Thought i ruined your show, huh? Well you ain't seen nothing yet, kiddo

Thought i ruined your show, huh? Well you ain't seen nothing yet, kiddo.

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I'm at this episode currently and it is actually the best episode this season (2) which has been a boring knock off of the first season so far

>Well you ain't seen nothing yet, kiddo

What are you talking about? Nothing in season 3 was nearly as bad as that S02E07

Those are some legit abominations. Fucking negroes have the most disgusting mugs.

You're forgetting the sassy ghetto trash turbonegress, buddy.

Attached: priah-ferguson-stranger-things.jpg (1280x720, 203K)

being this gay and contrarian will lead to sucking 37 dicks (in a row), your organs being harvested, and AIDS

and unlike the s02e11 which you can write off as a non-cannon filler episode and skip accordingly, this abomination is there from start to finish

She's really not that bad, stop overreacting.

Fuck off

Bitchin badass

well i have to respectfully disagree with you there, bucko. besides, she doesn't even make sense as a character, her brother lucas has the mannerisms that of a kid from a middle class black family but she on the other hand is in full 'feral nigger from inner city' mode. where's the fucking consistency?

wow its almost like people are individuals and have differences in personality. For instance, just because we are both white doesn't make me a bitter incel like you.

so it's typical for two siblings to speak in different accents?

I'm not saying she's not a bad and annoying character, she is. But I think she's still more believable as the sassy, annoying little sister, than everyone and everything about S02E07.

I don't think you understand what an accent is

Better than her brother, better than Frogface Finn, better than the ginger

>so it's typical for two siblings to speak in different accents?
>different accents

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That really did feel like a backdoor pilot to a potential spin-off but it was so poorly received by literally everyone that they seem to be ignoring that it ever happened.

Did you never watch What's Happening? She's Dee to a tee.

this girl was in the matrix

Attached: fhd003TMR_Tanveer_K__Atwal_001.jpg (640x266, 39K)

Oh shit Stranger Things takes place in the Matrix. It all makes sense!

nope. two different actresses

>That subplot about a local politician colluding with a hostile foreign power for his own personal gain

what did they mean by this?

plotwise, this whole season was pure fucking bullshit.

robin and steve were the only good characters. apart from them, the only good thing was that they stepped up the monster game. gore was good, and some scenes, like the old lady eating fertilizer, were actually good horror. not that that saves anything, but it's something.

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They honestly should've dropped the whole Hawkins plot and just focused on the CIA experiments kids, them discovering their powers, causing shit, and being hunted by glowniggers.

i agree, the prom in s02 was a great send-off, they didn't need to stick with these kids longer

I'd imagine after the success of S1, Netflix basically laid down the law. Gotta take what was popular and just churn out more of it before the kids get too old.

Netflix wanted them to shoot s3 and s4 back to back for just that reason but they refused to do it.

Season 3 overall was far worse than season 2.
>same plot with the mindflayer
>horrible camera work
>every character is constantly yelling and annoying as fuck
>music changes every 5 seconds
>plot holes you could drive a semi through
>nostalgia play that gets annoying to the point of one of the cringiest scenes ever made
>queer shoe horning
S2 was bad but nothing like this shit show

She was the least annoying character this season.
>shits on commies
>pro American
She was fine

Yes, you're right. Except that S02E07 was the worst episode of the show and season 3 is far better than that one. The rest of season 2 is better than season 3 though, yes.

same girl you braindead mongoloid

Let me guess, you're an only child