/gndg/ - God's Not Dead general

Does Yea Forums consider the God's Not Dead trilogy to be propaganda?

>God's Not Dead Trailer

>God's Not Dead 2 Trailer



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Other urls found in this thread:

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf

Protestants and their jewish friends destroyed christianity

Christianity can never be destroy for our Savior Jesus Christ lives forever and is standing at the right hand of our Father in heaven.

it triggers atheists to no end that their lack of belief in God relies just as much on faith as Christianity does, it's why they can never have a serious argument about it and resort to childish things like flying spaghetti monster.

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I miss the old newsboys.
so annoying they use the guy from dc talk and sound nothing like they used to

There's a third one? I found it surprising that there was a second.

why was the professor such a jerk

Because he rejected the love of Jesus Christ

Because the movie is a strawman, user.

>Christianity can never be destroy
Except for when the cucked ones let muslims come into europe by the hundreds

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These movies are unironically redpilled. It always makes me laugh when I see athiests get so buttblasted over them. They have issues, but they've kept so many kids on the righteous path

It's kino

>Except for when the cucked ones let muslims come into europe by the hundreds
But that's literally the Christian thing to do.

user, you must know that Satan is behind such evils and not Christ. Those who allow dangerous men into a country are clearly not the ones who believe and are saved by Jesus.

Rabbi Yeshua didn't create the universe.


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>They have issues, but they've kept so many kids on the righteous path
really? you have evidence for this? I'm not an antitheist by any stretch, but I think these movies are terrible, and are counter-productive. would love to be proven wrong though

Go back to /pol/ rabbi yeshua-poster! Oh, and don't go into the Christian threads either, unless you want to be saved. If you want to be saved then please go into the Christian threads. Thank you for listening. God bless!

Only Christfags would ever say they’re not propaganda. They present opposing ideas as villainous or childish while promoting the validity of fairy tales about a jealous, cruel god that pranks people for laughs.

Protestants saved and spread Christianity. Catholic pedophiles and shitskins/mongoloids are what have ruined Christianity.

Not having something doesn’t require anything.

When will this meme stop?
>it's part of our faith to take in those who deny our God and will kill us for it :)

>Protestants saved and spread Christianity
and look at what it's been reduced to now, there is hardly any denomination or churches that are not liberalized

Religious people don’t see science and objective truth as what they are, choosing instead to view them as an opposing belief system that also lacks logical foundation. It’s a defense mechanism so they don’t have to feel stupid about believing stupid shit from an old book.


did any atheist ever take him up on this or were they all too busy dilating and crying because hillary lost?

this is delusional thinking

>objective truth
see what I mean?

The day of the rope will come soon, user.

The movies are shit, dude. There are way better religious movies than this garbage out there

>and will kill us for it
So? You do believe in eternal life after death? Somebody killing your mortal body does not have any effect on your soul.

>stale meme guy said something
Yeah, really a wonder why global atheist community did not have a meeting on how to respond him

>But that's literally the Christian thing to do.
No, idiot. They're not even trying to convert them.

You just proved right

The only god I believe in is my dick and it hungers for cunny. Amen.

Islam > Judaism > agnosticism > paganism > atheism >>>>>>>>>>>> cuckstianity

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Nothing screams pious Christianity like fetishized anime girls

This has to be some autistic Yea Forums roleplaying I'm not aware of

this is just stupid and wrong though, and only applies to evangelicals

Look man I'm a Catholic-ass nigga, but I fucking hate that argument
I believe that Constantine Xi will rise from the dead to reconquer Constantinople in 5 years time. Do I have proof to back that up? No, but you can't disprove it, therefore, it will happen.

Get real, homie.

Why the racism?

>Why the racism?
imagine caring

I'm atheist, but I respect Catholics a lot more than protestants.

I dont really like this sort of "christianity".

Don't you fags have African feet to kiss?

>dumb atheist trying to back track on their atheistic beliefs
lmao you people truly have no morals, you will have nothing when your time has come faithless fools.

You mean aside from a life well lived, without fear of eternal damnation for eating bacon on Sunday or whatever?

Of course they're propaganda, they're meant to propagate a particular idea. The Gospels are propaganda in exactly the same way, so that's no condemnation of the films in and of themselves.


>a life well lived
by what standard, you're posting here, so I don't suppose it's that great

>eating bacon on Sunday
this just shows your ignorance

Youve never been to a sermon of any kind

If that day came they will come for (you) first

Christianity doesn't support anything like a day of the rope. Judgement will come from God not man.

You don't get damnation from eating bacon on Sunday, dumbfuck. You get it for murder and rape

>no one can disprove

If you can't prove something exist. It doesn't exist.
If you can. It does.


> 2 years later
> innumerable threads later
> this will still go 250+ posts

Can you prove Ronin Hood existed? Can you prove King Arthur existed?

Here's a simpler one - did Guan Yu wield a guandao?

The idea of eternal damnation itself is blasphemous. God loves and sympathizes with his creation and wouldn't subject them to eternal torture. Those who side with Satan will die quick deaths.

But both of those are semi-legendary fictional characters

There are many things that can't be proven to not exist, simply because there is nowhere to even begin. Fictitious creatures, any kind of gods in all religions, afterlife, souls, and so on. But that doesn't mean they are real, actually is the opposite, the concept of it's existence is so absurd that there is not even a thread to follow.

It is a waste of time and effort to guide your life following tenants based on things unproven. Religion is good in a societal sense, but it is nothing but chains for the individual, specially christianity, which romanticizes weakness and group thinking so much, with most of their martyrs being people who were brutally tortured and killed while praying for the souls of those killing then. If you really need a religion, there are better ones, which gives value to strength and individual thought, things that will help you as a person.

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>Ronin Hood
I'd watch this crossover.

>Proceed to get killed and expelled by Christians until very recently
Got to say this whole Christianity thing took a long time to pay off in the Jews favour

>messages like don't kill, don't steal, and don't commit adultery are "chains" to the atheist

>no one can disprove that god exists
This line of reasoning is dumb as fuck. If you're the one making the claim that God is out there, then you're the one who has to back it up. Why should anyone lift a finger to do your own work for you? Why should anybody care about your arguments if you can't support them?

