Sci-fi drought

>Sci-fi drought
What happened?

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Yeah where are the movies with aliens and different worlds and futuristic tech

End game game

>What happened?
hollywood can't make hard sci-fi movies or shows that still have a good plot. they usually try to rely on SPECIAL EFFECTS to hide such a fact and people see right through it.

And since sci-fi costs more to make, they're less willing to take such a risk.

>since sci-fi costs more to make, they're less willing to take such a risk.
This. High risk low reward. If it’s too obscure or cerebral, normies won’t go see it but the budget is all the same. Much easier making capeshit or kids/family friendly movies that will always bring in tons of shekels even if it’s canned unoriginal shit.

What have been some of the best sci-fi kinos of the last decade?
Off the top of my head
>Edge of Tomorrow
>Star Trek Into Darkness
Some have decent stories, others have better visuals and world building.

this. BR2049 was probably the last chance we had at big budget scifi for a bit, and its box office performance was pretty middling.

I bet you think avatar is good.
Also are you high?
>what is starwars

It was a huge bomb after taking marketing costs into consideration.

>What have been some of the best sci-fi kinos of the last decade?
Blade Runner 2049, The Martian, Tron: Legacy (though i admit that wasn't successful)...

sci-fi is and always will be shit

no u

these 2 got ignored in whatever other topic they were desperate in

Source Code

Endgame is 100% braindead science fiction.

Star Trek Beyond was a lot better than Into Darkness.

Denis the Menace is making two Dune movies so there's that

>Denis the Menace is making two Dune movies so there's that
Wait, they're only doing two movies out of Dune and not three?

District 9

Source material is lacking. Anyone familiar with what happened with the Hugo Award knows what happened to book publishers and why there is so little quality material published these days. The best material now is found self published on Amazon but you just get through mountains of bad fan fiction to find the good original material. Maybe 'Wool' will end up being made into a good movie series but probably not.

Valerian had kino visuals but flopped
BR2049 was kino but underperformed
Only Disney type sci-fi like Captain Marvel has been bringing in money, excluding shows like Star Trek Discovery

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Movie when?

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>Anyone familiar with what happened with the Hugo Award knows what happened to book publishers

Quick rundown?

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There is a ton actually with like 5 new series in production at Netflix and Amazon.

Two for the first book

>Two for the first book
I heard it was three....well as long as it's done well.

desu it should be at least two movies per book, even the shorter ones like messiah and children.

Casting has still got me really concerned though. Except Batista as Rabban. That should be great.

Baykino night.Join lads.

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>Anyone familiar with what happened with the Hugo Award knows what happened to book publishers and why there is so little quality material published these days.
Since none of us are familiar with that maybe you can enlighten us.

Those don't count.

Turning one book into three movies is a terrible idea, Peter Jackson

pic related came out recently and it's extreme kinography

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>Turning one book into three movies is a terrible idea, Peter Jackson
When that book is as short as the hobbit and you add shit, yes.

besides, the hobbit didn't live up to LotR due to a severe lack of pre-production

>Talentless industry with no ideas
>Focus on CGI inflates budgets making profitability very difficult

>hard sci-fi

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they're killing it all one by one
>new star trek has no substance
>expanse canceled
>stargate universe canceled because too amibtious
>stargate "reboot" as sjw cringeshow
>chinese inexperience in movie making is killing cixin liu's chances at getting any of his books onto silver screen
>teenage shows like "the 100" are more popular even though its cringeworthy shitshow
can you imagine this is what teenagers watch now? that show is literally a romance shit of lowest proportions that you watch like you'd read a fanfiction. I grew up on stargate, my father on star trek. there are no true nerd shows for kids these days, and if there are, those are being quickly cancelled (the expanse being a good example)
>terra nova canceled
and why? can someone explain it? 10 million viewers, and canceled.
the expanse had much lower viewer rating, averaging below 1 million and it ran for 3 seasons before being scrapped, understandably because no money, but amazon picked it up now.
it seems too bland, but seems somewhat good. may be birth of something good, if r.r.martin doesn't feed himself to death before that happens.
>enterprise ending too soon
over 2 million viewers each season, good ratings, until paramount fucked in with their fucking "we need blockbust this shit out, now." those fuckers do not understand their audience. new star trek is a perfect example of that
>lost in space
is a huge disappointment.
another good example of being out of touch or not giving a fuck is new stargate reboot. This isn't what our Lord and Savior Dr. Jackson died again and again for.
Fuck this shit. We now must rely on our minds forgetting the shows and rewatching them again, and again. Fucking sjws ruin everything.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, unicronically

chinese have no idea how to make movies. google for more info.

star trek discovery is losing money. Probably because its shit.

I mean Dune is what, 100 pages longer than The Hobbit? It's about the same length as Fellowship.

I was really excited to see this after someone described it as being similar to the fifth element, but holy shit the main characters are absolutely insufferable. Couldnt even finish it

don't bring Dune into any equation. It's like trying to pick up Asimov's Foundation and make it into a 1h20min movie. It's not doable. That's why it's all attempts, and nothing to show for it.
Jodorowsky's work shows how big of an effort you need to put into Dune, and even then it's still too early to attempt that (nevermind Roth, he will fail).

I enjoyed the first season a lot. Maybe more so because people were so harsh on it and it was surprisingly solid. They keep making the show so it must be profitable. I even hear about spin-off talks.

