kinos for this feel ?
Kinos for this feel ?
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where are his ears
Wojak don't need ears ya goon
This happened to me when I was 25. My hair loss was induced by mega dosing a vitamin and stopped after about 3 years thank God
Kinos about being a man you mean?
Jason Statham films + Pumping Iron.
Say what? How does that even happen
Better Call Saul season 4 has a scene like this
No idea but it was from B5. It happened to a bunch of people who did it, it was to treat acne
I sure like being a fucking norwood 3 at 22, faggot
Yes, and i dont care. Have sex.
my hair only comes out when I don't shower for a while
bald ass cunt
This will be probably be wasted on Yea Forums autists, but there is still time for most you baldies to save your hair.
Basically, the problem is that for a number of reasons the top of your scalp is being deprived of blood flow, which is causing cells to die. Read this and fix it. Most of the tips here are free so you have nothing to lose.
link is just cheese pizaa, don't click
>Abstain from porn and masturbation.
>Abstain from activities that cause chronic stress
This is retarded.
just buzz it off, you're most likely an ugly fuck anyway so it makes no difference if you have hair or not. the guys desperately clinging onto their hair with pills and retarded hair treatments are absolutely pathetic
>just buzz it off bro
fuck off
You do know you can go to a dermatologist and stop it, right?
You can overdose vitamins, it does have negative effects
then go take pills like a little baby and cling onto something that probably isn't doing much for you anyway
you're overcompensating for your insecurity due to hair loss dude
lmao no im not im ugly as shit with or without hair
Lol just shave it off bro, women love buzz cut chads
Left them at Yea Forums
Someone stole them
>Having this vegeta hairline for as long as I remember. People tell me I look like dracula
It's fucking suffering. I try to cover it but the wind or sweating because of any activity makes it really apparent
not kino, but relevant
ITT: bunch of frail little pussies
I've heard about people lacking x vitamin (B12?) that helped maintain their hair. Didn't know the reverse also applied.
>But you dream, hairlet! You've fallen in love with all the things that destroy scalps, and thickened your hair with extensions and weaves! And as the years pass, and your hairline recedes, it will always be remembered, you left your wig in Asia!
That man would unironically look better with a buzzcut
t. slav
>tfw my hair is just fucking thinning in the front
>no bad ass receding hairline
are those plugs are something? what a waste of money, he's still going to be doofy looking with or without hair
Same here, but replace 'vitamin' with 'achohol'.
That's natural hair loss. Humans lose roughly 20-50 hairs a day. It comes out in the shower. But don't wash for 3-4 days and you will suddenly seem to lose 150 hairs.
great show, i'll be sorry to see it end
hee hee hee le sad man face from the face book basde for the win
>google this guy
>wears a hat in all his pics
>tvw balding on the same I post my father has little hair
It has begun.
Looks 10 times better bald.
hey c'mon man, you're not that ugly.. dont think like that
>he's on Yea Forums
>he doesn't realize he's ugly
i have some bad news for you buddy...
Don't live your life by memes, son. Do what's best for you. Either shave it off (if male-pattern), Chad embrace (if bad receding), or comb it forward (if slight recede with no male-pattern). There is no pure rule.
He didn't get plugs, he shaved his shit. Looks a million times better
>tfw fin has worked for me
My temple baldness is now almost completely gone. My hairline is about what it was when I was 20
most guys end up looking like this if they 'embrace' it
That's what your hair looks like after a hair transplant. It's the scarring phase which eventually heals. Problem is that they can only take donor hair from you, so the dude in the pic may have a head of hair, but it will be very thin and patchy
Please elaborate.
nice try fin salesman
>don’t have sex with my wife
No thanks I’ll just go bald.
Nice, good for you bro, when are you getting the breast implants and the penectomy?
His American parents had them removed at birth so he wouldn't get an ear infection later in life.
Seething hairlet who didn't hop on the fin train in time
Do NOT listen to this faggot. Fin ruined my dicks for 6 months after I stopped taking it.
if you're posting on Yea Forums, fin didn't do much for you
based post
based alexander poster
id rather have a receding hairline than having it all just fall out all over the top of you head like mine is
Yeah I'm sure it was the fin and not the fact that you smack your dick around 4 times a day to /d/
Come on man, being bald sucks
I can have sex with your wife instead, I got you bro
You weren't using it anyway
I'd say the only thing worse than the super thinout would be the people who get the "island" thing going on with their hair and they look like a literal clown
Wojak never listens.