It is literally a part of the Christian faith to offer foreigners and strangers hospitality and to forgive transgressions committed against you by them.

seriously, fuck those wal-mart churches

Can you really call chanting bible verses in Latin, followed by a five minute summary, a sermon?

Say that in 200 years, when people in the entire europe will be lifting their butts to the west at the same time in the sound of bells.

There are infinitely many gods

Prove that anything outside of the self exists. You can't, so I suppose everything is made up? Merely believing you are interfacing with external objects requires faith.

I was thinking the same desu

I get buttblasted when my neighbor beats their dog, that doesn't somehow validate my neighbor because it made me mad. It just makes my neighbor a dick.

Dude, the third one is totally pastor Dave centric, you’ve gotta see it.

>protestants saved christianity
You must mean by donating food and clothes for the tax write-off, or how pastors have the highest salaries in small towns? I don't think you mean "saved", but instead try "bastardized". Protestants are just conmen with crosses.

>god is all powerful
>bad shit happens
>if god is all powerful why bad thing? boo hoo
>read bibble
>literally says the earth belongs to the devil and we're all cursed
>our fault because the earth was our gift from god and we gave it to the devil of our own free will
>trapped in life/death as slaves to satan and sin
>can only escape by forsaking the earth and accepting salvation through Christ
>people claim to know anything about Christianity and don't know these basic things
Blind faith and blind disbelief are both equally retarded.

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>Pr*testant movies


I will turn one cheek, then the other, spread them both, and fart in your fucking face for being a false flagger.
What you’re saying goes directly against Christian doctrine.

>r how pastors have the highest salaries in small towns?
meanwhile, Vatican net worth: $15,000,000,000

>literally says the earth belongs to the devil and we're all cursed
>our fault because the earth was our gift from god and we gave it to the devil of our own free will
This is literally not true, the Earth belonging to Satan is a harbinger of the Apocalypse. He's still in Heaven and will remain there until the events of Revelation.

>He's still in Heaven

A leaker says the Vatican bank has like 4 billion in assests. The Morom church, with it's .01% as many members, pribably has closer to 15 billion.

Satan is an angel of the Lord who acts as the Accuser. His job is to search out sin, tempt sin from man, etc. and report that shit to God. He's basically God's snitch. This is why God and Satan are so buddy-buddy in the OT, because Satan literally works for God. War will break out in Heaven and Satan and Satan's followers will be cast out, but this is only after the 4 horsemen ride out and the bowls of wrath are upended.

If they just made the professor a little bit less of an asshole it wouldn't have felt so heavily propagandized.

>giving as much weight to literal fan fiction as the Gospels or the Old Testament

This so fucking accurate

>discarding elements of the NT as fanfiction because they're inconvenient for you
literally heresy, but ok

Which is tied up in assets they can't sell anyway

>Atheist in the first movie gets ran over by a car
>Christian dude comes up to him
>Instead of ringing an ambulance or anything helpful, he tries to convert him on the spot before he dies

Yeah, it's propaganda

This makes no fucking sense, why would god let Satan run free when he saw the dude would betray him milleniums on advance? This is how it happens:

>satan was one of the best
>betrays god and gather followers, they all leave heaven
>they are now on earth
>the apocalypse is the final confrontation


Milton's fanfiction is not actually in the bible, user. Try reading it sometime.

Rome destroyed christianity by turning it from an interesting and anachronistically egalitarian doomsday cult with a bunch of bizarre regional variations and genuine integrity into a whore for power, warping its doctrine constantly to support whatever hierarchy its currently playing concubine for.

Oh yes Constantine! You have suuuuuuch a big dick. Please help us establish Orthodoxy so the Patriarch can have a shinier hat! Also nvm those silly things Jesus said about earthly authority being a gay but inevitable reality that will be paid harsh recompense in the final days! Emperors are actually kewl.

Oh Charlemagne! You're totally the best and definitely the Emperor for some reason. Nevermind you're literally the last man standing in a massive battle royale of blood and sin that violates every principle of proto-christian thought! Being a warlord is hot.

Oh Mr Big Strong Mussolini! I'm sure we can come to some...arrangement. Stay off our lawn and we'll tut a little at that ol' persecution of the Jews while rendering unto Caesar if you know what we mean. Socialism drools by the way, the rich can pass through the eye of our needle anytime.


>God loves and sympathizes with his creation
The Bible says otherwise.

i unirnonically love the Newsboys and I'm a 50 yrs old bisexual biker guy with devil tats in my asscheeks

And yours don't even make fucking sense. If god could predict it all and told everyone BEFORE Satan betrayed him, then Satan and his followers either would have betrayed him sooner, or not even betray at all, if god is also right about his victory.

What I wrote is not fanfiction. That is exactly what happens in the bible. Read the bible.
>hurr God didn't pre-emptively stop Satan even though he knew he would one day betray him
And God also doesn't instantly kill all future murderers at the moment of their birth either, does he? This line of objection isn't nearly as smart as you think it is.

Which god are you talking about, the one cloaked in shadow or the one in shining endless light? Old testament kinda went back and forth between the two because they thought they were the same dude.

>god in infallible
>that’s why he needed a second draft with the New Testament
Your faith is a fucking joke.

They aren’t tho, right? The god of the OT is definitely an incel, whereas NT god is loving (and lovable) Chad.

So now Christianity has many gods?

what if I murdered and raped the bacon in that order

three duh


They made a third propaganda video?

Expanding his Covenant over all the earth as opposed to just the jews is not a violation of infallibility.

Does the fact that God is omniscient mean we live in a deterministic universe?
This has been literally keeping me up at night.

Your story is a fanfiction, there's little about Satan in the bible, or the funcion of heaven. Milton's stuff have as much ground as your shit, but at least his makes sense.

The problem in your fanfiction is not God, trying to understand him is a waste of effort, but all the others involved. WHY Satan and his followers would still betray after knowing before hand that they will get rekt? Why would the other angels not get involved and try to end this in a preemptive way now that they know with a 100% sure this shit will escalate and end in bloodbath?

