Movies for this feel?

movies for this feel?

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god, imagine being the fag who sent those messages to her.

Punk is trash.

>that autistic rage
top kek


>caring what a girl likes
metal suucks btw lol

So this ... is the power ... of incels


>She was busy fucking a black guy who listens to Top 40.

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Oh no no no

I think it's based that he told that roastie off for who she is. I bet if he shows this screen cap to his mommy that he'll get some extra tendies on his next plate.

Is it place where people get sex or talking about fucking useless music?

This can't be real

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>getting this mad getting ghosted by a 3/10

Jesus christ

Punk is fucking shit

Pff, everyone knows 80s, 90s and early 00s House is the best.

>Trying to impress her with your knowledge of music by recommending fucking Anthrax

No wonder he's an incel, I'd be amazed if he has any friends


So these are the sorts of people that bitch and moan about roasties on here 24/7?

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You know writing "films/kino for this ____" does not actually make your off-topic spam into Yea Forums.

anyone else just stop listening to music after their teenage years? pop music at least seems so pointless

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>everyone knows 80s, 90s and early 00s House is the best.

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>freeze frame
>yep, that's me


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terrible convo

>implying there is anything wrong with getting angry when girls reject you
nobody is entitled to kindness