The last actually good action movie came out 4 years ago

>the last actually good action movie came out 4 years ago
The absolute state of this dead genre

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Tom Hardy >>>>>> Mel Redditson

kill yourself reddit

This is a piece of wretched fucking feminist tainted shit that trashed the series legacy and anyone who likes it is a numale cucked faggot. Even the poster has the male protagonist muzzled and the fucking movie is named after him. Gibson was right to not do this shit and fuck George Miller!!!FACT!!!


You have bigger problems than the movie.

If you ignore the John Wick movies, sure.

didnt read lmao

Only the first one was good

the first john wick is the best american action film since die hard

john wick 2 was better.

Immortan Joe is so fucking cool.

I still remember the obnoxious shilling campaign this turd got.
30 threads in the catalog at all times for 2 weeks trying to force memes.
And then people unironically trying to force discussion about it's non-existant plot.


>You have bigger problems than the movie.

My problem is seeing weak willed numale closet faggot white guilt losers like you abdicate your responsibilities to civilization and allow women, niggers and faggots to bring everything to ruin. Pic is you, bitch!!!FACT!!!

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>didnt read lmao

You did read it and posted a response to pretend you didn't just like you'll do with this one. Loser!!!FACT!!!

Boring trash

>Fury Road

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>>Fury Road

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honestly, was i supposed to like furiosa? she betrayed the poor biker gang

Incel hands wrote this

Every major or even arthouse movie is liberal or feminist propaganda in some way, either overt or subtle or both. Look at the poster of Fury Road, the hero with a muzzle on secondary to the brave female.

However, regardless of the propaganda sprinkled through Fury Road, it’s a great action movie and is better than most or all action movies from the last decade. Great direction, cinematography, characters, pacing, editing and script.

>fury road
>like by the same people that place Black Panther as one of the best movies of its year


its shite

>people who like Black Panther also like breathing
>breathing is Reddit as fuck

You are the gayest fucking tripfag on 4channel. FACT!!!

calm down



>not using your own farts for respiration

This is why when Yea Forums suggests kino, I don't believe it. Fury Road is great.

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I know this is a reddit opinion but the guitar man was the best part of the movie and the only thing I actually remember from it, aside from the hot girls.

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>listening to nu-Yea Forumseddit

You're right, it is a Reddit opinion.

the board was on this movie's dick when it came out, constant WITNESS MEEEE and MEDIOCRE posting. I miss that shit. now that Yea Forums is 100% /pol/eddit don't expect anything but bashing because an icky girl is in it

Mad Max hasn’t had a bad movie yet.
>Mad Max: Good and unique action movie
>Road Warrior: Sequel that improves on literally everything from the first film, and is one of the most memorable action movies ever
>Beyond Thunderdome: Solid sequel that still has memorable moments and fun action sequences
>Fury Road: Rare loose sequel that is just as good as the originals, and in some ways improves on aspects


John Wick is overrated as fuck

>muh plot
plebeian detected lmao

Fury Road is amazing but I would not call it kino.

fruity cartoon colors for kids kill it
fortnight color scheme

black & chrome is great

>fortnight color scheme

Attached: drkae.png (605x572, 534K)

This. They are watchable but bland. The only thing great about JW3 was the extreme violence but that got old quickly.

I don't understand why people think this movie is feminist. It seems that way on the surface but Max solves all their problems also Immortan Joe did nothing wrong

>we ruined it getting carried away with the digital color fiddling turning it into a starburst packet
>what can we do to save it
>go fucking all the way over the top in the other direction?? and turn up that contrast.
if you thought it was an undifferentiated fucking mess of visual noise originally, wait till everything's the same fucking color

Max and Furiosa have a good partnership, they seem to be the only competent people on the good guy side.

At the end, the women take over, release all the water and Max bows out, because he probably knows it’s going to be an absolute shit show.

you think /pol/lacks even watched the movie, they saw a woman in the poster and went apeshit

It's kind of ironic because that is when the viewer walks away too

There's a female lead.

It's funny because in the movie all the wives struggled so hard to fight off a man in chains

And they unchained him, he helped them out of their shitty plan to drive across an undriveable desert.

It's funny that every woman's plan is to run away and "travel"

John Wick is just a comedy movie
>Russian Mafiosi signing lullaby songs in a sauna

>Immortan Joe did nothing wrong
You don't lose everything by doing nothing wrong.

He just wanted the perfect son. A proper successor because he knew he was dying. He had a strong but dumb son and a smart but incapable son. But he wanted the right son, why do you think he had so many wives?

>knowyourmeme filename
>downloaded twice
Wow what an epic oldfag.

Attached: 1558084682619.jpg (564x392, 50K)

I'm not talking about his motivation, but about the fact that he fucked up.

>getting butthurt because some user on Yea Forums called you out on your manchildren nigger dreck
lmao the absolute state of soi

The most privileged women in the entire post nuclear wasteland aren’t happy and want to go live in a fabled eco friendly women’s commune which turns out to be a complete myth, so a man cuck helps them take absolutely everything from the man who put them in a privileged position to begin with. Sounds like real feminism to me.

At least he tried

Trying and failing isn't the same as doing nothing wrong.

It's a dip you meme

Oh look, yet another circlejerk thread where bunch of insecure manlets bitch and moan about the existence of women. For misogynists you sure do act a lot like the women you claim to hate.

grow a pair

It gets a lot of things right from a political perspective. Like how Immortan Joe controls what is essentially a hydraulic empire, i.e. exactly like early Egypt or Mesopotamia, with Joe as the god-king. There's also the concept of the division of society into the aristocracy, the plebs and the warrior caste. The monopolization of women is also noted, as well as using religion to motivate the warriors. The writers clearly know a thing or two about how early states function.

The biggest flaw in the plot is that Furiosa becomes the new king just by killing Immortan Joe. If it was that simple, why wasn't he assassinated by his inner circle already? Literally the first thing you do as a king is to groom an heir that shares your views to prevent this kind of thing from happening. I'm sure there's succession law in Joe's empire. The remaining aristocracy would have just killed Furiosa as soon as she revealed Joe's body, because they would know that as long as they stay loyal to the current regime they secure their own position in society whereas by siding with the usurper you might be shuffling the deck.

the first thing the women do when they come back is give out free water, securing the loyalty of the masses. The warrior caste already were somewhat loyal to them due to being their children. I never really saw any evidence of any other high ranking or influential group that would pose an issue, maybe the milk ladies. That would be an interesting antagonist in a sequel, with the milk women scheming and screwing everything up sort of like the eunuchs at the end of the han dynasty.

>Literally the first thing you do as a king is to groom an heir that shares your views to prevent this kind of thing from happening.
That's the whole point of the movie retard


>Whines about sexism
>Calls people manlets
What did the hypocrite mean by this?

reddit howling

bla bla bla muh politics
nobody gives a shit

nah they both cool and should go homo

The first two are liquid shit, doubt the 3rd is any better

Tom Hardy does fucking nothing in Mad Max. Gibson IS MAX. you fucking child I bet you haven't even seen the originals. goddamn this is such a retarded opinion.

Hardy has like 3 lines in the whole damn film.

Lots of people do though