So suddenly Jesus and the Holy Spirit are separate gods?
Except the New Testament directly contradicts the Old Testament at almost every turn. How could both be the word of an infallible god?

>there's little about Satan in the bible
Read the Old Testament and then come back.

>fairy tales keep me up at night
I spent many a sleepless night wondering how Robin Hood’s went right the center of that first arrow when it should have veered off once it hit it.

Moderate liberal protestant (((Christians))) destroyed Protestantism. Pope Francis and his pedo friends destroyed Catholicism.

Presumpositionalists are fucking cancerous retards.

There are consequences for my actions put forth onto objects in my space, that effect other people in the same space. To the point where we can have a shared experience. If you want to pull some "you don't know anything bro", then that equally applies to whatever batshit religion you have, by your own admission; by your own logical steps. Since if you can't even explain a "self", then there is no way in shit you can explain a paranormal entity. You're just shooting your own argument in the foot.

So that means you probably agree that I can exert some sort of consequence on the world around me, that can be measured by other forces exerting back. So I'm not an isolated incident and you're a dumb faggot.

logically yes, Christianity is the best argument for being utterly and totally immoral and sadistic because an all-knowing god knows your choices and ultimate fate since the beginning of time, and by definition you can't "surprise" an all-knowing God. On top of this, Luther argues rather persuasively that a sovereign God controls every aspect of creation, elsewise he is not sovereign, and predestination has been a thing since at least Augustine.
Christcucks are too chickenshit to follow their own logic, there's a reason Calvinism is the only logically consistent branch of Christianity and also one of the most memed-on

>Satan presently dwells in the heavenly realm. The Bible teaches that he does have access to the LORD. Whether he has already been thrown out of heaven or whether this judgment is still future is an area in which Bible students disagree.

That's like saying that God isn't infallible because he created the seas and the land on different days, despite these concepts being conflicting in nature. Are you being stupid on purpose?

Bros, my mom just told everyone she’s a footfag at dinner. I need some consoling.

Anyone else like the muslim girl's feet in the movie?

Holy shit, you’re actually retarded.

Protestant here. I dont believe in God but the christmas sermons are nice. Fuck your old world voodoo bullshit kek

>A ruler is not a ruler unless he exercises his power to personally micro-manage every single tiny aspect of his kingdom 24/7 instead of letting things run autonomously
calvinists are the dumbest faggots that christianity ever spawned.


By the very definition of omniscience god will know every choice you no matter what. So even if god knows that you'll go to hell but you somehow turn your life around and accept him and go to heaven instead, he'll know that. Every possibility he'll know about, literally everything.

It isn't worth wracking your brain over. It's basically "He knows everything all the time everywhere at once even the stuff that may or may not happen."

No, it applies to everyone that believes in unfounded supernatural bullshit. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and their sects are no different in their cognitive dissonance.

>Protestant here. I dont believe in God

I don't understand how that inevitable line of reasoning doesn't piss off Christians for. It essentially makes every action in the Bible pointless.

Why do christcucks taken seriously on this site nowadays?

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2016, user. Blame 2016.

why is it pointless

It means free will is an illusion, which makes the choice in the garden a lie orchestrated by God.

>this deity I believe in, knows everything for all time before it has even happened, forever
>every action, every choice, every sin, every good deed, every...thing...forever...
>"why does that make everything pointless hurr durrr?"
Then nothing fucking matters at all. Satan loses, you go wherever you are predestined to, so la-de-da bucko, roll the dice. 50/50 chance of going to Hell.

Because actual boomers and election normalfags think they can fit in just because Yea Forums mocked someone they didn't like.

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"NO U" - Josh Wheaton
Fuck religion.

But that poster just said that God can foresee what you will do. He didn't say that God will actually interfere in the decision to affect the outcome.

I actually had an argument with a zoomer yesterday that this wasn't an anime forum.

because securalists have nothing to offer but hedonism, degeneracy and nihilism

>catholic pedophiles
Pedophilia there is no more rampant than any other clerical/leader profession. Fuck off with this meme

What is the practical application for omniscience and omnipotence then, on free will? What is the point of free will at all?

You know, there is an easy fix to this and it is over a few thousand years old: make the gods fallible and dependent on your worship.

So the first film has the christians murder the atheist by refusing him medical help, right?

>hedonism, degeneracy and nihilism
Sounds like fun.

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The Catholic Church has funded and endorsed scientific pursuits for almost its whole existence to today
Fuck off with this meme

kek yeah. He gets hit by a car and they just pray on him until his heart gives out. Honestly, if he had received medical treatment right away, he would have lived.

"God's Not Dead...but this Atheist sure is!"


Well it's not like it'd make the universe deterministic or nothing. I just genuinely think god doesn't give a shit what happens here. Some people will say he has a plan for all of us but try telling that to those 6 month old infants that starve to death in Africa and shit. God has no plan, he's just waiting for us to either fuck up or not and put our souls in the appropriate plane of existence. That's pretty much the rules he made, you either love and accept him and get ever lasting bliss or you don't and suffer for eternity.

You can say I'm wrong but there's so many goddamn interpretations of this shit and how the rules work we'd never know what's the correct way until we kick the bucket anyway. None of this shit is worth thinking about too deeply.

I want to fuck that cute anime girl raw.

So, he's clearly either evil or chaotic?

I like how you can't just come to terms with how he probably just isn't real, instead you have to saddle yourself with him being an indifferent or cruel Machiavellian horror.

Reminder if you're Catholic you get sent to heaven no matter what but if you're just Christian and Catholics are right, you are fucked.

Catholicism is the one true based religion.

>What is the practical application for omniscience and omnipotence then, on free will?
>What is the point of free will?
God made free will because he wanted followers who could choose to follow him, as opposed to robots who were programmed in without a choice. This is actually how God's angels are presented in most of the bible-- little more than automatons who have no choice but to follow God's word to the letter. Mankind is special to God specifically because they have the choice to say "no." God finds beauty in the ability to choose. So he lets us.