>I mean Dune is what, 100 pages longer than The Hobbit?
my hardcover version of dune is 500+ pages with small font. my deluxe version of the hobbit is 300+ with large font, photos, etc.

> It's about the same length as Fellowship.
my paperback copy of fellowship is 400 with even smaller font than dune.

>>Star Trek Into Darkness

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Dune is roughly double the size of the hobbit

he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. I've Simmons' Hyperion and its a big book with small font that has almost 800 pages in it, and it still can't come close to Dune, even if you just put God Emperor of the Dune as a comparison.

that's not true. Give Dune a 5 minute intro sequence like FOTR and you can easily tell the story of Paul Atreides, as shown in the first novel, in 3 hours.

Iheard amazon were making Consider phlebas series. Not much faith it will be well done though.

yeah. dune has more material than the hobbit and fellowship has more material than dune and the hobbit.

I think if (big if there) they can do the story justice, two movies for dune could work.

If they need three though, i'm fine with that and they should do that.

too bad they fucked up the production. the best sci-fi trilogy so far this century

rough carbon copy of Asimov's work
an attempt at something good, poorly executed, good music though
>edge of tomorrow
the manga is far better
>star trek into darkness
you're a fucking kid, aren't you
world building? in which of these is there any world building? Star Trek is already established, and they're rebuilding what's been built in that shitshow. Ege of Tomorrow is just a blockbuster thinned out version of something much greater. Gravity is just plain boring and not really entertaining. Maybe it'd be better if they did a tv show out of it. Elysium, as I mentioned, is a shameless copy of Asimov's work, and they should be executed for that movie.
And why they had to do it this way, instead of making movie out of his story? Because it's too hard for them, too complicated, wouldn't sell to people who like star trek into darkness (for example).

It's really happening, bros. We're going home.

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I have to agree, that Cixin Liu is this century's Clarke. The Supernova Era or Wandering Earth are good examples of that.

marvel is science fiction :v)

shut the fuck up

>A Culture Novel
what did he mean by this?

How do I pronounce his name?

>No results found

There was a recent Wandering Earth movie but to be honest it just came across as an action disaster movie. well produced thouhg. Three Body Problem is better material.

Edge of tomorrow is the only good film on that list

I liked Oblivion

A novel about The Culture?

Reality happened. Sci fi flourished when our societies were largely homogeneous, so we worried about actual innovation and technological advancement. Not making sure some shitskin feels safe in strange lands. The entire focus of the average citizen has been so completely distorted we will never again get good sci fi.

Except no one is going to sit through a 3 hour movie that has too much complicated stuff in it. That's why you need to execute it in either parts, or one movie and a tv show afterwards. It's like asking a random stranger on the street to tell you what he thought of the light of other days and if they'd do the same as Hiram did. Even if they read the book they probably would be too stupid on average to make a coherent answer. That's why you either dumb it down or sell it in parts. They need to make money out of it too or it's not going to work.

Chi (like the power) shin (like shin-chan) Lyu (like leeyou)
So, chishin leeyou

It's a natural result of the ongoing rivalry between STEM and the Humanities. Don't want to give people more reason to find Science and Engineering to be cool now can we.

Wandering Earth is a good movie to watch. It's a fresh sci-fi idea that no one really thought about earlier. You're talking about transferring a whole planet to another solar system, instead of sending ships, that you'd most likely think about usually. It's action, sure, but the effects are really good, the story somewhat too. The book was better, but I blame chinese bad movie making for this.

I’m gonna blame Star Wars. It’s got the SciFi market cornered.

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>no one is going to sit through a 3 hour movie that has too much complicated stuff in it
it's honestly not much more complicated than LOTR or Harry Potter or The Matrix. People love 3 hour long movies filled with exposition from beginning to end if they're done with enough spectacle.

Star Wars is not Sci-Fi
Star Trek is sci-fi, Star Wars is fantasy set in space

>season 1 was surprisingly solid
You're not fooling anyone
>they wouldn't keep making it if it wasn't profitable
If the cancelled it the picard show, lower decks, and all the other shit they announced during season 1 of std would be doomed. Only reason its still on the air

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i need another 100 hours of something like BSG, but I don't think it will ever happen again.

While you are right, the average person isn't aware or just don't care so the distinction doesn't matter at all

The JJ trek films and nu-trek are not sci-fi. Star wars is most likely largely to blame for this

does it though
it's the most known among normies, yeah, but that never stopped glassner and wright from writing, producing and airing 214 episodes of nerd packed stargate sg-1, that you can't barge into midway. You have to watch it all, or not at all. You can't watch Atlantis without sg-1, and you can't watch sg-1 until the end without atlantis.

>People love 3 hour long movies
name some good 3hour movies that have come out since lotr

terra nova was absolute shit. bottom tier writing.
i have no clue what you're talking about with firefly. r.r. martin?

very bad post overall, would not read again.

>music by Flying Lotus
I'll check it out

>chinese have no idea how to make movies

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I watched all of SG-1 before watching any of Atlantis. I also never finished the second season of Atlantis. Maybe I was burned out after ten seasons and two movies with SG-1.

I agree with you but it seems like Hollywood producers don’t want to make anything remotely similar to Star Wars.

They stopped making SciFi movies right after TFA came out.

God, I loved watching through BSG.

