Is the first one a good movie?

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Yes, come watch it with us

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it's easily the best one, and actually attempts to characterize the various robots.

Cytube? What the hell is that? Sounds liek a phishing site.

No. In fact it's the worst of the 5 because it's just generic soulless pap by Orci and Kurtzman.

I liked it


>Michael Bay
>Good movie
Pick one and ONLY one

It's probably the most competent but also the most dull


The first one is the best, even better then Bumblebee.

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Transformers 2 is the only bad movie Michael Bay has ever made

Yes, if you meant this.

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They're all good movies

Don't care what you guys say. I enjoyed the shit out of the first three movies.

How old where you when you first realised that you are a retarded person?

I'm retedared?

user, I...

Not even close.

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Loved this scene the first time I saw it in theaters.

3>4>5>1>2, actually.

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Worst of the franchise, by far.


I like Bay, but Pearl Harbour is indefensible.


1 was great
2 was an insult to its audience
3 was good
haven't seen 4 or 5

>The Asian Market Will Love This: the Film is the best one
Negative, user.

The one with the bounty hunter Transforner whose face turns into a gun and Mark Wahlberg as a Bud Light swilling dumbass All-American inventor and John Goodman as a Transformer with a beard and a cigar and a team of black ops mercenaries led by Frasier is definitely the best one. Two and a half hours of pure, unfiltered Bay. Only the third one can compete, and that's just because 2/3rds of the movie is one big action setpiece.

This guy gets it. Age of Extinction was great.