Why is it hailed as one of the greatest films ever?

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Because its over 4 hours long and anyone who managed to sit through something that long will over praise it because they would be admitting they were foolish for saying otherwise

Nostalgia for Once Upon a Time in the West

Because it's really good.
Empire is even longer yet it's not well regarded.

>Because its over 4 hours long and anyone who managed to sit through something that long will over praise it
That doesn't explain Heaven's Gate.

I guess I felt a bit empty watching it as I assumed a big part of the film would be showing their rise to power as the poster implies rather than Noodles just getting released from prison and this criminal empire he waltz into already being completely set up, running smoothly for years, and at the height of its power, as well as the 'fall' part being also dramatic rather than more small scale and out off screen. Also, why did Leone do Jews specifically? He could have easily done Italians, his own people, or Irish, so I wonder why it was Jews specifically.

I love big epics like Ben-Hur because I can just leave them on and keep doing my own thing and basically live in the movie for a day

Such an underrated kino, also throwing yourself into a garbage truck is the most gangster way to comit suicide.

It's based on a novel, to be honest I don't think it mattered too much showing how their empire was actually built up (Godfather 2 does the same thing and ends the flashbacks when they open their first business).

Not disputing the quality, themes, etc. but a film being so highly praised and lauded tends to go hand in hand with how accessible and entertaining a film is to watch. I guess I just expected the experience to be higher on a pure entertainment level.

It is hailed as one of the greatest movies ever, because it is one of the greatest movies ever you bloody philistine

Amazingly shot etc but the story is not as epic as Leone thought it was

The oldie section was an opium dream

I can understand why on technical levels and stuff but the story narrative, whilst really good, didn't leave the impact I expected. I'll accept my expectations and how I expect gangster films to play out with rise and fall arcs got in the way of the enjoyment/appreciation. A shame the other two guys were complete non entities compared to Noodles and Max.

Leone already planned to do this film before the Godfather came out, but had no funds.

The way I enjoy the movie is approaching its story only as an excuse to show changing characters and world around them. I agree, story is the least important. But beside two literally-who guys, we also had other characters that were developing through the movie.
I can forgive that movie was Max-Noodles-centrick, because DeNiro gave a great act, and Woods gave the best act in his carrer.
Also city, society and music were great there

Yeah, the 1918 recreation was great. Was there meant to be some message about the decline of New York's tight nit Lower East side Jew communities too? The 1960's stuff there made it come across as a shadow of what it once was, with shit like Moe's establishment declining.

why are zoomers posting about this just now?

Look at this that way- movies is 4-4.5 hours long if I remember, so watching this is equivalent of watching 9 half hour long episodes of a TV show.
So what is better to watch, another bland, mass media, corporate, soulless product like Stranger Things S03, or this movie?

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Has the full super extended cut been released yet? I want it to be my first watch and I can't wait.

No shit Once Upon a Time in America blows Stranger Things and most tv trite out of the water. But the way its been lauded, I guess I just expected a bit more of the narrative and characters

4 hours and 9 minutes is the longest cut available. There's still 30 or so minutes of footage we haven't seen due to some weird legal stuff. I recall reading Scorcese himself is helping Leone's estate regain the unseen footage so they can do a final cut as close as possible to what Leone envisioned. If you watch the 4 hour one, the restored footage is noticeably inferior in quality, so you'll be able to pick out what has been added in quite easily.

It was movie about decline,
About decline of Noodle's dreams,
about decline of small communities, that had to let go faster urban live,
about decline of mafia, that used to mob trade unions and sell booze, but the real monster made it to politics, like Max did,
fall of culture of the first european settlers, that was killed by birth of the new american culture, and it's new gods: urban life, TV and shallow human interactions

about the decline of Deborah's pussy's tightness

still would

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>Leone cast McGovern as adult Deborah instead of hoping into a time machine, kidnapping prime 20 year old Connelly, and forcing her to act as the adult Deborah at gun point
What a lazy Italian hack.

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Only the first half was good. I guess that's the point but it doesn't make it any easier to watch.

pls share your letterbox profile or your youtube channel

why does he randomly start raping women halfway through the movie?

Because you get to see Jennifer Connellys 13 year old ass.

Its the Count of Monte Cristo of films

So was it all a fantasy?

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She was asking for it in the car.

>ring ring

Saved so I can use it was a reaction image later on.

That's what happened? I thought it was some weird spiritual shit.

JenCon's loli buttocks

because the theatrical release was butchered by the studio and people confused the director's cut being better for it being great

>hailed as one of the greatest films ever
lmao. you wish.
