Strongly hinting at another child interacial relationship

>strongly hinting at another child interacial relationship
>literally asspull a character as a lesbian out of nowhere
>also make a strong indicator that one of the boys is gay

What did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what is the other interracial relationship

if its whats his face without the teeth and the black capitalist girl I don't think he is really white the began with so it would technically not be interracial .

For a couple, the black kid and the white chick barely interact at all this season. Maybe the stories of that girl being uncomfortable with the kids were true.

on another note they will probably give steve a non white gf in season 4, that or piss off the gay community by going psyche she is actually bi


It was them. It was definitely showing an attraction between them. Plus they seem like they are trying their hardest "connect" all the boys family

well he is not white so technically not interracial

All talk about the relationships and actors but no one brings up that this seasons is one giant fetish for absorption vore!

I know
He's Italian

Will Byers has been gay since season 1

people were gay even in the 80s, user
there are only so many personal internal conflicts a normie show can look into and sexuality is one normies literally never stop talking about.

>commies have supplanted the shadowy government agency as the villains
>most of the season is set in a soviet run mall, a communist perversion of capitalism's great monument to itself
>takes place on the 4th of July and ends with a group of plucky teens hurling fireworks at a soviet summoned monster

What did they mean by this?

You're genuinely retarded if you think they were hinting at a relationship between Dustin and the little black girl.

[ominous synth music]

You're on Yea Forums with a bunch of autists. For most of them, any male female interaction is sexual

Daily reminder that Will Byers is gay and probably in love with Mike.

>Will Byers, twelve, is a sweet, sensitive kid with sexual identity issues.
From the original pitch for Stranger Things.

>Will with the Cute Girl, dancing awkwardly. But his eyes aren't on the cute girl. They are on Mike, who is dancing with Eleven.
From the original script for the Snow Ball

>Lonnie used to say he was queer. Called him a fag.
Joyce to Hopper after Will's original disappearance.

>"Will’s in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay."
Bully from season one

>"It's not my fault you don't like girls."
Mike destroying Will in season three

Sorry incels and wizards, he isn't just a late bloomer... You can stop claiming him now.

lolno, they became friends, there was zero romance between them

>my face when OP is a whiny cunt

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The baby negress is like 10 and dustin is 16, wtf.

They better have mike and will have an awkward kiss before they aren’t twinks anymore.

It's been painfully obvious that Will is gay since at least the second season, and it's not even subtext at this point.


>all those fucking twitter posts about "are they hinting that Will is gay????"
like what the fuck they literally said out loud directly in front of the camera that he doesn't like girls, that's not a hint

Then why are they still friends with him? They’d have kicked him out of the group if he was a faggot

Superficial inclusion

Because the whole group is outcasts? How is it a surprise that they would embrace someone else who is an outcast (fag)

>Netflix is run by Marxi-

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Being a fag is more than being an outcast, it’s a mental illness. Back in the 80s they understood homosexuality for what it truly is

Based truly /ourniglet/


Were the Duffer bros using her as a mouthpiece?

Yeah no. A bunch of fucking losers dont get to pick and choose their own friends. You have Mike, a nigger, and a deformed kid. Being friends with a fag is the least of their concerns

it's been painfully obvious that the actual kid that plays Will is gay af since the first season

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Maybe, but the actual character was basically just a Macguffin in the first season.

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Nobody would be friends with the fag back then stop kidding yourself

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Attached: Stranger.Things.3-3-1.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Hey webm posting guy, if your making these can you make one of the part where murray talks with alexei in the car and says something like
>I told them to have sex
>They havent had sex?
>both laughing

Americans rules, Commies drool.


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Fucking this. How isnt this a webm yet? When I first saw it I figured it would be all over Yea Forums

that flitry slut is cute :3

Did this show really devolve into DUDE80SLMAO? I only watched the first season and thought it would probably be smart to quit while I was ahead.


the retarded mutt looks better this season. Did he just grow into his face or did he get work/gene therapy done?

There were already multiple characters that were believable to gay in ways that made total sense. Billy was very strongly hinted to be in the closet, and Will could also be gay.

Robyn being a lesbian didn't make any sense whatsoever or add to her character, and it totally diverges from everything you see in the first six episodes where it built up a relationship between her and Steve.

It's not a good twist in that it makes narrative sense but still catchers viewers off guard. It's an asspull that comes out of nowhere which only serves the purpose of gut-punching Steve and the viewers by proxy. It's pure tokenism.

