem legible at all.

Drunk user ranting just ignore if you can’t make it out. Main points, he doesn’t look at a film’s themes, rushes his reviews, narrow minded views on technical filmmaking, he doesn’t know film history and it harms his reviews.



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>Apocalypse Now a 6/10
What the fuck man

Not thinking Bergman and Welles completely btfo any filmmaker that’s working today. Heck Welles unfinished film was last years best film.

I thought he took technical aspects into account. That film is a technical powerhouse.

that 420 awards commentary video is kino though.
it's just so bizarre.