I caught it when it was on BBC America and they aired 2 episodes a week so I didn't have to worry about binging it but I was still able to watch the whole series in a relatively short amount of time.

wow its almost like interstellar isn't scifi at all

>almost 100 replies
>no mention of the most KINO alien movie to exist so far
Just go into the cryopods, lads.

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But yeah Colony was bretty good for a bit

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Idiots keep greenlighting remakes no one wants to watch. See: The Thing, Bladerunner 2049, Dune. These were flops at the time and they still try to make a success out of them.

Terminator, Avatar 2 and Dune are coming out

Colony was a damn fine movie and and you are basically a moron.

Funny, I watched John Carpenters “The Thing” last night
Now, the attention to detail, set design etc was outstanding and would have cost a lot
But, in the end it was a very simple story, simple location (Stuck on an Antarctic Base most of the movie) and yet its one of the GOAT sci-fi movies ever made

Why hasn’t Hollywood caught on to the fact we’d rather watch smaller, localised plots and narratives over some bloated global tier plot where they try and cram too much into the story and don’t give it any depth?

The least genuinely great scifi movie that came out is pic related
Global threat, entire move focuses on one spaceship

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Ever since Star Wars got mutted, people just don't really care about it.

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Thanks. The mystery of chinese romanji is solved.

Why the hell is no one saying Interstellar? That is an amazing movie

There's like a shitty popsci film every October what are you talking about

if peter jackson directed dune, it would be action-packed adventure
if jodorkowsky did lotr, it'd be a melancholic fantasy epic with whimsical beings, mysterious houses and treacherous dialogues.
and yet, peter jackson is not doing Dune, because you can't find any normie who hadn't heard about Dune and actually read it. It's because it's too hard for average normie. While Jackson obviously must've read Dune, he understands that he'd be publicly lynched if he fucked it up with Muad'dib going around arakkis gathering people for "a party" like in some melodrama. It would destroy its soul if you made it a blockbuster that a child could understand. Try explaining Silmarillion to a ten year old.

It absolutely is

Amazon is making a series out of it

>sci fi channel
>ruins a show
Imagine that...

I am very concerned for the Nightbreed show they're apparently doing.

this will probably be better than the novel because the movie most likely won't have protracted mind numbingly boring scenes of running inside a temple, running towards a shuttle, running inside a mine shaft, sitting on a beach, or watching a card game
i will never not be mad i fell for the culture meme. what a godawful book. instantly turned me off of reading more books in the series

>Why hasn’t Hollywood caught on to the fact we’d rather watch smaller, localised plots and narratives over some bloated global tier plot where they try and cram too much into the story and don’t give it any depth?
Hollywood wants every single movie to be a mega blockbuster instead of making a bunch of smaller films that are moderate successes.

In other words. they greedy.

The hobbit is a children’s book full of abstract nursery rhymes and long winded stories where the entire point of them talking is to entertain the reader instead of information that ads to the plot itself
Dune is nothing like that narratively speaking
The Hobbit was Tolkien testing out his new languages and world building skills, think of it more as a Demo than an actual book

>they dont know

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the meme of primitive-future technology killed it.

>love is a literal force of nature

it did gain 10 million views though, can't see your point with that post
nightflyers sounds afwully similar to firefly. thought you'd have enough cerebral power to make that connection
yeah, you didn't read the book, did ya.
you need to start watching atlantis in tandem with sg-1 after season 8.

There’s tons of science fantasy.

Because boomers invested a lot of money and they know what they got and expect 100% returns every year.


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not him but I believe he's referring to the fact that scifi writing has become WOKE and now all the writers getting published are garbage-tier sjw bullshit.

>and why? can someone explain it? 10 million viewers, and canceled.
Show was just too expensive for Fox.
>over 2 million viewers each season, good ratings, until paramount fucked in with their fucking "we need blockbust this shit out, now."
the show's ratings where bad for its time, and no one could have predicted how much more money they'd make by giving it three more seasons for syndication while operating at a loss for the first time broadcast. Plus UPN was going under and a 5th season would have had to network jump anyway.
>This isn't what our Lord and Savior Dr. Jackson died again and again for.
On the bright side, they're bringing back the old showrunners for the upcoming series.

it will fail. roth has no experience in making sci-fi movies let alone big epics like this one.

>Hey, what about movies!
>Hey you didn't read the books, did ya?

>They keep making the show so it must be profitable
That's not guaranteed, loss-leaders are a thing. Show is rumoured to have cost 540 million for the first two seasons and the short treks, which is nearly double its already record making budget. With Netflix covering the official budget of season 1 and half of that for season 2, and only Bell licencing the short treks, it's pretty clear that the show isn't making money given how few people are subbing to All Access.

... aren't you going to say what movie you're talking about?

The Martian isn't even really sci-fi.
Yeah sure it utilises science, and it is set in the near future, but it never uses the science to actually comment on society like sci-fi originally did, and it's not far enough in the future to have lasers and shit so it can be what sci-fi has become.
By no definition of what sci-fi is or should be is it really sci-fi, we're just classifying it as that because it doesn't slot neatly into anything else.

District 9 instead of Star Trek, and put in Interstellar somewhere and you're not far off.

i got memed into reading this. first book was a 5/10 at best and i dropped the second book one like halfway into it because it was just so fucking stupid.

You're a retard, thats what happened. There has been a bunch of sci-fi stuff the last few years.
The Expanse
Altered Carbon
Black Mirror
Dark Matter
12 monkeys

>The Martian isn't even really sci-fi.
No, not exactly.

