


Attached: 19BB9674-D553-41F9-8B6D-46A03B13E5D7.jpg (750x666, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The Jews have gone too far this time.
The Jews have gone too far this time.
The Jews have gone too far this time.
The Jews have gone too far this time.
The Jews have gone too far this time.
The Jews have gone too far this time.

To be fair, imagine your son dying and all you have to show for it is 'he liked Spider-man'.

what is intellectual property?

Sorry, son, Disney are too busy giving leading roles to talentless fifty year old nigger roasties.

>there are people on this board will defend Disney over this

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If i pull that off, would he die?

He was like 4. Calm down, Woody.

>financially supporting (((disney))) in current year+4
please don't tell me you fags do this

Attached: yikes.jpg (255x300, 13K)

Because it's super cringy of the guy to want to do this, not to defend Mickey.

Yea Forumsmblr has already been doing mental gymnastics to defend daddy Disney for some time

>All you have to show for it

Because 4 year olds have lots to show... Baka

Nothing to do with jews you lefty faggot

Lol fuck that kid

Why the fuck would you need permission for this? A Grave isn't profitable.

Imagine having a capeshitter as a son

disney are the biggest kikes in an industry completely made up of kikes
Please kill yourself jew apologist

I mean having capeshit on your sons grave is tacky as fuck, but how the fuck is Disney going to stop him from doing it?

>talentless fifty year old nigger roasties.

It's Halle BAILEY, not Halle Berry, but I can understand the confusion.

Disney is blocking it because the kid was a white male. White males don't face any adversity at all and are always privileged so Disney feels it doesn't need to do them another favor by letting them have Spider Man on their tombstone when they die before puberty.

what has tom holland said about this?

just do it anyway. no way Disney would actually remove a kids tombstone. it would be PR suicide

No leftypol

Bury the chode on your own property and you can use whatever headstone you want.

>having Spider-Man on son's grave

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Just do it anyway and watch them try to start legal bullshit over it, even the most pozzed numale would see that as evil kikery on Disney's part.

He danced on the kid's grave

Back to the raid subred dit faggot

they don't give a fuck
retards will still buy their trash, look at this thread

....Fuck spiderman.

Heh I had a house, 3 kids, and a wife at that age you dumb zoomer.

nah when the media starts talking about Disney fucking with a kids grave people will lose their shit. of course disney will back down and offer some free avangers bucks or some shit to smooth things over and that'll be the end of it

Eh I don't know about that, millennials and especially millennial white women are such cocksluts for Disney they would most likely overlook or even defend if Disney flat out murdered a kid

good. fuck capeshitters even the dead little 4 year olds too and FUCK SPIDERMAN

>He thinks the story is real

Disney world and land have both had numerous child deaths due to negligence and nobody cared.

they are beyond reproach because of man children and retarded women

imagine putting capeshit on your late son's gravestone

>One day after announcing black Ariel
Disney's not so woke now. That dead kid could have cost Disney upwards of $10 in lost profits.

What the fuck
I really thought they were going to get Halle Berry

tobey would never have let this happen

why not just go and put it on the tombstone anyway, who fucking cares? does Disney have ninja jews patrolling graveyards or something?

They want an official Disney trademarked tombstone? Why would Disney even entertain the idea. That’s pretty fucking retarded. I hate kike Disney but wtf do you expect them to do.


I'm honestly not even sure about that. We're in full clown world at this point.

Gene Simmons makes KISS coffins. I don't see why not desu.

It's not Disney, it's the funeral home that manages the graveyard, they don't want to get sued by Disney. If the guy was burying the child on private property he could make his own Spiderman Mausoleum

>A representative from Disney responded with: “We extend our sincere condolences. If we played a small part in Ollie’s happiness we are honoured. “Generations of fans have responded to our characters with the same wonder and delight that Ollie did. In fact, many believe the characters to be real. “We have striven to preserve the same innocence and magic around our characters that brought Ollie such joy. “For that reason, we follow a policy that began with Walt Disney himself that does not permit the use of characters on headstones, cemetery or other memorial markers or funeral urns. “Although we cannot grant the family’s request, we would be pleased to commemorate your nephew with a hand-inked, hand-painted, personalised celluloid that recognises his love for Spider-Man, which will read: ‘For your _______ (nephew’s name), Thank you for letting us share in the magic of your life. Your friends at the Walt Disney Company.
>“We feel privileged to have had him as a fan.’”
Are you happy now, fellow redditor?

They wanted outjew the jew. Get free Disney tombstone and pack of Disney trash toys. Disney didn't take the bait.

>Be American
>don’t even own your corpse
>tip the cemetery

How is it cringy? The kid liked Spiderman.

>Adhere to Walt's legacy
>Walt who is probably spinning at 1000 MPH in his refrigerator 24/7 because of how thoroughly his country has fallen
>'Your friends at the Walt Disney Company.'