There is no time in heaven or hell, it is literally outside that dimension. Fuck off with this meme

>there's so many goddamn interpretations of this shit
Only because it's bullshit made to be purposefully vague to sell it to retards like you.


Are the other movies as hilarious? Do they murder strawmen in them?

>Reminder if you're Catholic you get sent to heaven no matter what
This is absolutely not true, in fact Catholics have a harder path to heaven besides Protestants who by and large think that just saying your prayers gets you unconditional entry to Heaven. Catholics actually take the whole "live your faith through charitable works" requirement for salvation seriously.

I hate this manlet but this was too good. Don't know how Christfags can come back from this

>we'd never know what's the correct way until we kick the bucket anyway. None of this shit is worth thinking about too deeply.
Then why do you believe it? You just admitted there's no logical basis for it.

cba to watch 40 minutes of that ugly fuck face

>God made free will because he wanted followers who could choose to follow him
Which is pointless if he already knows. What does it matter to him? You know how insane that reasoning sounds, right?
>as opposed to robots who were programmed in without a choice
Why does God have to be the only positive choice? Otherwise, there really is none. Why can't there be many paths to his way of living? If he gave a single shit about the happiness and freedom of his own creatures, he wouldn't have the logical capacity of a human child and the entire concept of "bad/good" is small.
>Mankind is special to God specifically because they have the choice to say "no."
kek, but not really. Since he gets absolutely autistic as all shit if you say no.
>beauty in the ability to choose
Then he wouldn't waste so much time gaslighting you for the "wrong" decisions.

Literally untrue to Catholic doctrine
Righteous Catholics go to heaven
Wrongdoing Catholics go to purgatory or hell
And the same goes for any other human being. Unwillful Ignorance of the truth is something that is accounted for upstairs.

I think the second one tries to make an argument that Christians are absolutely oppressed in the US and they compare them to post-9/11 American Muslims then there was a Muslim character who is secretly smuggling in Christcuck shit on her phone. I don't remember. It had Sabrina the Teenage Witch and poor arguments.

I can only imagine some retarded Christian family makes their kids watch this as a family every year. They make it a big thing, and have a bunch of popcorn, and drinks. Makes me sick, there's no God bros. I wish it were different.

So since Im gay I go to hell? Thanks God, lol

That sounds fucking hilarious. I wonder if they talk about the war on Christmas.

>That second trailer
Kek. I love how they hammed it up to 11 here.
>Were going to prove once and for all..THAT GODS NOT DEAD!!!
>How do we take care of this without getting blood on our hands?????
>implying schools don't brush off way worse stuff on a normal basis

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If God is just, you seem a lot better off not knowing he exist, like missionaries damn people, now they can't claim ignorance at the pearly gates

>Mankind is special to God specifically because they have the choice to say "no." God finds beauty in the ability to choose. So he lets us.

You can't really make that claim because we're the only life we know of in the universe so far. What if god just thinks we're a bunch of retarded monkey rejects and stuck us in some backwater part of the universe? For all we know god's true special race of aliens are probably some super advanced, hyper intelligent beings on the other side of the universe.

Can't blame you

>Free will is pointless if God can see the outcome of the choice in advance
This is idiotic. A clairvoyant who can spy the outcome of a game of poker isn't doing the same thing as remote-controlling all the players. Fuck off with your stupid false equivalancies.
>hurr muh many paths to heaven bullshit why isn't God caring about the happiness of humans
He does. That's why he sent Jesus. I don't think you understand how stupidly utopian the society envisioned by Jesus would be.
>Since he gets absolutely autistic as shit if you say "no" to following his commands
oh no the Big Man is upset that I don't feel like following instructions like "honor your father and mother" and "stop killing each other" and "be merciful to strangers and needy folk" and "recognize that I'm the one telling you all this." Shit like this is why the jews got 40 years in the desert.

Well then maybe we'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it, what a uselessly pedantic post.

Catholics don't believe in purgatory anymore

Why even make the universe, not just the earth sun and moon?
Red herring?

Nice dubs, HOWEVER.
Is it not more beautiful for people to discover who saved them and allowed for them to come into eternal happiness? Should they not rightly foster a great relationship with God for his mercy?
And still, sometimes conscience makes up for the morality of the lacking faith. There are some things that just are bad to anybody
I do and it’s canonical

The idea of satan acting independently of God (and also God being incapable of what we’d call “evil”) are fairly modern concepts.

For more information read “Answer to Job” by Carl Jung.

they're too busy devouring Jesus

Jesus Christ you fool. No one can disprove a giant ball sag and dick in the sky created our universe.

We really aren't that special in the grand scheme of things, the universe didn't start with us and it certainly won't end when we die off either

>creates a personified abstraction for the absolute authority of nature and our evolving understanding of it
>codifies it
The idolatry of man-made scripture is the godkiller

You fucking maniacs

You believers in this thread seems to place a lot of value on taking things literally, as in quoting the Bible on why such and so doctrine is "wrong"
How far do you take this, like 6k years old earth Etc. Or do you judge those things to be more poetical? Anyway, I think that's a slippery slope

Not true.

You people argue like actual retards...

Reminder that the disciples were not actually named Matthew, Mark, Luke, John etc, those are just names made up for the english translation

No they just don’t put all their eggs in one basket on a scenario that has no tangible proof. I’m not saying that a Christian God doesn’t exist, it may, but so could an alien penis cumming our existence into reality. Give me proof. Science has also failed, the Big Bang is far from explaining our existence as well. I suppose I’m a skeptic and cant fully but my faith in something that has no proof.

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf

Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

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user, the question always becomes: why is God's basic concept for morality just mirror basic human development? Why would an outlandishly vast and powerful, inter-dimensional "thing", care about what YOU personally deem is right or correct to do?

>arguing about the presence of predestination and satan's role in god's plan is LITERALLY the same thing as taking 4000 year old genealogy at face value!

It's not pedantic, it just makes your argument silly.

