Cloud Atlas

Was it a masterpiece of a pile of shit?

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Both, somehow.

like bvs it was equal parts kino and shit

>Everything is connected
>Never showed any connection between anything

It was the Napoleon Dynamite of drama. Some good moments and quoteable scenes, but ultimately a subpar movie.

I liked it.

A sprawling, ambitious mess

Both, like southland tales, and dune

>being this much of a brainlet


Look I just watched the whole movie in 2 minutes

An enjoyable cluster fuck

>Was it a masterpiece of a pile of shit?

What was your favorite storyline Yea Forums?

yes, both. mostly masterpiece tho

I don't know why, but asian Hugo is the funniest shit.

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well not the fucking future one thats for sure
>oh no my wife is dead what a shame i totally wasnt wanting to bang this hot science girl like 2 minutes ago
>oh noes guess ill go with her and bang her anyway and have a bazillion kids

i didnt like it so much when i watched it the first time but on reflection i think the nursing home one is the most kino

Agree completely. Would watch an entire movie with that concept.

Nursing home one is definetly the best. The bar fight is golden.

Pile of shit. Enough has been said about the inconsistent tone and general ridiculousness. How about all that horrible fucking makeup? Distracting as shit.

could have been good as a miniseries

Garbage but it has it's moments. But when a film is pushing 3 hours it's almost by accident.


unironically my favorite movie of all time

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