Disney is beyond even the caricature of an evil megacorporation at this point, I don't even know what strata they're operating on


what a fucking joke of a nation, why does the funeral guys even care holy shit

What part America is Maidenstone, Kent in?
Oi you got a loicense for that headstone, mate?

Oi you got a loicense for sharting at Wal-mart, fat cunt.

Attached: Oh say can you shart.jpg (1200x1800, 228K)

My friend is marrying some basic bitch that insisted on getting married in Disney and I'm in his wedding. Is there anyway I can manage to avoid giving Disney a penny?

>Disney tells the father he can use Spidey's image if he pays 5 million dollars + a monthly fee of $50,000
>Father refuses
>Somehow Disney is the bad guy

He was given a chance.

yet here you are, what a loser

Don't go.

... who cares?

>having control over Spider Man's IP

Don't make me laugh Jew.


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How do you get married in Disney?

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>I really thought they were going to get Halle Berry

No because Halle Berry is actually half-decent looking because she's half-white.

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>Commit suicide

Half-black, half-Polish. She stole her own VCR but couldn't figure out how to program it.

Imagine thinking humans are in charge of media and tech corporations.

in a sane world he would be told to fuck off for trying to put a tacky spider man gravestone in any graveyard


>>"disassociate their characters with death"

Uncle "with great power comes great responsibility" Ben's death gave peter parker impetus to become a better Spiderman

Disney doesn't even understand their own IP, absolutely disgusting

fuck mickey mouse, he's a dirty rat anyway


*son suddenly awakens and grabs father by throat

>we don't want our films associated with death because it's scary
>forget about Lion King and Bambi and all those other films they don't count goy
Disney kikejews at it again....

You expect him to be well traveled and have a master degree or something?

Fucking disneykike

it was a literal 4 year old child, you know the audience all these capeshit heroes are SUPPOSED to be for, and not 45 year old wife's son raising cucks?

Pokemon Graves exist in real life.

Even Nintendo's famous lawyers don't bother with graves.

Which Disney? The one in California or the one in Flordia.

You could do worst wedding venues.

It's generally agreed Las Vegas weddings are ten times more tackier than Disney weddings.

No leftypol its not about jews

Imagine the mindset of someone who would seriously make this post

>Generations of fans have responded to our characters with the same wonder and delight that Ollie did.

That's a big lie though. Disney only owned Marvel recently so that generations thing was a heavy exaggeration by Disney when it concerns Marvel.

the one that hates jews is regular /pol/ newfag

>to be fair
how the fuck it is "fair", you fucking dumb piece of shit.

Disney is literally a company of heartless psychopaths. This grieving father and son situation is opening everybody's eyes.

No leftypol you're recognized

it will take far more than this to open anyone eyes about Disney, if anything at all. At this point I think they could flaunt actual pedo rings and nobody would bat an eye.

Legit schizo

you're very bad at gaslighting, try something else

Why would you ask permission? Do it, than dare Disney file a lawsuit against a dead child.

>who owns disney


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>they kill kids? b-but who else m-makes such AWESOME superhero films?!
>hurr durr i love disnep

More like dabbed

>To be fair
Stopped reading there.


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>still accomplished more in life than me

When I die, I want Satania to be put on my gravestone.

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gods this is depressing

Wonder what future humans will think in 3000 years or whatever when they dig up this coffin

Spiderman literally dies in a recent movie. Why didn't Disney bring the smackdown to Sony?

>shane wayne

really nigga

shane might be the least aesthetic and unpleasant male name

Walt should allowed it. He even should give the tombstone.

I was already boycotting the movies and comics because they have turned to shit. Now I have an even better reason. Ho Ho Ho

I'm wondering why you'd need to run a gravestone design past the city council but then it occurs to me it's Kentucky so they probably had to pass a law against rural white trash from putting ICP or pot leaf graphics on their graves

I thought you american could buy headstones down at your local walmart™ with all the personal engraving you wanted

>your son dies
>openly ask about the biggest coprorate on the planet permission to do something with their OC DO NOT STEAL
just place a sticker on the stone, you poor guys

Disney execs usually hang around graveyards

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They don't want theyr characters to be associated with death.

You comic nerds, what Marvel characters already embodies death? I'm making a custom tombstone and will add the character.

Disney has jailed single parents for reselling disneyworld tickets they wont refund.

you have to go back

My brother proposed to his fiance at disneyworld. When i hang out at his house she plays watch mojo disney videos.
He weighs 160 amd she weighs 250

Death embodies Death

I rest easy knowing your line ends with you

fuck you piece of shit infertile tranny faggot.


just put a little spidey figure on his hands inside the coffin. Disney's nose won't go that far.

