Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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Yes. It's the first mainline Star Wars film I haven't seen.

Force Awakens was just as bad, but apologists still won't admit it.

Disappointing. Wasted potential. Made some unnecessary bad choices for Luke's character. I guess it's OK, but only because it was dangerously close to being much, much worse.


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Then your opinion is worthless.

It turned the biggest, most uncritical fanbase in the world against the franchise they have worshipped for 40 years. It might, in a way, be the worst movie ever made.

Opinion is 100% valid. Seen every star wars film but this one. That means it's bad.

Yes. The series died after Empire.This and Force Awakens makes the prequels look kino. Rogue One could have been something cool but they sjw'd that shit too. The Force is dead and what they did to Mark Hamill is unforgivable.

that's the part that really bothers me.
I thought the prequels were so bad I quit after attack of the clones...
there's been so many "i told you so" moments, why tf was it this one of all that shit that came out since the original trilogy.

the prequels were fucking terrible, just because they weren't full of woke shit I guess.

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The Last Jedi made the prequels look good.

The prequels are the most criticized movies in the history of Cinema

yeah but even those weren't enough to ruin it.
the last jedi killed the goose that lays the golden eggs somehow.
they'll just call it "franchise fatigue" though because of all the retarded shit they got away with in the past.

they tried to turn the greatest story ever told, into marvel teir movies. Fail.

It was so shit I am considering not seeing the final episode in theaters. I watch capeshit opening weekend and I am feeling like I've had enough of this trilogy.

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that's what everyone said about revenge of the sith but then they still all turned out in droves and said "oh bro they saved it!"
and "dude, it was really dark, its actually a good film"

I had to look this up right now. What the fuck.

I, for one, enjoy Revenge of the Sith

i don't know how anyone is enjoying any of disney wars

>I watch capeshit opening weekend
Your average TLJ hater, everyone

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As you should it’s the best film in the franchise.

>the average TLJ hater is the average moviegoer
Trips of truth, I guess.

Empire was better but Sith is a close second.

t. oldfag who saw A New Hope in 78

>Your average TLJ hater, everyone

Your argument is that people with already low standards also think TLJ is a piece of shit? Real good argument there, brainlet.


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This. TFA is seriously really fucking bad. Any critical analysis will reveal its failings.

Sith is garbage. People who rate that movie highly are deaf and blind.

I think in a few years TLJ will be seen as the BvS of Star Wars. Made a big chunk of change but completely destroyed interest in the franchise. Solo being a borderline disaster financially is a good sign the next film won't do so hot.

I don't remember Attack of the Clones insulting my investment in the series and wanting to quit it altogether. Also, Revenge of the Sith is the best of the prequels.

I perceive literally nothing wrong with this, outside of the "well, her actress died so she should've died right here."

You fail to understand that people with low standards don't enjoy actual kino. Why do you think Blade Runner 2049 flopped?

Yes. Easily the shittiest one, impossible to watch more than once

Last Jedi is a worse film than BR2049, though. Even the Snyder defenders can argue Batman v Superman was a good film better than TLJ defenders could defend TLJ


actually it still is false, you can't say something is bad if you haven't attempted to watch it

P.s. I hate the fucking movie

Yes. Next question.

It was offensive to anyone who grew up with only the first three.
