I love cinema. My favorite movies are Citizen Kane and The Boondock Saints

I love cinema. My favorite movies are Citizen Kane and The Boondock Saints.

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I wish I had his kino hair

Do you live somewhere humid? My hair is straight for 8 months of the year but when spring comes around I grow it out because it gets curly and girls love it :-3

I wish I could spank him.

Yes I live in the south but at most my hair ever gets is wavy

I was just about to post this

I have curly hair and it's shitty as hell but on the few days when it's right I can HEAR girls getting wet

Kek sure thing champ.

My favorite movies are Shin Godzilla and Clockwork Orange

I have pretty much exactly his hair.

Don’t care virgin

>imagine going on tv and saying anything about fucking girls irl without some fat disgusting incel getting buttblasted and calling you a larper

Kek nice projecting dyel manlet.

whys it gotta be like this lads?

Attached: 1532360417085.png (116x23, 728)

Imagine not being an insecure faggot who's this desperate for validation. You're only here to dump your blogs and you know it

he has a nice ass

Why are you SO mad?

Have sex

oh hey 2009 fa/tv/irgin

Hey Emma.

Trying to get this kind of hair. Mine might lend itself well to the curly style but I'm also losing it at an early age, so we'll see.