Disney hasn't jailed anyone, they aren't the government, yet

I wonder what's on Stan Lee's grave.

fucking ell

they've sued kindergartens into bankruptcy for having copyrighted murals on their walls, the mouse does not fuck around

i thought the meme was that they had never had a death there because they always rush them out of the premises before they flatline

the coffin has probably allready colapsed and is decomposing

i would not find that hard to bellive

It's got to be bullshit. Disney has zero power to regulate what gets placed onto private property. End of story,

>Disney has zero power to ...

A gravestone is private property and so is the cemetery it resides in, in the United States at least. So Disney has no legal right (or power) to touch any gravestone and suing them is also fruitless because it's so ridiculous.

tl;dr unless you own the plot, or are related to the dead, you have no right to be in a cemetery or touch any grave marker in any way.

Press F to pay respects

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If this is true fuck those Disney faggots


f-free market...

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The Mario Brothers themselves were in attendance

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Exactly it's bullshit

If it's not I will literally print out 1000 spidermans and put it on all the local graves

rest in pieces dumb nintendork

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If there was ever righteous vandalism, that's got to be it, user.

Disney rep already said that the child's corpse would face extreme consequences if his father used Spider-man's image against the Will of Mouse

He was a little fucking kid, were you expecting him to be a fucking Shakespearean playwright or some shit?

heh turned to a sick guffaw. well played, user,

>not knowing how to meme

current year plus 4 is 2024. You wanted to say 2015+4 and oh you're just baiting for extra yous to point that out and I'm giving it to ya. Oh well.

Omg fuck Disney! It's called being a decent human being!
I'm not crying YOU'RE crying!

I thought the same thing honestly when I first read it. Who the fuck is "Halle Bailey"

I agree with the other homosexuals. How could you say such an insensitive thing? There's a special place in hell for people like you.

Does the House of Mouse have a direct line to Satan himself?

who cares? not like the kid is gonna be upset about it

Based Disney

There's a thing you don't have that others guard rather jealously, it's called "honor".

>honor is putting mass produced (((entertainment))) on your child's grave
neck yourself degenerate

based and redpilled. consumercucks itt triggered hard.

The fuck else would you be remembered for by 4?

^^^isn't it awesome how user misses the point and proves me right?

Lmao at the seething anons from reddit.

Wouldn't be surprised if Bob Iger himself tore his grave down.

>be Amerimutt
>drafted at 1 1/2
>get out at 2 1/2
>"find self" in London for a year
>relax with Spiderman for 6 months

We could call it "Pre-Schooler's Edge" and have Bill Murray narrate.

>thinking it has anything to do with "consumerism" and isn't just a heroic role model he and his dad could bond over together because you're too bent up about jews
you're the degenerate buddy

>n-no u
faggot manchildren get the rope

Why is that Yea Forums has gone full anti-capitalist ITT? Spider-man is copyrighted (protected by copyright). Disney is protecting their assets.

Imagine being this much of a fruitless loser to type this reply with 100% sincerity.

Fucking lul'd at the replies to this. Well done exposing the crypto-basedboys, user.

>triggering all these reddicucks
Based user. Based AND redpilled

>Imagine being this much of a fruitless loser to type this reply with 100% sincerity.

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He was 4 years old asshole. Go fuck yourself prick

bee eh esse dee

That's not how "no u" works. Leave, re ddit.

Fuck that little kid. I stand with Spiderman. If Bob Iger asked me too I would smash the kids tombstone with a hammer.

why did they "ask permission"? why not just have it made to honor your son? was this all a cry for attention? why capitalize on your dead kid? doesn't anybody have any shame?

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If he was a 4 year old asshole then why do you care? Sounds like he got what was coming to him.

It's a fake story. Yeah, Uncle Ethan is cool, but this reeks of falseness and homosexuality.

>marvel superheroes have taken the place of Gods in the onions era
>Disney is the authority on these nu-gods

Niggers like you deserve what's coming to you. Being strung up on a tree by what's left of your nuts.


I'm the Juggernaut of stacking knots unstoppably
The Disneyland-lord of your intellectual property
So get back to work, that's my dime you're wasting
I didn't buy you for billions so you could play around debating
Ah, you belong to Disney, which means you stay busy
Cranking out magic and assembly line whimsy
Artists begging me to stop, I won't let 'em!
Labor conditions in my shop? I don't sweat 'em!
I'm powerful enough to make a mouse gigantic
With only 3 circles I dominate the planet
Clearly, there's nobody near me
I'm owning this battle, in fact, I own this whole series
So hop on my Steamboat boys, but don't rock it
I'll put a smile on your face, and green in your pocket
You'll be safe and insured when you're under my employ
Now look at it! Gaze upon my empire of joy!