> we're just classifying it as that because it doesn't slot neatly into anything else.

Its also complete shit.

Roth doesn't, but Denis Villeneuve does. wih an experienced sci-fi director and one very talented writer at the helm there's no reason to doomsay just yet.
If you're worried about a writer's involvement, I'd be worried about Jon Spaihts

Black Mirror is okay but it can't hold a candle to Outer Limits.

edge of tomorrow was alright, elysium was like a 5-6, others mentioned were bad.
no, but 2049 was alright.
interesting, have not seen
it's alright, visually very good though.
now, the best sci-fi movies of the last decade?
first the best two movies of the previous decade.
Children Of Men
for our decade it's Oblivion.

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>takes a giant shit on every scifi in existence
nothing personal star trek

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>why didn't you realize what literally who show i was talking about even though i used a completely different show's title to refer to it
wow what a nigger you are

star trek was never too popular, but they keep it alive because there are still some producers who also happen to be nerds around. enterprise had a good chance of becoming better than anything else, until that is that third season. Look at it from another perspective: all sci-fi shows will be deemed for a lower audience, since the normies can't handle anything that goes beyond their scope of understanding. battlestar galactica remake feared well under these conditions though. visitors too. why can't good shows? what is making these people ruin good shows? no one will watch new stargate. the old fans will not return because they won't be able to get over an unfinished story that was left to rot by a bunch of sjws that didn't even watch the source. and they won't earn money from that remake because there's no new fans being tempted to go around sci-fi - especially with star wars basedboys killing the genre for the general audience. in essence - sci-fi is dying as movies or tv.

>Blocks your path

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i recently watched silver blood planet episode of voyager and looked it up. more movies need to involve the possibility of a hostile planet, rather than hostile bipedal life forms.

How so?

fucking plebs shitting up the thread
get out

star trek isn't popular, but a lot of the fans of star trek are like frothing at the mouth fanboys and will watch anything with the name star trek on it

this thread is overly spacious to not include source material that is necessary with productions like that. chinese are fucking up movie productions - that is a fact. they fucked up remembrance of earth's past, they fucked up big time with wandering earth. and are you telling me you don't read sci-fi books? are you a normie then?

You should watch Galaxy of Terror as well, if you didn't already. I should watch it as well, since I already downloaded it for a two decade later rewatch.

Star Trek is kept around because merch based on the canon series (TOS -Enterprise) make a shit ton of revenue, but CBS gets all that profit due to licensing. Paramount is desperately trying to get fans to eat up their new stuff so they can get their piece of that merchandising pie, but its not working.

I should amend that to "Society or philosophical questions".

I really wish black mirror was as good as everyone says it is.
I mean it's not bad or anything, I just wish it was as good as its hyped to be.

I also really wish Altered Carbon didn't fall completely apart like halfway through.

Oblivion is a shit Tom Cruise vehicle, and it's not even the best sci-fi movie he's been in this decade. You literally have to be fucking trolling.
Also Primer is just obtuse. Shane Carruth is just the American Jean-Luc Godard where everyone fucking pretends they like him because that's what you're supposed to do if you're into film.

heard about it, never downloaded it. if you say its decent, ill queue that one up for later otnight. just doing some cleaning and organizing.

The follow up to that episode is freaking depressing for no reason.

Well it doesn't help that All Access is a new service. Yes, it has a backlog of older CBS shows but you need a lot of fresh content to get people interested and I didn't feel like even trying the new Twilight Zone because it just seems like politics instead of engaging sci-fi.

the only bad thing i can say about it is some of the acting can be bad at times. everything else is pretty solid. i like the story, some of the characters are really good (amos), neat world building, the tech isn't total magical fantasy stuff, very good cgi, and i really like the scope and presentation of the show because it feels really big

I can tell you it's a horror sci fi about a hostile planet, and it has a scene that will make you surprised. Yes it's the giant caterpillar rape.

the expanse is suspended
westworld is a stretch with that classic sci-fi label
altered carbon is a good example, but we should really wait for it to kick off
black mirror is already lost to sjws
colony was pure shit, no one watched it
killjoys is season 5 already, this here is talk about sci-fi being killed off
dark matter. yeah, sure. its dead though.
nightflyer is reliying on r.r.martin's health - also a nice metaphor to sci-fi genre dying
12 monkeys is decent one, but also not a classical sci-fi
helix isn't it a horror?

Oh I thought the image would immediately reveal which movie I was talking about. It's Alien Covenant, my friend.
Granted, it's objectively shitty in many ways, but has the best ending out of possibly any sci-fi movie ever.

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the expanse books are pretty good, but i tried watching the show and it was fucking gay.
i'm fairly certain every belter had an english accent even though the language is like pidgin gutter spanish, and belters are like 7 feet tall which doesn't at all translate to how it was presented

there's literally "r.r.martin" in there
are you retarded, dude?