>This is idiotic. A clairvoyant who can spy the outcome of a game of poker isn't doing the same thing as remote-controlling all the players. Fuck off with your stupid false equivalancies.
Are you kidding? Talk about false equivalents,,

The idea is that the this Clairvoyant also shuffled the cards, stacked the deck, created the cards and the minds, bodies and souls of the card players.
At that point, those people are no longer "playing" cards, they are just going through the motion to reach an end state already known

>why is God's basic concept for morality just mirror basic human development?
Why even bother asking this when it is said that god created man in his image? you have this relationship backwards -- proper basic human moral development is a reflection of God's basic concept for morality.

>christians repeatedly kill, steal, and commit adultery and act like everything is fine because they go to church on sunday

The universe is inherently deterministic.
If their is a god, see If there is no god (or higher power), then you have no soul. That means your “self” doesn’t really exist. It’s not one unit. It’s a compilation of animal instincts, societal conditioning, impulses sparked by neurotransmitters and executed by electricity. You’re just matter, and you’re at the whims of that matter’s properties.

Another scary thought is as follows: Assuming God’s existence, the soul is likely totally disconnected from your body. In all likelihood, the soul/consciousness/you is inhabiting this animal as a passenger as it goes about its life. Like demon possession, but you’re the demon. You don’t love your mother, or father, or wife. You inhabit an animal that loves other animals. Every shred of identity – everything that makes you ‘you’ – will die when you die.

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But man has factually evolved, so he didn't make MAN, he made the conditions for life that made him. So is then the argument, that God's morality is imparted to cells? Or amoebas?

You'dd think all the good arguments already was made in 2000++ years

>your brain doesn't work so well when the answer to every question is "because my religious authority says so"
Who would've fuckin' thunked it?

God can't really do anything without making a naturalistic way for it to happen

Have you ever dealt with the scofield bible in real life?

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So, he imparted into the universe, a human-centric version of morality, on cells that would one day evolve?

>The idea is that the this Clairvoyant also shuffled the cards, stacked the deck, created the cards and the minds, bodies and souls of the card players.
No because all of these things are made by men. Again, Calvinistfags have this weird idea that God remote-controls every single minute action ever made by humans at any given time, at any place. God is not shuffling the cards. You are. Do you think he's sitting behind you, invisibly, guiding your hand like you're the girl in that one scene from Ghost? No. He's watching you roll those dice, but he isn't fucking with how they spin in the air. He wasn't dicking around with the dice manufacturing vats like it's Ocean's 13. God watches, God judges. God does not micro-manage your life.

This misinterpretation of how God exercises his power is the ultimate copout of the Christian faith. It's just an excuse to avoid claiming responsibility for your actions. Precisely why all who believe in Predestination and other Calvinist doctrines will meet judgement when they die.

That part about the foreskin was just a dud?

Catholicism is literally the religion of kiddie diddlers

A gentle reminder that real Christians protect and die for Israel.
God bless America.

That exploding gavel was hilarious


who cares? most scientific innovations as of late have been and will be disastrous

Just that?
-What about the school that allows "sign away your beliefs or fail"
-What about "Oh shit you have cancer? I harbor no human emotions without god's love so begone, wew, I almost had to do some work there"

I don't care what people believe in, but it takes a special kind of retard to think this shit is good in any way. Christians should be embarrassed by this shit the same way Atheists should be embarrassed by fedora wearing, katana wielding edge lords.

My gods he is relentlessly handsome.

Braze Jeebus xddDD

>Christians should be embarrassed by this shit
I am. evangelicals are an embarrassment

Lol at that girl who breaks up with her boyfriend of 6 years because he's doing a class project she doesn't like


>tfw you will never fuck him hard while he begs God to forgive his sin

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That is the dumbest fucking elementary school logic I've seen. That someone thought that was clever enough to make into a quote image is astounding.

>That someone thought that was clever enough to make into a quote image is astounding.
It's a movie for rednecks. You shouldn't be surprised.

>That is the dumbest fucking elementary school logic I've seen.
So is "if there's a God how come starving brown kids" but atheists still haven't progressed past that

God's Not Dead
God's Not Dead 2: Still Not Dead
God's Not Dead 3: Revelations
God's Not Dead Forever
God's Not Dead: Dead Atheists Tell No Tales
God's Not Dead: Mormon Boogaloo
The Undead God (directed by Rob Zombie)
A Good Day To Not Die

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God's Not Dead cinematic universe when

>not A God Day To Not Die

Tell me then

Prove God exists for us to believe him.

This movie is pure fucking kino. It's like they took every strawman and bundled that shit into the greatest cinematic bonfire of all time.


i haven't seen any of these, but they look unironically based and christpilled is the best pill to take.

God´s Not Dead Part IX: Insurection
God´s Not Dead X: Nemesis
God´s Not Dead XI: The Last Batch
God´s Not Dead XI+1: You are (not) Alone

You're strawmanning. It isnt that God is there every step of the way, its that things can only unfold one way. If God foresees us doing something, we can't surprise him and do something else. It's all a script running through its commands. Does Lady Macbeth have the potential to do anything but shame her husband into murder? If you watch a slasher movie, does Jason have any choice on killing or how he kills his victims? Unless you can explain to me how an infallible all knowing being can be surprised and still retain those qualities.
You're just a coward too afraid to admit that winning the love and favor of an ineffable timeless and infinitely good being isn't necessarily the same thing as being nice or even a good person. Literally every other non-Abrahamic religion - especially Greek and Norse myth - grapples with the ideas and ramifications of fate and what, if anything, people can do, but you fucking Christfags want to have your cake and eat it too, like everything else in your theology.

That is relentlessly hot.



imagine a human who thinks that is poignant

help me remember this kino, bros
i was on vacation at the beach watching some christian kino on cable tv at like 3 in the morning.
it was about a group of friends who went to college or high school together or something. they had gone their own way but were all coming back together for a wedding. they each had their own sins they were struggling with. one of them was gay but in the closet i remember. two of the characters had unrequited love and i think they got together by the end. i remember some scene of one of the guys falling off a roof and getting hurt.
anyone seen it?

Whoa! Christian scientist solved the problem of evil way back in 130AD, didn't know that..

Kind of wanted you to explain it in your own words, though

>People can imagine the idea of God; Therefor God exist
Powerful stuff

Watched Silence recently and enjoyed it, what are some other really good religious movies?

