ITT: Yea Forums in 2000

ITT: Yea Forums in 2000

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Did anyone else see this kino?

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I sure hope the jews won't do anything bad next September.

I hate kikes

Oh, it's been almost two months since November 7 1999. The day that changed the world.

What's the Yea Forums equivalent of this ?

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IMO 2000 is the year humanity peaked.

i wonder if Nolan has the guts to become a big director?

People who unironically hate anime kino, in spite of the fact that it would or does appeal to mainstream audiences

Hard to believe its been 8 years since Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 92

Anyone see American Psycho?



goo goo gaga bllpphhb waaaaa waaaaaaa ahhhhhh goo gaga goo goo

McG > Ratner > Spielberg > everyone else

Very nice

Here we go

O Brother Where Art Thou is overrated as fuck
The music wasn't even that good
It's just Greek myth for brainlets

ass2ass guys, you're a dork if you don't know what movie I'm talking about

Top 10 things that won't happen this century.
>Whites getting replaced.
>Suicides and drug overdoses skyrocketing.
>Another Twin Tower terror attack.
>Endless war in the middle east draining the treasury and our national spirit.
>Woke politics.
>The normalization of transexuals.
>A major recession.
>Total apathy and cynicism amongst all white males leading to to things like "involuntary celibates" and people who consume excess onions.
>Communist China overtaking the USA.
>People rejecting conventional science and medicine resulting in unnecessary disease outbreaks.


Boy wasn't it silly that Donald Trump tried to run for president. That dude was so 1980's. No chance of him ever even winning a primary.

>Top 10 things that won't happen this century.
>>Whites getting replaced.
Nice trips, but white replacement started decades before 2000.

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>incels didn't exist in 2000
is this what zoomers actually think? kek

"the episode of sneed"

God fucking damn it I hope Star Trek doesn't just become 100% prequels and treading ground it's already tread

man firefly is a really good show, will be amazing to see where they go with it next year

they were called comic book guys

Does anyone else think the media is a bit too conservative? What are some liberal kinos?


lol zoomer. all the media did from 1992-2000 was dicksuck slick willie about how cool he was. the funny thing is they absolutely hated hillary clinton

do you think moot will sell Yea Forums

Whoa. What is that site? Like some kind of online encyclopedia? Lame. I'll stick with Microsoft Encarta thankyouverymuch.

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What was the expiration date on Neo's drivers license? It's one of the few dates we get in the movie so it might be important later

FUCK movies looked so good shot on 35mm. Take me back.

I just got a job working at my dad's office in New York City this summer. I can't believe I'm working in the top floors of one of the tallest buildings in the world. Wonder if King Kong will show up. Ha. My dad says he might even get me a full time job next summer after I graduate. Top of the world, anons!

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Protip: become friends with Mister Silverstein and his family. Maybe he’ll take you out to breakfast on his one day off with his family!

The Matrix is one of the best action sci-fi ever made, glad it won those awards
Wachowskis brothers are fine lads and I really looking forward to see their next work *fingers crossed

agreed or 98

>This person is now in their 30's

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I personally peaked in 97

Did you notice your post numbers have repeating digits at the end? Check it out haha

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X-Men sucked, will we ever get a decent Marvel movie?

No, they were just nerds. If you liked comic books or Star Wars or Star Trek you were a ner,. which was seen as being synonymous with virgin.

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We need to go back.

goo goo ga ga

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well, Yea Forums?

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>Greek myth for brainlets
literally the premise, your sentence means nothing

triples confirm this, praise moot!

I hope an airplane kills you

waaah waaah goo goo ga ga


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Man. I can't wait for the sequel. I hear they might film two of them back to back.

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Man, superhero movies are dead, after the last two awful Batman movies, its just over. Its a shame tho we will never get to see Iron Man or Thor in a big budget movie from Marvel. Batman also deserved better but thats in the past now, no one will ever take Batman franchise seriously after this

I hear Sam Raimi from the Evil Dead movies is in talks with Marvel to make a Spider-man movie. Finally. After all those years waiting for James Cameron, at least we finally got someone getting involved. At least we won't have someone that liked that stupid organic webshooter idea. James must have had water in his head from Titanic.

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Yea Forums my family is going to the WTC next September! what are some WTC kinos?