>the expanse is suspended
what? amazon picked it up, the new seasons will be announced soon, they've been in post-production since may

thats just the limitation of casting, its going to be really hard finding a bunch of lanky 6'6+ people that can also act

what is some essential /poorlywrittenscifi/ core?
>falling skies
>terra nova
anything else? teeny romance crap need not apply

that's an old movie. almost a decade old. netflix only slaps "original" because they bought the rights, normie.
that's the point, it literally says so in there "star trek was never too popular"
are you fucking retarded?
yeah, normies who don't watch star trek think its too nerdy. I wonder if they know star wars has more books than all of star trek episodes

I am actually liking this show

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>are you fucking retarded?
no but your dad is because he picks his nose when he poops

that's why it reads "suspended" not "cancelled"
I'm surprised you can write and breathe at the same time.
those are teeny crap that is not to be applied though

>can't admit he fucked up
>just doubles down
honestly, fuck off guy. your incomprehensible spergy esl rambling is just shitting up the thread

Battlestar Galactica was clearly basically improv since the end of season 1, but it's still a classic.

A lot of people probably can't get over the black daughter and give it a try but once you get past that it's kino.

yeah, go watch jersey shore, you normie fag

i know. they should've used platforms and more movie magic
if you havent read the books, they're really good and quick reads. i'm on the 7th now and started em in February

how are comic book movies not sci-fi? space ships, aliens, weird technology. is it just because its not set in the future?

>is a faggot with two digit IQ
>keeps on going
hmmm. quite.

you can barely speak english, i wouldn't go around accusing people of being low iq

>Expanse cancelled

again? Didn't it get revived?


i read all the books. the latest book is one of the best in the series

agents of shield is pretty much a legit sci-fi show at this point. so glad i stuck with it despite the understanding first season

Basically what happened is that women are the primary consumers of movies now. With streaming and large screen televisions, men are perfectly content to wait a month and watch shit at home for free as opposed to paying 20 bucks to go sit in a noisy theater with a bunch of loudmouth nogs.
Women are better consumers basically. They WANT to spend that 20 bucks on a ticket, so they can instagram to their friends that they did. They don't care as much about the movie itself, they care about the event and the social credit they gain from it.

In short, men are too smart to be proper consumers of modern movies. Women are fucking dumb, so they're who are catered to now and they don't like sci-fi.

underwhelming, sorry. phoneposting cancer here

syfy cancelled it and amazon picked it up
they even hired the fookin LEGEND for next season

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Because there is nothing science-y about them.

>he must be trolling
are you that intimidated by my honest taste of film not correlating with yours that you need to somehow reassure yourself that I'm joking? Oblivion was immensely memorable with beautiful scenery and good acting. The story was built on Lays of Ancient Rome and heavily influenced by Heidegger's philosophy.
I didn't even know who directed primer before you mentioned it nor do I care, it's a well made and eerie sci-fi movie with a well thought out time travel scenario for once. It makes you uncomfortable in the same way that reading Fanged Noumena makes you uncomfortable.

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Starship Troopers : Traitor of Mars
Hard to Be a God
Trigun : Badlands Rumble

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The last couple bombed hard

>science fiction is fiction that deals with advanced science and technology, time travel, parallel universes, fictional worlds, space exploration and extra-terrestrial life
thats literally the definition of sci-fi. so again, how are comic book movies not sci-fi?

hm, yeah, you can add these to my list too.

same with The World Fantasy Award, it's so retarded now and I want to gas every nerd with gray hair because it's 90% their fault.

what belter is he playing? i bet hes going to be that asshole security guard boss on that mud planet. god that was such a fucking awful and slow book. i hope expanse fans are ready for the show to be canceled again after that season bombs

The score is easily the best part, followed by the visuals.
It's heavily reliant on the visuals too. Most of the plot is up to interpretation outside of the basics. The basics being that MC murdered his gf and got sent to zen futurist biopunk resort by his mother where he gradually alters his consciousness and his body until the question becomes if he's even human anymore.
The film is free to rent on, at least it was when I watched it a couple weeks ago. You just have to use a code which is on the directors instagram.

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the point of scifi is to explore how advanced technology and such influences peoples lives and the world as we know it. it is fundamentally more than a just superficial backdrop.

Probably because anything that uses a large scale setting with interstellar nations and faster than light travel is close enough to Star Wars for Disney’s hyperjew legal team to be able tear the production company a new one over copyright infringement or something.
With enough money you can convict someone for anything, and god knows that money is one thing Disney has.

hes playing murtry, the head security guy. i think they'll be adapting both book 4 and 5 next season, so they'll be speeding through cibola burn

so then starship troopers movie is not scifi? because its no different then say guardians of the galaxy movies

not that other poster, but that's a pretty lodty definition and we both know a lot of things that don't live up to it are considered sci fi

thank baby jesus, maybe give cibola burns 2 episodes and be done with it

did you read the newest book? if not dont read
RIP bobby, you big bitch

It is absolutely not built on "Heidegger's philosophy". unless you're just meaning that because it's a work where the subject starts out isolated it must by necessity be an existentialist work. And it is not built on "Lays of Ancient Rome", it has no connection to any of those stories, what it actually is is based on id an unpublished graphic novel by a dude who primarily does commercials, and shit with lasers in it.
You're literally just pulling works and names out of your ass to sound deep.

Star Trek Discovery

It legitimately worries me that Amazon is making this into a show. People are already anxious about automation and when this show comes out in 2-3 years it will probably be releasing right as self driving cars start to fuck truckers and fare drivers, on top of all the other shit that will be happening in the first half of the 2020s. Something in me feels that this show is going to be the foreground for a long term strategy for Amazon to get the public trust on it's side by selling people on the ideals of post-scarcity and automation similar to the Culture.

>mfw this is the only heidegger i knew before today
i learn something new from 4channel every day

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You just mean, not "You're just meaning". That's some ESL sneaking in there.

