Women are trash

Women are trash.

Ban me ten times, ban me ten thousand times, it doesn't matter. Nothing will change this fact.

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____ ___


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He cute

Based and redpilled

cringe incel poster

>trannies feel this threatened by the existence of pussy

yikes transfrogs

based and truthpilled. Fuck roasties

Have sex

bend over

>Women are trash.
Women are the point of being alive.

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killing myself brb

either have sex incel or dilate tranny fag

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What? Are you saying you don’t want to live in a world with dirty, sweaty dudes vying for dominance over each other and having dick-waving contests? You must be gay.

Based Pathetic impotent poster.

Fuck off retarded incel


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Seething femcels assemble

Go cry to mommy.

Women are trash but I can't get enough of them. I love sucking on titties too much.

>the roastie recoil in fear at the thought of having to contribute literally anything to society that doesn't involve having a vagina

>hating the only good gender

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Isn’t it interesting that 4channel never responds this way if you say “fuck niggers” or “die trannies?”



>mods are seething so hard that they put it on auto sage
Reminder women are the most protected group in the western world