Do you think The Walking Dead movies will have Rick Grimes get murdered in bed by some random punk like in the comics?
Do you think The Walking Dead movies will have Rick Grimes get murdered in bed by some random punk like in the comics?
He will be stomped to death by a CGI baby deer.
The ending that Kirkman thought was bad would've been much better. He said that at the scene in OPs pic, he was going to flash forward to a shot of that same street with a statue of him giving that speech - but it's all eroded and the place is overrun by zombies, showing that he inspired them to rebuild civilisation but it crumbled again in the end
Why did Enid have to die?
they couldnt think of any other storylines for her
I got a storyline for her.
god this fucking show needs to fuck off and end already
>In fact, the zombies are literally reduced to a circus sideshow. Hershel Rhee — the son of Maggie and Glenn — operates a traveling road show of walkers. In the central storyline of the final issue, zombies from Hershel’s sideshow roam onto Carl’s property and he kills them. Carl is brought up on charges of destruction of property, and a trial is held in front of the Safe-Zone’s judge, Michonne. During the trial, there’s a big old-man-yelling-at-clouds to-do about how dangerous zombies used to be, and how the younger generation doesn’t appreciate what a threat they once were. Michonne — Judge Hawthorne (the first ever mention of her last name) — remembers the threat zombies once posed and acquits Carl of the charges.
what the fuck were they thinking?
>no jury
how do you survive the zombies and lose common law
What a hottie.
And what would that be, my good sir.
Nah. Rick will return for the final couple episodes and have a relatively good ending
It's being held up by close to the entirety of the US mouth-breething population.
soon, comic's are finished already.
They’ve already announced another spinoff starting next year.
If they make it to the end of the third film, I'm sure they'll kill off Rick unless Lincoln decides he wants to come back to the show.
But since it's likely they'll only make one film and then decide it was a bad idea, I imagine he'll probably just come back to the show in a couple of years
the show has literally no chance of a meaningful ending like the comic did.
I just started season 4 and its already getting pretty retarded. Should i continue?
Seasons 5 and 6 are a step up, but then 7 and 8 are the show at its absolute worst. 9 tries to fix their mess but it’s too little too late.
Thats disappointing get THIS.
I'm introduced as a new character in TWD, and I'm super hot and can kill zombies with ninja stars.
Everyone loves me and Rick promotes me to Chancelor.
So then I go on a nonbranded Walmart supply run with Enid, she accidentally sits on my face because the ladder breaks. I die, but give a thumbs up.
The End.
Based Carl
>first two seasons are God tier TV viewing
>everything after is the characters being retarded because otherwise there wouldn't be a plot
I know that feel user