Star ship troopers uses its setting to comment on the jingoism and rising fascism in American culture..

Who do you want to direct the film adaptation of pic related?
>inb4 Snyder

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yes i read it, the gamma ray burst part was probably one of the best sequences in the entire series

wonder how well Yea Forums will handle the time skip
also, drummer best waifu

i doubt theyll do what they did in the books. 5-10 years maybe

cry harder

>that's an old movie. almost a decade old.
I know that you faggot, I saw it in theatres
10 years old is hardly an “old” movie
Guy I was replying to posted a movie from 2007 so eat me

Oh man, Black Mirror is seriously very bad, though.

Watch the sequel episode "Oblivion"

cope me a river

Pic absolutely related




upgrade is a great movie

>What happened?
Jews and their non-white hordes.

give link
trailer i just watched had john travolta and jamie lee curtis gyrating their hips together

>What happened?
You are looking at popular series and hollywood movies.
That happened... to you.

Read some good books, user.

>>Edge of Tomorrow
Japanese. And the Japanese version is infinity times better.
>>Star Trek Into Darkness

Continue to pathetically reassure yourself more that I'm joking all you want, The ending of oblivion is a mirror of lay's of ancient rome's heroic episodes as Jack sacrifices himself to stand up for what he sees as truth to his own Being.
The movie explores advanced technology and how that affects us, Jack is thrown into an abstraction but it does not touch upon his pure experience of existence and his future, his future being death. Throughout the landscape which he explores he finds something that speaks to his inner self in literature from a world that's not an abstraction of constant surveillance and machines which no one can fully re-create by themselves.

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So, the plot to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

I'm not the dude who originally said it, but the Hugo awards can be voted on by people who buy a worldcon pass or something. Some organized group of SJW cunts started buying passes and voting in blocks to only give Hugo awards to 'diverse authors and pocs'.

>In the last decade... we’ve seen the Hugo voting skew ideological, as Worldcon and fandom alike have tended to use the Hugos as an affirmative action award: giving Hugos because a writer or artist is (insert underrepresented minority or victim group here) or because a given work features (insert underrepresented minority or victim group here) characters.

In short, a Hugo award means your shit is gay as fuck now and to be avoided by anyone who likes sci-fi.

I read the manga, it's not better in any particular way.

I'm pretty sure jews enjoy sci fi

Sci-fi is dead because the future is dead. Most of the world has accepted that humanity won't be alive in 1000 years. There is no futuristic utopia, or dystopia, to imagine because there won't be a future.

pic related is how I saw it.
It might have just been me, but watching it on Breaker put some weird black box around the part of the screen where the movie was playing. Like it was zoomed out.

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>>Sci-fi drought
If you want real Science Fiction go to novels. Most people won't understand it, and in consequence, won't like it.

>Captive State
>I am Mother
>Lucy in the Sky
>High Life
>The Wandering Earth
>Ad Astra
>every capeshit out there

This (). The books are campy shit, poorly written and like every hard sci fi book out there, every metaphor is childish (i.e., meant for STEMfags and neckbeards). In book 3 one of the characters makes up a coded short story to communicate secrets and the author literally pats himself on the shoulder by having some "literature experts" praise the tale.

Is that a garbage pail card? So incredibly based.

Shut up, lardass.

>The books are campy shit, poorly written and like every hard sci fi book out there, every metaphor is childish
the part where the guy starts describing his ideal woman is some of the most cringey eye rolling shit i have ever read. i wanted to fucking vomit it was so gay

This is what I don't get... a dune movie doesn't need to be complicated, we don't need to follow pauls story even. Dune has enough cool lore that you could make a movie based in that universe and it would have potential to be really good.

>don't bring Dune into any equation.
Yeah, I'm fine with Denis Villeneuve... but a movie? It needs a miniseries per book.

Prove that we're in a sci-fi drought, quantifiably if possible. If anything, I'd argue sci-fi is currently doing very well in the context of the history of cinema.

Within the last decade, good sci-fi:
Ex Machina
Mad Max Fury Road
High Life
Under the Skin
Midnight Special
Pacific Rim
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth is a goddamn legend)
Edge of Tomorrow
The World's End
Super 8
Source Code
District 9
The Martian
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 (Many other MCU movies easily qualify as sci-fi, too, especially movies like Ragnarok, IW, Endgame, and CM)
Three Planet of the Apes movies
Two Alien sequels, soon three
Four Star Wars movies, soon five
Three Star Trek movies, soon four
Four (!) more Avatar sequels
Three Godzilla movies, soon four (not including the animated ones)

And that's not
-counting the dozens of arguably/loosley sci-fi movies (Melancholia, Contagion, etc, there's actually at least a hundred of these)
-counting bad/mixed sci-fi movies, which far, far outnumber good ones (and always have)
-counting sci-fi tv

Ad Astra by James Gray
Akira by Taika Waititi
Dune 1 and 2 by Villeneuve
Gemini Man by Ang Lee

Mad Max: The Wasteland

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You are so full of shit it's not even funny, and what's even more pathetic is that it patently obvious that you literally just went to look up the names you pulled out your ass.

The only two works in the Lays of Ancient Rome that deal with sacrifice are Virginia and Horatius, and neither deal with the type of sacrifice you describe. Virginia is not self sacrifice, and Horatius does not sacrifice himself in the name of being true to his own being.

