ITT: photos taken seconds before disaster
ITT: photos taken seconds before disaster
damn! check out those JUGS
>dont look down dont look down dont look down
Is that Spiderman and Quiet?
is that derrick lewis
"Oh no. Out of web fluid."
Is that actually derrick lewis?
Me in the blue shirt
is that the dark knight rises shooter?
Guy looking into the camera mere seconds before getting hit by a truck. You could see it in his eyes before he was hit that he knew.
HA, more like
>don't move your hand don't move your hand don't move your hand or they'll know
Kids such a fag he'd have more of a reaction to a bowl of spaghetti than a pair of tits
was this at 229?
Somebody get this hothead outta here
What happened?
No, just some asshole. Who dressed up for the movie as the shooter for the lulz.
chills man
nah it was some joke after the shooting. Caption was something like "making friends with this guy before the movie starts, just in case"
But who was gun?
Joosten isn't stacked
Me behind Tom, wearing that argus shirt
>“That whole experience just feels like it happened yesterday,” says McQuilken, who lost his younger brother Sean to suicide in 1989.
dey took her
Well, I'm sorry to hear that...
They aren't putting that shit on display for nothing, they want you to look.
Cause now? I will snatch every motherfucker birthday.
They want Chad to look. Not you.
This is somewhat true but largely it's also about displaying social dominance including/especially over other females.
Remember this from my high school text book
Bravo Groening
What am I looking at? Is that one guy's head backward?
Tom is gay as fuck. I mean he is actually a cock lover. He doesn't care about those milkers.
>social dominance
This right here. Cleavage is an elephant in the room few are alpha enough to point out. Most will try to look on the DL (women can always tell when you're looking regardless of how coy you think you are). For those brave enough to talk to the cleavage girl, most will go out of their way to make sure they never glance south. Women don't respect these guys because they know it's bullshit. They also don't want someone to creepily stare at their chest and make rude comments. But if you're socially skilled enough to navigate to the middle ground and address the elephant in the room in a fun, charismatic manner which doesn't come across as disrespectful, you're sure to be motorboating those bad boys by the end of the night.
is this what americans call a "butterface"
>tfw some people in that pile of bodies survived being crushed but were drowned by the firemen
I would say it's not quite a butterface
got pic?
I always forget the story behind this.
Are you what we call a faggot
gas chamber with wooden doors
lightning, kid on left died day later and a hiker
out of frame died
Kid on the left actually died 14 years later by killing himself
Some normie club caught fire after the band used some pyrotechnics they weren’t allowed to use. Obviously everyone tried to run out at once and they got stuck.
Someone recorded it and it’s pretty kino. You can hear normies screaming and taking their last gasps for air lol