Do you guys think they'll make Joyce be Will's mommy gf? It's already the second time they've killed her boyfriend and this Seasons had all that incest foreshadowing with Back to the Future. Maybe Will is not gay, just like older women (aka his own mother).

Scoop Troupe > Bald Eagle > Griswold Family


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Griswold Family should be two separate groups since Jon and Nancy spend most of the season away from the kids.

Scoop Troupe > the kids > Bald Eagle > Nancy Drew

>it totally diverges from everything you see in the first six episodes
Yeah like that time when she pointed out girls for Steve to hit on, and how she is an outcast in highschool

Did they explain why the Russians built their lab in Hawkins? They already have a lab in Russia.

The barrier between this world and the other is thinner in Hawkins.

A portal was opened in Hawkins before making it easier to open again this isn't rocket science.

This is it, really didn't like the "sexist newspaper reporters" storyline. I understand its use, but felt a bit on the nose

Thank you, anons.

There's like three episodes of Dustin explicitly telling Steve that she's clearly into him and he should ask her out.

Yeah, seeing the first few episodes made me think the mayor was going to be "Le evil Blumpf" but the show surprised me by dropping that storyline entirely.


Why didn't he just, you know, move the fuck out of the way before she turned the keys, instead of giving her this longing look for 10 minutes..

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I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

After he bashed the head of James Franco and Arnold Schwarzenegger's lovechild on the machine, it stopped shooting energy at the gate and started shooting it in a circle between Hopper and the control room, blocking him from it. He totally went through the gate.

What was I meant to gather from the after credits scene?
In Soviet Russia, Demogorgan still eat you?

[Emotional Synth Music]

I wonder what those milky boy thighs smell like

Dustin does not know the difference between friendly and being into someone, hes a 13 year old
The wall of electricity would've killed him if he tried to go through it, but Joyce should've just shut down the machine rather than going through with the whole destroy it for good plan. It could've been destroyed later

He couldn't move to a safe location because the whirling electricity (caused by the damage when he threw the Russian into the machine) blocked the way.

>season 4
I thought this was the last one?

My theory is that demogorgons can freely open small "portals" whenever it is hunting and russians are trying to use that

>13-year-old in the 80s has a working knowledge of women and homosexuality

He has other movies to be in now, he ain't got time to be in season 4
Also I guess the electricity would have bodied him, so he couldn't move.

I'll laugh if they bring him back like some are suggesting but I don't think they will. It will be funny to see a ST season without Hopper. Like the show wasn't already shit enough after S1

Because he's still alive. Don't even screencap this, don't search your feelings, do nothing. Just accept it's true
It will probably go like this

This. As a mega-boomer, I was just a small kid back then, but even then I knew that fags were not to be tolerated under any circumstances. If one was identified, he only associated with his family and had no male friends. The black/white coupling is extremely unbelievable as well. That did happen back then, but they would have dealt with a lot of static as a result.

So why did she lose her powers? This didn't seem clear

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That was hot.

She mentioned to Hopper at the mall that she needs to recharge. Maybe she needs days or weeks to recharge.

3 months later and she still didn't have her powers back so this is bust

Yeah no you fucking degenerate

they established in s1 that her using her powers requires massive amounts of energy on her part
that's why she basically collapses after they do that thing in the school gym with her in the diy sensory depravation tank
now it's just her having super powers and for some reason she loses them when she gets injured by the meat thingy but has enough pwoers left to pull the meat thingy parasite out of herself...
none of it makes sense who cares we're all just here for robin ;_;

No! Will will have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend!

Which is why, in true cartoon villain fashion, in the middle of the cold war they built an entire subterranean complex staffed with guards in (1950's) dress uniform, smuggled soviet service weapons, and staff that doesn't even speak the language of the country they have been infiltrated in.

Cringe, all over.

>we're all just here for robin
I'm here for Will. And his future blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

I mean she was using her powers a fucking lot. Also she went through alot of physical trauma. Lastly (and maybe this is just head canon) but I feel like the parasite in her leg might have had something to do with it. It was around the point they got it out of her that she lost them

Mike = Jewish actor
Weirdo Beardo = Jewish actor
Main cop = Jewish actor
Winona = Jewish actor
Head of lab = Jewish actor
I really did not care for this season. Its basically covert "the Rosenbergs did nothing wrong! Why did US execute them for treason to Soviet Union."

Also, I'm so sick of Christ allusions that are winking with condescension. Billy is Christ, a long-haired jock with Daddy issues who gets crucified in a materialistic neon mall after the Hebrew goddess El comforts him and tells him it's okay. America! Had cool stuff. But Israel is the future!