And I'm sure you spent a while coming up with your bullshit recitation about how you could relate Questions of Technology to a Tom Cruise vehicle written by a guy who does glitsy commercials, but it simply isn't the case. It's not only not what happens in the movie, it's also not an accurate understanding of Heideggers questions about technology.

why risk ruining the reputation of the Hugo awards by letting randoms decide it?

it's like they were asking to get their shit fucked

>Starship Troopers : Traitor of Mars
Holy shit that was bad. I managed to at least laugh at the evil bratty teen Emma Watson villain because it was so bad and overreacted.

That's literally the opposite of what happened.

This. Amazing movie

Personally I found that nightflyers was pretty good though it got much weaker st the end

based no explanation poster


arrival 2016 was such shit. muh stupid shit time travel plot. it was all so terrible.

arrival 1996 now theres a great scifi film.

who would be good for a The Stars My Destination adaption? tom hardy? He fits that bumbling everyman but also extremely competent vibe.

keep on living in your little hyperreality fabricated by rotten tomatoes and wikipedia bro. It's okay that you can't grasp Heiddeger's essay concerning technology properly.
It's not like I ever meant anything more than Horatius from lays of ancient rome either concerning the connection with Oblivion, Jack was obviously immensely influenced by that particular poem. Jack finding himself in a situation to either submit to the extermination machine or face its odds and death for himself and the ashes of the earth symbolically and concretely being below him.

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The Hugo Awards has always been a very niche thing, and as a result of being quite a niche thing and because it surrounded a iteral social event, some people began to see it as a networking thing, where you got awards based on your friendships and brownie points.
At least that was the belief of one particular writer, who through this belief created the sad puppies movement, where a bunch of people on the internet started mass voting to get their preferred candidates nominated and awarded.

In response the regulars basically shut the whole thing down for a year.

waah waah waah waaaah thats too normie for me waaaa

Yeah fuck off, you have been called on your nonsense and it's time for you to go.

lmfao "it's time for you to go" is the lamest response I've gotten. Just accept that oblivion is the best sci-fi movie of the decade bro.

The ideas in this are mostly quite good but the writing is awful. You know its not just the translation either because of how cliched, hackneyed, lacking in personality and almost all interchangeable the characters were. The only one who stood out as having a personality was that detective, and even so he was the kind of 2 dimensional stereotype of a tough but good humored slightly checked out street smart detective who doesn't have time for these damn egg-heads that you'd expect from a bad 1950s radio drama.

Listen to the mealy mouthed jew doublespeak here.
>where you got awards based on your friendships and brownie points.
This poster KNOWS it became a SJW shitfest where only woke authors were getting nominated by the panel, but restates it to try and downplay that fact.
Why do liberals always lie?

Rakka and Zygote from Oats Studio were really awesome.

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Shush. You tried, it's over now.

They are promising but I don't know how would Oats movies work in full length. I mean River God would be the shlockest of schlock ever.

It far from new, but have you guys watched Space Above And Beyond? I'm half way in and I like it.

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I have not told a single lie, I have not been dishonest, and if anything I have been too kind to your side of this narrative.
You need to blow your nose now, take a deep breath, and accept that there are people who aren't terminally /pol/ poisoned and they're not the enemy because of it.

>they're not the enemy
You're absolutely wrong about that.

People, even the very same people that claim they like sci fi, don't like sci fi. I don't even have to read this thread to know there's probably a shit ton of arguing about the definition of sci fi and it's just bickering over entry level stuff.

>sci-fi is and always will be shit

Really, put some effort into it, user.

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To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds and trying
standing for what he believes in.
That oblivion is the greatest sci-fi movie of the decade

>Star Trek Beyond was a lot better than Into Darkness.
Who cares? It's not Star Trek, anyway.

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The important thing to remember is that the Hugo awards are garbage now, and they're literally a stamp meaning 'do not read'. They used to indicate some sort of quality, worthwhile read, now it literally means the opposite.
Just one more thing ruined by the SJW crowd.

>It's not real Star Trek
Imagine being elitist about star trek

A lot of sci-fi used to be inspired by real-life social and political problems, but new sci-fi that does that is seen as unpalatable because its agenda (real or perceived).

gravity was complete shit

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Ender's Game was decent but no one saw it.

It made $120 million. You live in a bubble.

close but not really
The c in “ci” is more of a ts sound as opposed to a ch sound
the x in “xin” is a sound that doesn’t exist in English, to make it you put your tongue at the back of your bottom teeth and make a sh sound
Liu is right tho, just remember it ends more with an o sound than a u sound

For someone who doesn’t know pinyin the most intuitive transliteration I can give is “tse sheen leeyo”, don’t even fucking bother with tones lol

t. studied Chinese for 5 years

i forgot the ending, recap pls?

stop it with the smarttalk, nerds

fucking WHEN?

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A lot of hard sci-fi books are made by autists that want the reader to know how much research the author did. A lot of other sci-fi stuff is too weird for audiences to get; see Blade Runner 2049 and Valerian.

Prometheus: As dumb as the movie was at times, the idea of future humanity going on an interstellar journey to meet their creators who tried to wipe them out is a high kino idea.

Blade Runner 2049: Was a perfect sequel to Blade Runner because it didn't rehash the original story, and expanded the world, lore, and characters.

The Martian

Peaked with Arrival.

It was a shitty ending.