I would smash a thousand toddlers' graves just to hear Bob Iger say "synergy" over a walkie-talkie

Have sex.

>Have sex.

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So what? I didn't kill the little shit, ya crying soiboi reddit cuck.

imagine being a kid and getting a spiderman gravestone lmao you'd be like yeah pops thanks i watched one fucking movie and now i have this cunt with me forever where the fucks my dancing fortnite hologram


then whose in the coffin?

If we're being honest I'm glad he died. The world is a better place for it.

one things for sure it didnt make the world any worse

Attached: woopwoop.jpg (1000x731, 149K)

Damn Disney, don't you have anything better to do?

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>"Sorry, pal, hell isn't in the spiderverse."

Wow you're so cool.

ur trying too hard user tone it down

Not as cool as that dead kid's body right now.

Baby Mario


>no dilate and have sex

Shit list

The cemetery wont allow it unless the rat gives permission

If only they could tone down the temperature where that kid is now (hell).

he looks about 5 so not like he has much else going on


lolz it's a pun! hahahaa because dead bodies are cold. YOU are CLEVER!

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Can you imagine if it's the Spiderman in that pic that's pinching his oxygen supply and that's what killed him.



>my wife's son died and instead of grieving i'll get uppity over putting capeshit on his grave
america in a nutshell

Based, I kek'd


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How are you guys interpreting this post? It makes it sound like user is talking shit about the dad for not being able to come up with a better way to memorialize his son than "he liked Spiderman"

Two birds, one stone. Fucking genius

look at all the redditors seething at this post. Yea Forums is truly dead.

>election tourist tries to fit in

I would probably kms too if I had to die holding a spiderman doll

I'd understand if it was the original tobey maguire spiderman but the modern ones?

Kid was probably barely hanging onto to life and that last thing was what snipped the chord

Attached: spider gi.gif (300x275, 121K)

Can the mouse really be this openly evil?

imagine having a son oh wait that's something an user like you would never understand

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It would be very painful.


sounds like a really tacky way to remember your son.

Sad part is that the son never actually liked Spiderman. It was the father that was obsessed with it.

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The fucking image doesn’t even need to be shopped, the original is literally just as disrespectful

That's exactly what it's about. Don't listen to the consumers who want graveyards looking like a walmart aisle.

christ this is a dumb post but the overreaction in the replies is just ridiculous
you lads need to take it easy and not get so fired up

what kind of mongoloid pronounces A as "eh"


>paying hundreds of dollars to a business that can't even resize an image with the correct aspect ratio

>Nicholas got called to duty
oh fuck my sides

If the Dad loved him so much why wouldn't he memorialze that love, and the love of his family on his son's grave rather than a stupid superhero?

>the s oy guzzlers that disagree with this post


Disney's Club 33 is the gateway to hell.

im guessing this is bait.
disney doesn't have the rights to spider man.

lol fag getting soi spidey. put this on my gravestone.

Attached: DD0AEDCE-DBF5-4B0D-93B5-9C96D5D2EB8E.jpg (184x274, 24K)

based carnage

isnt this the after pic of a mom handing her toddler a gun as a joke?

In 10 years everyone will hate (((Disneyman))) like Starwars.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (333x250, 70K)

>do I fit in yet guise?


I wouldn't want one of my brands etched into a childs tombstone either.
That is a bad look.

The kid's dead, who cares man

If “evil” as a concept is real, that’s it. I have zero clue how anyone can do that.

Go tell your mousemasters that you should all kill yourselves.

It’s what he liked, man. He was fucking 4. It’s not associating Spider-Man with death, it’s showing how something as simple as a fictional superhero can be so symbolic to someone.

The Spider Man brand itself, independent of Marvel is something like a $1Billion+ per annum earner.
He was just a fucking 4 year old, he wouldn't have come near to that in his lifetime (had he not died as a child).
Never start a business user.

Why are you lying


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It's a meme. Brie bots were posting pics about their queen then this based user kept on photoshopping those pics into the Stan Lee message. It was absolutely hilarious.

Ah yes the father is selling tickets to his sons grave so people can see the image of spiderman, fuck off you retard.

Honestly just do it anyway, what are they gonna do ? tear it down? yeah cause that's gonna look good for PR

End yourself tonight. I know you've been considering it.

reddit post

The current year meme started in 2015 you newfag sperg

>projecting newfag gets his feelings hurt
let me guess: you unironically call people "edgelord" on the internet

Yeah, forget rape, torture, and murder. This is the shit that truly chills me to the core.

That doesn’t make any sense. I think it is you who is new. I also think I can take you in a fight irl. Fancy it?

The engraving company or whatever that's in charge of making the tombstone probably prompted this father to get Disney's permission to use a copyrighted character before going ahead and making it, so as to avoid getting sued into oblivion.

why don't they ban spider man tattoos