>at restaurant with tinder date >she randomly comments she thinks being a vegan is dumb and cause it limits your options >I'm a vegan >tee-hee I meant that it must be hard it's so admirable
>different tinder date, general talking, she's getting a new phone >I'm going to get a Samsung next month like you >It's crap, get an iPhone I am when this one breaks >Oh I was only thinking about it slightly me best friend recommended them I'll probably stick with Apple
>Talking about kino with different girl, say favourite got scene is little black hair guy Vs mountain >(She thinks cause of the gory end) Oh I love horror movies what's your favourite? >oh no I like it because of the action, horror isn't really my thing >oh yeah same that's what I meant
Seriously what is wrong with them? I understand obviously they don't want to cause offence and society kind of expects them to be submissive, but don't they see how off putting and desperate it looks. What's stranger is there were all 8s, less attractive girls seem to speak their mind way more often and aren't so desperate for sex despite the fact they probably don't get with decent guys very often
didnt you post this exact thread yesterday? KYS nigger
Jaxson Cooper
It's called being agreeable. Some people, like yourself, might take it as being inauthentic. Most people, however, like the effort they put into making social interactions smooth and friendly.
Nathan Morgan
Yeah obviously, the point is it's still pathetic. If you're trying to get with a hot girl do you mindlessly agree with everything they say?
Chad here, girls talk like this because they're non-confrontational towards guys. Girls are terrified of ridicule and will back peddle with guys constantly. I love arguing, not in a rude way, but I like arguing about topics. But I can't do it at all with girls, they just get hurt and don't realize it's a game. But with guys I could argue for forever and they understand it's just discussion. But here's the thing, girls ONLY do this with guys. I've worked in environments where I'm the only guy working there and the amount of shit talking I heard about other girls is insane. Girls fucking HATE girls, especially the dumber they are. I was extremely surprised once I found this out and even talked to them about it and they all told me the same thing. "Girls hate girls." I'll never understand it.
Kevin Walker
Your looks are probably like 7/10 but your IQ is 1/10