What did he say again?

What did he say again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


A very anti-male toxicity comment. I'm glad Rami was so woke.

>nice outfit, did you wear it while rimming your mandingo boyfriend's asshole?

It was a different time.

>lol gay
What did he mean by this?

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>"With all the damage your faggot boyfriend's done to your wreck of an asshole it's no wonder you can't jump for shit, you AIDS ridden cocksucker!!!"

Raimi really doesn't have a filter, does he? I'm glad they didn't have him write Friends.


>It's you who's out, Bonesaw.


Raimi would turn you into a lampshade, kid.

Who is this raimi guy and what did he do to make you guys call him based etc?

He surprised audiences and risked blacklisting in Hollywood by making his Spiderman not only a racist, but an active hunter of black criminals, jews, homosexuals, and other filth. Uncle Ben was portrayed as a wise old Nazi. Pic related.

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something very problematic

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remember when peter took the time to hang some blacks with his spiderweb even though he was late on delivery? I knew it was gonna be a good film when it happened.

Why the fuck are you naked?!

Bonesaw is readyyyy. Cum on my face, brother

Honestly the only thing wrong with the Raimi Spider-Man films is that Peter did not end up qith Ursula but cucked out for the Irish whore MJ - a fucking Jezebel slut with zero loyalty who literally left a man she swore to marry at the altar so she could get raw-dogged by another man. Raimi must've been off set when they filmed that scene because I can't see it happening otherwise - I mean, it's just so inconsistent with the rest of the film.

That was awesome. I almost missed at the end when he's walking away from MJ at the end at the funeral all the black bodies hanging from the trees by web nooses.

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Michael Jackson?

I agree. Peter should have lynched that bitch for betraying the white race with Flash Thomberg. She literally cheats on someone in every movie, and was already a race traitor at the beginning. Raimi should never have let Tarantino cowrite.

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because it feels good



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you guys are missing an essential part of her character that is missed by almost everyone who watched the trilogy. Mary Jane was an abused character who dreamed of acting because she seeked attention due to his father's abuse. She is a weak minded abused character who realises that Peter is the only one who truly saw her at the end of Spiderman 1. In Spiderman 2 and 3 you have to put yourself in her shoes and imagine how would you act if the person you love starts acting strange like that. She regreses in character in Spiderman 2 only to understand why Peter acts that way at the end of the film. And in Spiderman 3, her whole dream is shattered and Peter gets everything go over his head. Again, you have to understand that Mary Jane is a sensitive, abused and attention seeking character.

She's a worthless cumdumpster who betrayed her race with a jew.

those were just different times. its amazing how rami fit this into the script

>"I'm gonna rain fire down on you like you're a village of vietnamese kids."

I was shocked when he skinned that rabbi for the materials to make his costume. The quips and heroic music felt somehow out of place.

Why are you quoting Aunt May?

> these type of threads make Yea Forumsmblr seethe
How are we so powerful raimibros?

we enjoy life, jokes and burned kikes.

>these type of threads make Yea Forumsmblr seethe


>well yeah, you’re still a homo, fagsaw

Go, talk about us on Yea Forumsmblr and make us live rent free in the head of everyone there for the rest of your lives

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Spiderman should call him a faggot in the last picture

never heard of you

Holy shit. This shoop

Jesus christ lol that picture

>that dildo at the ready

>Yea Forumsmblr
>never heard of the CHADS of Yea Forums

Peter Parker isn’t jewish in the Raimi iteration. Neither is the actor.

raimi and vincent posting saved this board

This but unironically.


Not that I exoect normalfags to get raimiposting but jesus christ

What needed to be said.

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does that mean something?

His quip to Bonesaw in the film unironically sounded like a genuine quip from a high schooler at the time.

somehow even better



Why did these “death camps” have a swim team and theatre?

I'm watching allied footage of the concentration camps and there's a lot less jews than people think.
Lots of poles and Germans and other Europeans in the camps.
Why would the jews lie about this?

How can one director be so based?

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Is this what passes for film and tv discussion these days? A bunch of fragile white incels trying to pretend that movies back up their stupid bullshit?

They didn't.

Another fucking lie, Yea Forumsmblr, just like the holohoax you love to perpetuate.

Yes they did also you didnt check my 1488

attend the 4th grade


I don't know what that meme is, and I don't care. And no, they did not, and you can't produce a source because it doesn't exist. You just make shit up to try to justify your nonsensical bullshit beliefs. Book an escort, incel, do yourself a favor.

>just make shit up
Oh, sweetie...

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Some lunatic drawing red circles in MS Paint around unrelated news articles and shops, and then linking to a ridiculous alt-right youtube channel...is that supposed to mean something?

as Raimi would say, I'm wearing shorts you stupid kyke

That view count.

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>Lots of poles and Germans and other Europeans in the camps.

He said: "Yea Forums sucks and is full of manchildren, trannies, e celebs, tumbrl landwhales, pedos and retards that love Thom Holland not by his acting or carisma but becouse he looks like a child so they can ship him with Tony Stark"

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Is Raimiposting the best thing to come out of Yea Forums?

>All fucking niggers must fucking hang
Jesus Kubrick....

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Banepostinga nd sneedposting are both nice, but inferior.
I would say purposely misunderstanding movies is the best meme, though

vinceposting is the highest IQ meme there is

Nobody ships on Yea Forums, dumbass.

It means that Jews are obsessed enough with the number 6 million to lie about it

Why? Why would they lie about that number in particular, and why did this go unnoticed until you, a sub-80 IQ cretin, uncovered it?

There's a mountain of evidence, and exactly zero contrary evidence, for the holocaust. You're a fucking retard.


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Based digits

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So this board just /incel/ now?

Gold star for you.

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Blessed dubs

Tranny btfod by rational thinking user channeling Hitler's ghost

>There's a mountain of evidence, and exactly zero contrary evidence, for the holocaust
Wooden doors

>americans think that not wearing shoes inside is naked

I can tell you have good genes just by your leg/foot. It looks exactly like mine although you might be slightly more hairy. Your parents have thoroughly chosen their partner to make you and you should do the same for your children

I saw it long ago in Raimi posting threads. I think it was an ironic response to Raimi supremacist posts (Uncle Ben's fried rice, Human Holocaust etc) and then it was appropriated by normies without knowing the context.

>wooden doors

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Or a book.

Attached: ED2Book.jpg (310x339, 43K)

Mr Plinkett?


>wooden doors

>Why would they lie about that number in particular
Jewish occultism desu, six million Jews being lost is one condition of the messianic age

you got a cute right leg, little man

see? Look at this power


>Peter... Don't tell Harry I am 1% jew