Pretty soon Americans won't even be able to comment on this crazy bullshit. The Star of David = upside down triangle + upside triangle = (Star)court

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I think fighting the giant spider thing almost drained her and getting the parasite out was the last dregs of her energy and getting it out completely discharged her requiring her to take time to recharge.


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Hebrew origins of "El"

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It was actually Dustin pointing out that Steve clearly had a thing for Robin and was encouraging him to make a move.

are you retarded interacial means they aren't the same race so a nigger and a kike certainly fits the bill

Thanks. She has her head shaved and is confined to a camp, yet all the goyim ignore the camp in S1. It's pretty blatant.

I'll lose it if Steve dies before getting a girl. He's the third most useful character in the show. Give the boy a fucking win.

El means electricity in swedish. JEWS BTFO

Ah that's what they said, the site I watched it on didn't come with Russians subtitles


Is Will really a fag? Why is everyone a fag in this little town? Fags were only like .01% of the population and they were all in one city

Netflix are liberals. Only in America is that somehow confused with marxism. Liberals embrace every essence of capitalism aswell as feminism, antiracism, lbtgqzcqtdbd rights and every other hyperindividualism aspect. A little niglet girl praising capitalism is as liberal as it gets

This is turning into some 80s Steven Universe bullshit.
Fucking faggot woke writers ruin everything with their agendas.


How have none of you retards realized this yet?
>be Jewish
>cast mostly jews
>make show that appeals to white peoples nostalgia with cute kids
>wait till season 3 when everyones invested and push out all the degenerate subplots
>White subversion accomplished

I barely watched this season. Dropped it 3 episodes in and gleaned everything else from this thread
Fuck this show and fuck Netflix

lmao imagine needing Yea Forums's permission to watch a show


Secret lesbian plot is boring as shit. It's 2019 so she should be saying:
>I'm a man inside and if we have sex I want you to be the woman for me, pretty boy.

What would be really meta is to have a secret lesbian plot in a show set when that stuff was still edgy.

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>>strongly hinting at another child interacial relationship
>>literally asspull a character as a lesbian out of nowhere
Do you expect her to be a diesel dyke?
>>also make a strong indicator that one of the boys is gay
No they didn't
>What did they mean by this?
That you're a triggered autist who cant understand things that laid out in exacting detail do you and are befuddled by any complexity or nuance and consequently misunderstands things

Dustin has a girlfriend, the Mormon Suzy

they had a lot of subplots and the kids in different groups
max cant be with him if shes off shopping with elle can she?

>wait till season 3

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Is this more or less perverse than when they yank the boobs out of the show after the audience is all in, though?

It was heavy handed for sure, but I found it appropriate for a show taking place in the 80s. What I DIDN'T find OK, was how that story arc ended with Nancy and Jon fucking killing the boss and the bully characters.
>It's OK because they had space aids!
Fuck off. The other guy had a loving family and all of them were killed too. Not even assholes deserve such a fate and it was obviously portrayed as a no big deal BECAUSE they were assholes.

So I just watched the first three episodes and will watch the next three tomorrow. Does the Number 13 girl show up or did the show runners abandon her and her plot due to people's mixed feelings about that one episode?

He was 100% right to call her out on being a retarded princess for over-stepping her authority as an INTERN.
And hazing is part of any male-dominated workplace it is just what men do to make sure you aren't a wuss.

She gets with Steve then cucks him.

Ever since I fi ished season 2 I unironically thought having her pair up with Steve would be cool.
Like, she and her punk friends go looking for Eleven because she doesn't want to lose her sister. Then they find themselves in Hawkins, and a series of events happen where they and the kids meet up, Steve among them. During the final episodes they have to work together while having a Han Solo-Princess Leia "you're a bitch - you're a dumbass" relationship that eventually ends up with them being involved.

But I didn't imagine the cucking thing. I will never understand 4chans obsession with cuckoldry

they come from a long line of hillbillies

/pol here
you are reaching bud!


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>10 year acting like middle-aged sassy woman
You can tell the writers are just getting off when writing this fucking tv show.

>the 80s were so sexist and horrible!
>but no one cares about interracial relationships are being gay

Well which is it

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If no one cares why is Robin in the closet?

It's Netflix, man. It's gone beyond a wink and a nod with them, and there's not a person who watches it doesn't know it. They have a mission to push an agenda, and you can't not notice it at this point. The Witcher, Bird Box, She-Ra, that show about the superhero drag queens, Black Mirror, this - the list is longer than my arm at this point. Just stop giving them your money. I get my horror from Shudder and my streaming movies from Prime these days.

stop being gay