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Fireproof and the Apocalypse Movies

Go to the southern US, almost all black people are Protestant

Why is the concept of closeted, self-loathing gays succumbing to their base desires and getting pounded by buff dudes so hot, bros?

lmao, have sex

That makes no sense whatsoever. Elaborate.

God is real, but he's apathetic at best and malevolent at worst

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Never seen the movie. I've always thought of Atheists as intellectually dishonest people though who I wouldn't want as wingmen watching my back. Atheists hide behind science not because they are skilled in science but because they use it as an outlet for their hatred of God: a lot of the Atheists I ran into couldn't even describe the scientific method. A true free thinker doesn't dismiss God but Atheists summarily conclude that there is no God cuz vague reasons, it's ridiculous. When an atheist isn't twisting scripture, they are telling everyone within a mile's radius that they are Atheist.

I have a personal aversion towards almost anything to do with religion, so these movies suck

You know, I'm actually glad that all the governments of the world are trying to shut down the internet now. It's just become a cesspool right-wing boomer bullshit at this point.

>The word "satan" does not occur in the Book of Genesis, which mentions only a talking serpent and does not identify the serpent with any supernatural entity.[15] The first occurrence of the word "satan" in the Hebrew Bible in reference to a supernatural figure comes from Numbers 22:22,[16] which describes the Angel of Yahweh confronting Balaam on his donkey:[6] "Balaam's departure aroused the wrath of Elohim, and the Angel of Yahweh stood in the road as a satan against him."[16] In 2 Samuel 24, Yahweh sends the "Angel of Yahweh" to inflict a plague against Israel for three days, killing 70,000 people as punishment for David having taken a census without his approval.[17] 1 Chronicles 21:1 repeats this story,[17] but replaces the "Angel of Yahweh" with an entity referred to as "a satan".[17]

>The satan appears in the Book of Job, a poetic dialogue set within a prose framework,[21] which may have been written around the time of the Babylonian captivity.[21] In the text, Job is a righteous man favored by Yahweh.[21] Job 1:6-8 describes the "sons of God" (bənê hāʼĕlōhîm) presenting themselves before Yahweh.[21] Yahweh asks one of them, "the satan", where he has been, to which he replies that he has been roaming around the earth.[21] Yahweh asks, "Have you considered My servant Job?"[21] The satan replies by urging Yahweh to let him torture Job, promising that Job will abandon his faith at the first tribulation.[22] Yahweh consents; the satan destroys Job's servants and flocks, yet Job refuses to condemn Yahweh.[22] The first scene repeats itself, with the satan presenting himself to Yahweh alongside the other "sons of God".[23] Yahweh points out Job's continued faithfulness, to which the satan insists that more testing is necessary;[23] Yahweh once again gives him permission to test Job.[23] In the end, Job remains faithful and righteous, and it is implied that the satan is shamed in his defeat.[24]

Conservative slide.

Anti establishment>Libertarian>Closet conservatism>outed conservatives.

>he doesn't exalt Ahura Mazda

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>doesnt say why he holds a belief
>heh prove me wrong

I agree user

russell's teapot

It absolutely does not. Have you not read the story of Nehemiah? Do you seriously believe the evil acts of our conspirators are for God? No, they act wickedly because their father is wicked. This is the truth and you can pretend all you want, but deep in your heart you know that this political turmoil is caused by man's rebellion against God. Day and night, these people conspire against the innocent and concoct crafty schemes against the unassuming. They murmur to one another about what evil and malicious things they will do and claim innocence to it the very next day.
Do not fall for the lies of the enemy and do not falsely apply the corruptions of men to the words of Jesus Christ our savior. Christ is the resurrection and whoever believes on Him will be saved in the day of judgment.
To every user reading this thread, please pray to the Father and ask humbly for forgiveness of your sins. Please ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, for the hour draws nigh and very soon is. The Forerunner will come back on a white horse and judgment will be His.

stupid american boomer

>demonically possessed posting porn
like clockwork

why are atheists so retarded and understand literally nothing about Christian doctrine?

these posters are jewish

Satan appears in front of God when God calls him, as he did in the book of Job and as he did at the end of the 19th century. That doesn't mean satan is in heaven, retarded yids. Satan is a loser that is completely under the control of God. He is only allowed to tempt humans for our own good, but that's it.

>if I convince myself of heresy God will judge me by that heresy
peak WASP intellect right here. You think you can cheat God? Poor loser


It's propaganda but what isn't these days?

>>creates a personified abstraction
it's personified it's not an abstraction you low IQ monkey
>absolute authority of nature and our evolving understanding of it
there's no evolving understanding. You're not smarter because you can fap to Bella Delphine thanks to technology built by a selected chinamen

This is your textbook example of Dunning- Krueger, ie. what happens when you get your information from shitposts and not books and general education.

go get fucked by your gay pastor at your gay church because you're gay

What you call "scientific innovations" are 99% useless shit that only makes your society disfunctional and ultimately destroys it.
Want an example that's easy for your pea spamming brain to understand? Ancient buildings are still there, but in 100 years nobody most of those glass monsters by-product of muh scientific innovation will be gone forever.

>Constantine! You have suuuuuuch a big dick. Please help us establish Orthodoxy
The schizm between Catholicism and Orthodoxy didn't happen untill 1054. you drooling mongoloid

>Being a warlord is hot.

unironically true

quit being hostile idiot, I asked you to explain why they're good, because you said they were, I said I don't believe it.

I think these movies are cringe and do nothing to foster a christian counter-culture or convert non-believers.
they just pursue their sure demographic of evangelical christians, and that's all it is, a cash grab.

you think anyone else will watch these movies? everyone else laughs at them. they're way to over the top and on the nose because the creators know the christian market won't mind, and those that would mind won't ever watch it

think of how the left pushes a narrative:
>good and fun movie with a plot has little pr nothing to do with your message
>75% entertainment
>small subplot or event occurs
>25% message
>oh shit you're now introduced to ideas you didn't sign up for
>you either ignore it, or consider it, but either way you're exposed to it

if we actually wanted to make a change, we would be doing stuff like this, but we're not. we're making movies for money. the creators really don't even have to be christian to do this either. these movies are lame and embarrassing, christians really shouldn't support them honestly

Need help finding a denomination.