>in time
tell me the situation in about 5 years or so
it's not an endless magic drug
You know why hair loss is such a crisis?
Its a constant reminder of your mortality. You go through life, and you're having a good time, and then suddenly one day you hit 30 and BAM your hair is falling out.
Everyday when you look in the mirror you are reminded that you are one day closer to death, and even worth then that, old age.
Nice genes, hairlet.
>tfw 21 and my hairline is like that
it's over bros
>and then suddenly one day you hit 30 and BAM your hair is falling out.
Try 20, try spending the best years of your life constantly being reminded of your fragility and mortality
>tfw 28
>hair going, face already looking old and tired, growing tits and getting skinnyfat despite working out because testosterone is going downhill
>tfw never got to know what it's like to look good
It's not fair.
Yeah I'm sure some anonymous hairlett knows more than doctors and verified real-life results accrued over decades since the drug hit the market
reminder that if you can't pull off a receding hairline you were never alpha anyway
>and then suddenly one day you hit 30 and BAM your hair is falling out.
Lol I would say at a sizeable portion of everybody I meet is balding and they're in their mid20s.
>tfw Irish ancestry
>hit 26
>middle top of my head is thinning
>in time
And when is that? I have a widow peak now but my hair in general is still thick and there's no bald spot on the back.
I'm pretty happy I'm only going grey at 26. Judging by my dad hair loss shouldn't be an issue for . while.
You really think it works endlessly? Go ahead and show me a single case of someone losing his hair, hopping on fin and then not losing any hair in the next two or three decades.
Protip: they all lose it, as will you. Even if you hop on min too.
Is carrying about your hairline is some american thing? Everyday i see young couples where guy is heavily balding, just like other 50% of guys. No one even think about it as about something not normal, even the opposite, if you are not a kid, you older than 18 and you have a lot of hair people would look at you like a faggot.
Whenever you feel like your hair is what you want it to be for the rest of your life. Fin has roughly a 90% chance of stopping baldness, and like a 40% chance of reversing it. It's not really a cure, but a precaution
what kind of upside down autist retard takes the time to make this shit? it doesnt even make any sense. just for (you)'s? thats more pathetic than being bald.
it might genuinely be schizophrenia
>not losing any hair in the next two or three decades.
If you manage to keep your hair for 30 years that's a good deal you moron
>if you are not a kid, you older than 18 and you have a lot of hair people would look at you like a faggot.
What kind of backwards 3rd world shit hole are you posting from?
doesn't matter if you can pull off a shitty hairline, you still look ten times uglier
Sure, give me a single case that keeps his hair for just 10 years then.
Based slavland.
Got my first white hair today. I'm 19 years old.
Because it's funny and it clearly triggers people like you
>hairline is good
>going grey at 20
Win some lose some
even if you take finestride or wear a hairpiece you are still balding. Its just a greater form of cope instead of acceptance
that sounds really really stupid user
"ascend" here
people don't realize it gives you a certain power
Oh fugg
Same. I've got a full head of hair but I've been going gray for about six years now. Luckily the pattern actually looks pretty aesthetic. I've seen dudes with patchy grayness and it's hard to pull off. Also helps bag chicks with daddy issues.
Reminder that even if you shave your head you may still have a fucked up skull shape more distracting than a bad hairline
I'm Brazilian and we care a lot about our hair. You probably live in a place full of ugly people who never have sex so they don't care about their looks anyway.
the men is hitting 60, it's a great hairline for this age, most men start to bald around 30
explain the joke.
thanks fin salesman
the truth is, for most guys, by the time they decide to start taking that garbage their hair is already fucked and it's too late. they most likely aren't going to reverse anything too.
hairlet cope
Can you still complete your receding hairline with hair transplant once the balding process has stopped ?
hairloss genes are from mother side usually
>most wh*teoids
>I'm Brazilian and we care a lot about our hair.
No wonders you monkey.
Not him but I've heard Minoxidil works for some. It definitely worked for my beard.
just let it go jesus christ. joe rogan tried to hold onto his hair too, and he has way more money than you do.
>not full of ugly people
i dont think you ever been in brasil boyo
Check your thyroid. That's not normal without an imbalance.
nigs just can't pull off the embrace. or having hair that doesn't look like shit in general.