Prometheus had great visuals

The sci-fi genre is waiting for James Cameron to stop impersonating George R.R. Martin better than he does himself and finish his sequel


If Dune does well you can expect another avalanche of sci fi adaptation attempts.
We almost had it happen this past decade, but a lot of them fell flat. Childhoods end, Man in the High Castle, Enders Game, princess of mars, and westworld all had adaptations this past decade and they all fall flat for the most part. I remember a couple of years ago Ridley Scott said he was making Forever War but that didnt go anywhere. Similarly, Jonathan Nolan was attached to Foundation.

It's because civilization, especially western civilization, is in decline. Identity politics gives emotional appeals and mysticism priority over logic and reason and the scientific method.

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nobody has the balls to make a movie set in the world of shadowrun

shadowrun got cucked by Max Landis, it will never happen now

Just watch The Expanse

Fantasy is better in every way.

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>Bladerunner 2049
>Ex Machina
>The Arrival
>Black Mirror
>Cloverfield Paradox
>Star Wars films
>Apes films
>Ready Player One

Some of these arent good, but theyre still being made, and theyre still Sci-fi. There are also some ones being made right now that sound good.

>Dune duology
>Avatar series
>Gemini Man
>Lucy in the Sky

Did you forget the whole part about human spirit, and how even if he dies we should continue to explore? Or are you not counting that?

The first half of Arrival

Instead of science and increased technology, we have to take in lots of refugees.
Get with the times old man. It's 2015 (+4) now.

Belters speak a variety of fictional accents. Some sound kind of South African while some sound kind of Hispanic. They use mostly English words because it would be hard for the audience to follow if they didn't.

They have a few tall lanky actors to demonstrate how some of the belters have been fucked up by zero g. It's simply not realistic to cast a 7ft lanklet for every belter character though.
Maybe for a film they could use forced perspective, but that's not practical on a tv show with hundreds of scenes of the characters, and on a basic cable budget.

I used to think the same but I don't think sci-fi necessarily has to comment on society, it just has to have scientific literacy as part of its plot. On the other hand you can argue that Watney's experience is a commentary on the strength of science and rationality against desperation and hopelessness.

All the good scifi was written decades ago.

You need hope for the future and the idea of technical innovation to happen.
Makes sense why all the new stuff is shit.


>hard sci-fi
hollywood doesn't make hard sci-fi because hard sci-fi is boring as fuck and only appeals to a small subset of the science fiction fanbase - generally the most autistic part that thinks hard sci-fi space battles would actually be fun to watch.
>pic related: you

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this. everyone knows browns are entirely devoid of creativity

Your mother would have drowned you if she'd known you'd be a pleb.

this isn't decline as much as it is the acclimation period necessary to adapt to a world changing technology. The internet has thrown all of human culture into a blender and our shitty monkey brains are having a lot of trouble separating echo chambers and clickbait from reality. Especially considering there's enough information in existence to validate literally any belief, especially if you just ignore all contradicting evidence.

The little babies are tucked to sleep.

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>but it never uses the science to actually comment on society like sci-fi originally did

yea, they should've had a sequence underlining the reason for the huge scale-back of space exploration/utilization is risk aversion, ass kissing, and face saving.

oh wait

if you're saying the martian isn't sci-fi because it doesn't have any "ME AM PLAY GOD" sequences, you're a fucking idiot.

jokes on you I read the silmarillion when I was 10

>muh space battles!
>not soŷ
... uh, breh...

foundation is still in the works as a series for apple tv+

>If Dune does well
don't kid yourself. dune won't do well. dune will be flop of the century.

you know the only reason they're making that is because the mule is pre-baked trump commentary, right?

depends on the budget. i hope they were smart enough to keep it under $100 million this time. a dune flick could do 250-300 million WW and become slightly profitable. but if villeneuve once again blows 160-180 million out of his asshole, it'll indeed lose tons of money.

There's no excuse for not having a basic education (in philosophy) in this day and age. Listening to an audiobook per day isn't difficult.

>sci-fi epic
>under $100 million

And you do realize why they greenlit it, right? Franchise potential. Franchises nowadays don't get made today on double digit budgets. They've already got a spin-off TV series greenlit, too.

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I doubt it, Foundation has been kicked around for a while now. It fits in perfectly with the way tv shows are made now anyway. mounting tension until the end of season release/twist/cliffhanger.

Just popping in to call OP a faggot.

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thats a nice elephant you just glossed over.

I can assure you I am more well read than you. Shame you had to grow up with Harry Potter and your parents didn't read you any good books when you were little.

that looks like trash and is definitely a ripoff of the swedish prose story aniara and it definitely sucks

what hollywood executives are going to fund
>an 3h long ad that almost every pleb will want to watch based on highly successful movies that will be successful as long its at least mediocre
>3h long movie about people walking in the mud

i dont follow

> doesn't know about the Culture
> genofixed glands to give you drugs
> AIs devoted to getting you laid
> smart-ass drones for quips and banter
> intelligent starships with weird names
> fucking Idirans got their shit pushed in

>doesn't know about the Culture series
the absolute state of Yea Forums sci fi threads

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>if jodorkowsky did lotr, it'd be a melancholic fantasy epic with whimsical beings, mysterious houses and treacherous dialogues.

if jodorowsky did lotr, frodo would be a quadruple amputee shaman and everyone else would be playing with his shit.

there is no such thing as science fantasy.

dilate your open wound

what the fucking projecting shit did you just say to me you little autist?

Please elaborate