Rick and Morty is unoriginal, change my mind

Rick and Morty is unoriginal, change my mind.

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pro Rick and Morty fags live on over at reddit

Make me faggot.

parody is easy it virtually writes itself, so yes its unoriginal and shit tier writing.



it's a parody deconstruction

Everything is derivative, change my mind.

Not the proto-kino

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Youre a parody deconstruction

Well I am highly acclaimed

>its anti-comedy!! y-you just dont get it!!!

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Don't have to. I think the show is trash, and welcome any negative feedback.

It's better than most other comedy. Watch the Bazinga Bang Theory without a laugh track it's fucking savage.

you're thinking of tim & eric

MDE were the real anti comedy post ironic heroes

Name something 100% original

Rick and Morty season 3 starts in November.
/t/ will be so buttraped

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2001 a space oddessy or star trek season 1 episode 1

I really, really, hate Tennant.

What the fuck was Atrahasis's problem?

Even if you don't get the joke here, I still think it works. The idea that this guy named Sneed took over this feed and seed store is funny, because you read the sign and think it was an intentional rhyme, but nope, it used to be Chuck's Feed and Seed, the fact that this guy named Sneed owns it now is just a comical coincidence.

At least that's the way I thought about this joke as a kid, and even without knowing the dirty aspect, it made me laugh. But such is the genius of The Simpsons.


>hey Morty I dont know how many times Morty i say Morty in the show Morty but its really fucking annoying Morty.

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>"gas the kikes"
weird hill to die on Moffat, not sure what they intended with this end for 10.

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Rick and Morty is for onions manchildren

I hate his stupid face. Why does he keep getting acting jobs. As soon as I saw he was starring in Good Omens I lost all interest.

You just hit the nail on the head there. It reminds me of those old wincest captions
>Hey brother, want to have sex with me, your sister?

>Welcome to Reddit Morty!
>F-Funny cat p-p-pictures Rick!
>Wow *BURP* here's an upboat Morty!
>Jeez... Karma conspiracy Rick!
>Wait til le Summer hears about this *BURP* one. Front Page Morty!
>I tip my hat to you Rick, I tip my fedora to you Rick!
>And in this moment I am eup*BURP*horic Morty!
>Y-You sir are a gentleman and a scholar Rick. W-Who said chivalry is dead Rick!
>Carl Sagan +1 Adios M-Morty!

>duhhhh hot take :DDDD
>change my mind
>prove me wrong xDDD

RTD wrote that scene btw