This show doesn't make any sense at all

This show doesn't make any sense at all

Attached: Doctor_Who_-_Current_Titlecard.png (437x228, 162K)

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It’s not meant tooo ...DIVERSITY

Appuhl boban

yea it doesn't. it used to be just wacky time travel show. now it's been trying to be serious. kinda like stargate was wacky spaceteleports but then they decided to make soap opera about it with universe

show's dead


Yes it does. I don't have time to explain why, my grinder date is coming over soon.


NuWho was always shit but NuNuWho is irredeemably shit.

It was so big during the Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant years. Sad to see how far it's fallen.

The Baker era was kino af. After Sylvester Mc Coy, it turned into a pc dumpsterfire.

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Happy 100th Birthday Jon Pertwee !

Tennant was peak Doctor. I loved everything about that show back then. Smith was okay, but a slow downfall. After that it's pure shit.

Attached: tennant_who.jpg (825x464, 202K)


Based 4
10 was good also

I'm rewatching the seasons with Capaldi. Clara was kind of a bitch to him, but goddamn she was cute doing it.

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Even though i rarely watched nuwho, i miss the old /who/ threads (before they became tripfag infested circle jerks)

I hate this fucking show no word of a lie its been dogshit since since 1984/2011
>t.biggest Doctor Who on this fucking site

She's an awful character. The only thing redeeming about her is that she's cute.

Capaldi was a missed opportunity, he could have been a GOAT Dr but he unfortunately had shit writers.

Thats the autism in the fanbase alright

You could say that for every Doctor after the 4th.

Because I'm in love with Jenna Coleman, I didn't mind seeing her after Smith's departure, be she seemed kind of irrelevant after the "Impossible Girl" storyline.

Attached: clara-daleks.jpg (1500x745, 558K)

If you just don't think about the shows that preceded it and take it on its own merits, Universe is very good. The soap opera elements are minimal and die down during the second half of the first season. Universe worked in a way the nu-Who doesn't.

Nah Capaldi is incredible, on the same level as Tennant. Only difference is Capaldi didn't have many good scripts to work with

She was but 12 roasted her a lot too so it balanced out

Tempted to start them up again when theres news or on Sundays but theres either no one on or the insufferable bunch

Nah he's shit the outer-space uncle stuff was the cringest fucking thing ive ever pulled my eyes across

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No. Davidson, McCoy, and Smith were legitimately bad choices for The Doctor.

The last season has an abysmally low user score (and a super high """critic""" score), and has the worst ratings by far.
But I'm sure they'll just double down on everything that's making it unpopular.

I liked Capaldi in other movies, but not in Doctor for some reason. Might be scripts, might be that I liked Tennant too much and wanted Doctor to be as much like him as possible.

Gee, I wonder what could have caused that?

Attached: season11.jpg (3200x1680, 328K)

Wasnt that when he was with bill? I haven't seen that season yet and don't think I will

It's SHIT.

The writing was complete shit, Kenneth Branagh would have struggled to create something acceptable with most of those scripts.

It's a children's show that has been adopted by eternal manchildren.

what, do you hate women? everyone, look at this sexist!
nice digits

Nah Jodie and Chibnall are already on the way out.
Unfortunately they'll just be replaced with someone just as bad or worse then the show will be cancelled.

Delta and the Bannermen for best McCoy story

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Horns of Nimon is better than the entire Moffatt era combined

Attached: tumblr_ma1wb8BlQa1r4vj4bo10_250.gif (245x185, 1003K)

Zoe best 60s companion

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What you're looking for is (((critic))).


Series 8, the first half of 9 and the last half of 10 were unironically kino. Fuck any fans that tuned out. Series 10 was utter garbage though. More for the writing than the female lead.

False. Capaldi was 100% 5/10s or worse. Utter shite from start to finish

>Blocks you Dalek

Attached: katy manning nude.jpg (590x912, 82K)

She can exterminate 99% of my sperm inside her womb ANY time.

Series 11 was*