I think a lot of stories in the bible are taken too literally and a lot of this stuff is allegories that we should get the message from. I think modern church misrepresents the bible by switching around verses to portray a message that may or may not be in line with what the bible is saying. I believe in a purgatory and think God will be a lot more forgiving for the majority of us, I'm not too certain on hell though and it's requirements, honestly I haven't really made up my mind about the whole afterlife thing. We're all here for a reason right?

Regardless, what's the most based denomination that fits in the real world? I do go to church to get out of the house and volunteer but I don't really get what these people are even trying to communicate so I just try to be a good person in the name of God.

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Even with the whole child predator thing, the kneeling, standing, sitting shit and the fact they just sit there singing songs and shit? Yeah I'll just go Buddhist.

Christians believe that of the 4000 religions around the world, 3999 religions are wrong and 1 is right.

Atheists believe all 4000 religions are wrong.

A religion in isolation makes sense, religion in comparison to every other religion just shows how stupid religion is.

great post! mind sharing it on reddit!?

Only if you ask for Ricky Gervais permission first

I'm not that guy but let me step in. Athiesm is not a lack of belief in god, that's agnosticism. Athiesm is a firm viewpoint (or belief) that there is no god. Not that there is probably no god, or that there is maybe a god but we dont know. Athiesm is a firm belief that there is NO god.

You'd have to be a weasel to claim you didn't understand his post in good faith though.

Since all religions more or less contradict, only one can logically be correct and therefore Christianity has proven itself via the coming of Jesus Christ and His influence throughout the whole world. The odds of an atheist being correct in assuming all religions are false is a more impractical notion my, fellow redditor.

Do i watch kingdom of heaven or seventh seel tonight?

>Since all religions more or less contradict, only one can logically be correct and therefore Islam has proven itself via the coming of Mohammed and His influence throughout the whole world. The odds of an atheist being correct in assuming all religions are false is a more impractical notion my, fellow redditor.

While I agree, if the majority agree on something for centuries then you claim the opposite is true (ie: there is no god) then the responsability to prove it is on you. Science CAN actually prove that there is NO REASON to assume there is a god, but only athiesm wants people to believe that "there is no god" is the default, when actually it's an unprovable claim, like "there is a giant blue lollypop at the center of the sun"

Both athiests and christians are making a bold ass claim and are likely wrong.


>Christians calling others Jews
Pot, meet kettle.

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These movies are so bad

I just proved that you should believe in God

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This. When it comes down to it athiesm is 90% weasel words/jew tactics meant to pull the wool over stupid people's eyes.

>Mohammad contradicts the word of Christ while simultaneously claiming Christ to be real and is therefore a legitimate faith equal to Christianity
Woah, so this is the power of logical atheism.

some might consider it a waste of life to live as a christian might, following a religion, or all of them at once as your picture seems to imply would work.

Though actually most athiests have a wasted life as fat neckbeards anyway.

I was amazed that the W H O L E reason people hated Jews for so long was because under Jewish doctrine they were allowed to charge interest on their loans and all other religions considered interest a sin.

What a Jew move.

I refuse to believe just to hedge my bets.
Any deity worthy of praise won't punish people for being skeptical of such an abstract entity.

>I refuse to believe just to hedge my bets.
But I LITERALLY just proved in order to hedge your bets you should believe in God.

If you believe in God you cant lose. If you dont believe in God you have a 50/50 chance of getting an introduction to the 101 ways to fuck an anus lectured by Satan.

Im not religious at all I just find this thought process hilarious.

Kingdom of heaven

>Any deity worthy of praise won't punish people for being skeptical of such an abstract entity.
H-heh yeah. We're all going to be just fine, bros. Hell can't actually be real, right? A loving god wouldn't put us there simply for being skeptical ...right?

It seems reasonable to me that as there are so many faiths, the correct faith would be one where this is taken into account. One that would be naturally chosen by people who feel the presence of god and that there is more to the world, without the presence of a church to tell them.

So an experiement is in order. Take a man, put him in isolation on a desert island but educate him to the normal basic standard, maths, english, science (non political science only) and then ask him about god.

My hypothesis is that in most cases the human would believe in a god, and that the shared beliefs of many subjects would be the correct religion for us as reasonable beings.

>under Jewish doctrine they were allowed to charge interest on their loans
A doctrine that was implemented just to deal with the "jew tax" that was imposed onto them in most cities, which literally meant "you're jewish, give me money".

Hell as a concept didn't exist until hundreds of years after Jebus was dead.

Its bullshit.

Just like all religion.

How stupid is this guy, i mean seriously

god doesnt give a fuck about whether you think hes worthy of praise. the judgement would be on you not him.

tell me, where have you been hiding since 2005? you speak like you came from a time capsule.

Hello I am God, shoopdewoop and lurk more fag.

By the way, the Jews were right.

Test it then. Because if he grows up not knowing the concept he will have no idea what "god" means.
>god doesn't care what I think
Then I don't have to do anything, right?

Based first post starting the thread with a bang

T-totally, my brother. It's not even mentioned in the Old Testament at all. For a second I got scared about the prophecy Isaiah told about the judgment of all mankind, but thanks for reminding me that this is all fake. Praise be to science and common sense!

Ye it also said hate the gays and now all religions love gays.

Nice book glad it came with 2000 years of whiteout.

Faglord hell as a concept was not mentioned only judgement, ye old eternity of torture is a modern invention.

I remember when people used to speak like this.

>he will have no idea what "god" means.

That's likely false. There have been mountains of studies that suggest that believing in a god is just natural for humans, being spiritual may be an evolutionary trait and people invent gods because of this genetic "need" to believe.


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>now they love the gays
that's how to see a church is about money not religion yes

but its worth noting that the catholic church were traditionally the protectors of gays. a lot of gays opted to become priests because of this and the catholic church would guide and forgive them, they'd go to heaven.

