While Tim and Vic have been relentlessly throwing tantrums over Drumpf and Mike Cernovich, Cernovich has been getting Jeffrey Epstein locked up. Cerno just had a long call-in periscope, and here are some highlights from the Silly Boy Woke Bernie Bro brigade:
Eric is also a jewish pedophile who groomed underage Awesome Show fans.
John Anderson
How fast will Tim block you if you tweet an article about Dr. Pizza to him?
Jordan Moore
Cernovich is still a stuttering faggot
Thomas Lee
Him and Mr. Hyde got along pretty well I imagine. Notice that Sam only went after Tim and left and Eric alone lol.
Luis Rivera
Reminder Sam Hyde's career is dead and will forever be blacklisted from the industry
Jace Brooks
Sam Hyde was the one who exposed him retard.
Owen Murphy
Lincoln Martin
I've watched Billion Dollar Movie, Check it Out, Bedtime Stories, On Cinema and the Trial of Tim - what else should I check out? I've only seen clips of the original show.
Christian Perry
Vic Berger is the definition of incel.
Alexander Butler
he lied to cover up his own pedo tendencies lol. Sam is 10 times the sicko Eric is.
>admitedly he had a really nice dick well that's how you know this is all fiction.
Adam Ramirez
Tim and Eric aren't funny.
Ayden Price
I sing this song but unironically. Imagine Tim going to hollywood parties and he tries to put this on to show his "friends". So cringe.
Aiden Rogers
Explain how the tranny knew Sam's private email in 2012? Sam had his chance to explain himself, but he chose not to, strongly implying that it all happened.
He posted it himself, and you made a couple catfish profiles talk to each other with it. That's not his writing style.
John Morales
He wants to be a famous songwriter and actor so bad. But he burned too much honor and dignity just getting to hollywood, and now he had nowhere left to go but shitty bit parts in Fox movies.
Grayson Davis
find me proof that he posted it associating it directly with himself and Ill believe you
Elijah Bell
Imagine spending most of your day looking for things to be mad about Trump, imagine having Trump this rent free in your head, Tim even payed all the extra expenses
Gabriel Thomas
Ian Gonzalez
He didn't have to. All you need is that bottom part to fabricate the top part. I already know you were involved with other musicians Sam was working with at that approximate time, so you probably had it already from one of them.
Cooper Watson
Did Vic Berger actually go to meet Sam that one time or did he stall because he needed to "find a sitter for his kids?"
Ayden Smith
They killed Million Dollar Extreme. You think we forgot about that shit? It ruined our careers if we ever had one. Eric Warehim has violated women his entire time since adult swim you sell outs!
Kayden Hughes
I haven't been to Yea Forums for weeks, want to give me the short version?
Robert Thompson
In the golden age of MDE, a guy named Orangy made most of their music. They had a mutual friend who at some point decided to become a communist tranny and tried to make Orangy become a tranny too. He got him on drugs, made him go crazy and kill himself. Now, for some reason that same tranny stalks Sam online and makes threads about him here 24/7. That's why you have to take these pastas and info graphs with a good deal of salt. Although, to be fair, Cumia fucked Sue Lightning, and it didn't cost him any fans. So anything's possible.
Christian Rogers
>All you need is that bottom part to fabricate the top part And here you expose yourself as a retard, because to get to the bottom part you need to be able to search it (and know what you are looking for).
Leo Wilson
There is less evidence for that than Sam sucking a tranny's dick. Surely you have something to put forward to back up the bullshit you're spilling everywhere?
Not really. It's a direct link to a MDE video. You could just search certain urls in the archives.
Elijah Fisher
Why haven't the ableist bigots Tim and Eric been mobbed by SJWs for for making fools out of the mentally ill on their TV show?
Christopher Lee
So you are asking people to believe that the tranny, in order to fabricate a defaming story about some literal who comedian in 2015, instead of taking his email that was public at the time ([email protected]), went and took all the youtube urls and searched them in the chan archives to find his private email (how would the tranny even know this email existed and that Sam posted on the chans)? And when people prodded him about Sam the tranny actually defended the guy because he liked him? Occam's razor man, given all the other degenerate accusations that have been aired by people proven to be close to Sam (ex employees, gfs), its not hard to believe he sucked some tranny's dick.
I recall Sam in the video where he complained about the pedo shit in [as]'s bathroom was bitching that Eric showed up to regular office functions with two girls under his arms to mog on the spergs who work doing animation and stuff, basically calling him a creep.
Jonathan James
Tim’s appearance on the comedy bang bang podcast this week was so incredibly bad. He went from autistically spouting off MLB statistics for literally twenty minutes(not an ironic bit) to storming out fifteen minutes before the show ended because he had to leave after acting like he hated every second he was there once the two guests came on. The whole episode was a shitshow, Scott tried to get him to stay to plug his shitty album but he got annoyed and said he talked about it enough earlier in the episode. I didn’t think there could be a worst guest than Tig Nataro.
David Mitchell
Sam lied in that vid, the girls were young (like 19), but not as young as Sam himself likes em
David Mitchell
go to bed sam its late
Parker Foster
This, their show was basically a freak show/Wesley Willis thing
Jose Carter
not as bad as the podcast Sam did recently where he admitted he doesn't want to do videos anymore.
Nathan Bennett
>Tim, Sam and Eric come to Yea Forums to gossip about each other "anonymously" like teenage girls on myspace in 2005
William Brooks
it's a genuine goddamn shame what happened to vic. his videos leading up to the election were gold, the derangement syndrome sucked the funny straight out of him.
Joseph Reed
>about some literal who comedian in 2015 2015 was probably the furthest he was from literally who, but either way we are talking about a schizophrenic person with a grudge. >how would the tranny even know this email existed Because it is clear that he was using it for MDE stuff, and the tranny in question was one degree of separation from one of Sam's main collaborators.
>and that Sam posted on the chans Oh please.
Camden Myers
>tranny in question was one degree of separation Who did Edie know that Sam knew? That alone makes it likely they met lol.
Noah Jackson
See this kind of autistic dedication is why I think you're either that tranny or some really really really hardcore T&E fan.
Cameron Stewart
That being bad has no relation to Tim's podcast being bad. Are you mentally retarded or is the meme that channer leftists think exclusively in non sequiter whataboutisms accurate?
Oliver Martin
Dominic Powell
Cooper Phillips
Jeremiah Gray
Seems to be accurate 99.9% of the times
Jaxson Bennett
Steve Brule, including "Bagboy" (one of the best of the series, even though it's a 'special').
Leo Martinez
You need some white wine and shrimp your levels are getting low
Jack Thomas
Had enough of white whine from you today
Alexander Parker
>Vic Berger i dunno who this is?
i like tim A LOT on comedy bang bang, hes got that really dry humor going i havent seen much of his show with eric