Let's be real, nobody watched MTV for the music

Let's be real, nobody watched MTV for the music

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MTV is mega overrated when is comes to music.

Internet killed the video star

>not watching mtv for nirvana, guns and roses or motley crue videoclips
call me a boomer but that was my 'youtube' back then

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MTV was always mainstream and people did watch it for the videos, which had massive cultural influence

True life, room raiders, and next were absolutely based

What the fuck is Oasis - Live Forever? I didn't know they had songs after wonderwall

no people watched it for jackass and teen mom

t. zoomer

The only thing I’ve ever watched on MTV was The Andy Milonakis Show.

that was after they stopped showing videos

Truthfully if I wanted to watch music videos we just watched The Box. I remember my cousin showing me this by ordering Epic by Faith No More.

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>Let's be real, nobody watched MTV for the music
Uh, yeah we did you faggot

Yeah we did watch it for the music. Every teen back then had MTV on in the background for music. When it stopped playing music we switched over to The Box which played requests. Then that shutdown and we had nothing. Now everyone listens to iPhones alone and there is no communal music.

The Box was fucking literal shit tier rap garbage and buttrock though.

It was just perfect background noise

It was whatever you paid to see.

most of what they offered up sucked in my area


This man speaks the truth....

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boomer device

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Now that is a piece of history I've not seen in a long time

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Yes we did. Fucking millennial retard.


I fingered a girl on the back of the schoolbus on a field trip to Hootie. Good times, good times.

I was the bus driver.




Let's be fake, no body real waatched MTV

I did.

bet it was a really short bus

You do understand that was LITERALLY all that used to play on MTV, right?

You're yelling at a zoomer grandpa, get your generational cohorts straight.

I only ever watched TRL and video mods. Miss that show, was ahead of its time.

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I did, you dense motherfucker

I'd turn on MTV or VH1 to watch music videos before the school bus came each morning.

Damn I haven't seen one of these since we had it sitting behind our family tv, it was already out of date by the time I was playing video games and watching vhs tapes in kindergarten.

They could literally bring it back now that YouTube is dying in exposurebux

I remember watching the spring break episodes of TRL at 11 and trying to quickly whack it to the girls on the beach, always difficult because it kept cutting to Carson Dalyor or one of the guests like Ja Rule.