However, you don't hear about that often because the same shit is happening with pedos.

>hell as a concept was not mentioned only judgement
user, I don't know how to tell you this, but hell is very firmly a concept in the Old Testament. It's expressed many times and explicitly stated as such. The only people who literally believe this are the ones who try to cite the word "hades" as having not been said in the OT.
It's a retarded argument if you actually believe this and I'm just going to go out on a limb that you haven't read the Bible in full.

>but its worth noting that the catholic church were traditionally the protectors of gays
Ah yes I remember all those times they DIDN'T kill all the gays.

Wait shit that's all they did. I liked the bits where they stuck them on giant wooden stakes, thats ironically funny haha stick in bum.

Man this universe is fucked, I think ill heat death it and start again.

Feel free to quote the bit that says Hell. Oh wait you cant because it is literally never mentioned once. And no your poor translations of Sheol dont count faglord.

>There have been mountains of studies
Can you provide one?

you're a fool. want to present evidence for your claims of what they did to gays? Oh thats right, you cant cause it never happened.

cause in actuality, it was the church hiding gays from the people who did do that shit.



I'm not sure that i need to as 1. you are the one making the far out claim and challenging academia with your new fangled ideas that deviate from the norm.

and 2: you can use google scholar yourself faggot.

this didn't happen

Thanks Sebastian glad you know literally nothing about Catholicism history or their rampant murdering of homosexuals throughout their history.

Actual atheists are retarded and quite rare. Most "atheists" are actually agnostics misusing the label.

In conversation it's easier to just say you don't believe in God than to say you believe the existence of God is possible but implausible given the available evidence.

>God is dead, and the industrial revolution killed him

you still cant provide a source? cool.

>hell as a concept was invented a hundred years after Jesus' death
>hurr please find the part where they say specifically the word hell
Sure, user, but I can already tell you'll find a way to invalidate the most respected translation of the Bible.
>For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
>Deuteronomy 32:22

Yikes. Are you confusing the Catholic church with modern day Muslims?

>Ignores all the torture of inquisitions because haha not real Catholics those popes be cray cray :^)
/drops mic
/threads thread

Thats sounds Islamic

>you are the one making the far out claim
I literally just entered this thread and asked for a source, no need to get all defensive on me, user. I just assumed that, out of honesty, anyone who mentions the existence of studies, can provide at least the name of one of them.

>I can already tell you'll find a way to invalidate the most respected translation of the Bible

you got a source on that yet or is this still your imagination/tv dramas you watched?

Catholic church were the only people not burning homos lol

you obviously dont know Yea Forums very well, trannies do this and then leave thread after making you google studies yourself and post them. i'm not educating you.

scholar.google.com.au/ start here

Excuse me? I do believe I proved your statement wrong via a single quote. Is there something you would like to add to what I said, o scholarly one of Hebrew studies?

Ooo boy you lose -10 points for that

Im afraid that brings the morality score of Catholics down to, negative three bazillion. Most of that is all that torture and murder you guys did, very naughty.

Also the Templars called they said you guys are fags.

I already checked there and nothing relevant is coming out. And by relevant I mean directly or indirectly related to the topic.

You still can't provide a source hey?

I'm not even the other user you were talking to, I just wanted to point out something I found funny. Also, your way writing is absolutely insufferable, it strikes me as someone who thinks very highly of themselves.

Well, now I just feel silly. Forgive my haughtiness, user.

I havent read these but theyre all peer reviewed scientific articles related to the topic and I just took these off the first 2 searches i made on the topic.

please learn to use google

thiesm as a biproduct of natural selection

Are children natural theists?

would Tarzan believe in god?

Would you like the Horrible Histories version?

You and I both know literally no matter what source I provided, even if it was out of the Popes very lying mouth, you would say its a bad source. Thats how good Catholics are, they just killed everyone who disagreed and hide all the evidence until fact and fiction became the same thing.

But sure lets forget 1451 Nicholas V allowing the inquisition to kills gays or any other inquisition ever which very clearly said
>Gays bad
>Red hot poker for confession
>Burning for death

You're good, user.

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>You still can't provide a source
Do you need more source than the fact for thousands of years being homosexual was heresy and the punishment (assuming no repenting) was death? I mean come the fuck on retard.


>would you like the horrible histories version

no i'd prefer a historical/scientific source not a kids tv show. jesus christ lol.

that's not a source. that's a random website.

>You and I both know literally no matter what source I provided, even if it was out of the Popes very lying mouth, you would say its a bad source
Kek thanks for proving me right. Ironically Horrible Histories is an accurate source of information my underage shitposter.

do you even have a source for the claim you just made?? lol

See >You and I both know literally no matter what source I provided, even if it was out of the Popes very lying mouth, you would say its a bad source.
Lol proving him right much, the sources at the bottom of the page.

uhuh. i guess we solved this one then.

See? That wasn't hard now, was it? That's how honest discussions work.

then you should grab and quote those sources dumbass. if its even true.

man your tranny antics are pathetic.

I know you are being ironic but yeah, if god is worthy then he won't be a jackass

I'm not that guy but literally every thread is full of this bullshit. Or if you look at the posts surrounding yours you can see the bullshit on the opposite side, the trannies claiming a childrens show is a source. lol


C) you personally do not find god worthy but god is real anyway and you burn in hell

do you see the problem?


That's why one should never engage in discussion with someone who can't provide a source, and much less so if they talk about articles but can't name them.

>being spiritual may be an evolutionary
its not. people worship power and try to have control over things they can't control by trying to appease them.

no. some asshole tormenting you is not the same as you failing a good guy. that will be of a lot more comfort in hell than you might think

by this logic you should never get a job because bosses are assholes, and feel happy starving.

>opps looks like i was wrong my whole life and there was a god
>but at least its his fault for not earning my respect! that sure makes this burning in hell feel better!

he loses respect when he is using bullshit tests. God does not have to earn respect but he can lose it.
jobs pay. I can leave anytime I want and no boss will have you burn forever in fire because you did not believe never heard from or seen senior partners were real.

being religious pays too, god or not.