Do you think you could ever recover and love another person again after dating a celeb briefly before they become a big star and leave you behind?
Do you think you could ever recover and love another person again after dating a celeb briefly before they become a big...
Those are not trustworthy eyes.
>going to prom with a girl who is less than in love with you
Why is prom such a big deal to Americans?
americans all think they live in a giant movie
He's way out of her league
no idea
We do and when you die Jesus makes you watch it with your friends and family
prom was a fucking joke
just go to the afterparty for free
Same with beauty pageants
You do know those happen in every country right?
Why do you think Angry Rice said it was the most amazing night?
unironically this
It was a big thing for boomers and they sort of forced it down our throats. It is a right of passage thing and at least around here kids usually get drunk, screw, and end up camping or renting a lakehouse.
It's obvious she has no feelings towards him.
I only care if a girl is sexy I don’t give a shit about who she is or what she does so no
Which one became a celeb in this pic?
t. coping yuropoor
easiest way to score if you have christian families
i haven't recovered from dating a fucking normie dude, it's been seven fucking years and each day is the same soul crushing pain
>Why is prom such a big deal to Americans?
live peaks at high school for most people over there
Who else /didntgo/ here?
I never went to my country’s equivalent of the prom
i dumped my date and ended up hooking up with some other girl instead. i don't regret it. people told me after about this one girl i should have taken but i didn't want to give her signals.
I went to a Tough Man fight, watching idiot amateur fighters get fucked up was much better.
>hung out outside of my senior prom with my black friend who had been expelled
>laughing and shit talking until we were asked to leave
>went to an all-night diner afterwards
I miss that dead shithead, it was a fun night.
I went to a super conservative private school in a church basement, we weren’t allowed to even look at girls
Went to a all-boys school so most of us didn't
i wonder if any of the Americans that frequent this board even went to their prom?
literally who?
Holy fuck, you are right. This is exactly how I would sum it up.
So what, were you banned for months and now you're back? Or are you suddenly so prolific all of a sudden because it's summer and yer lil grade school is out for vacation?
I didn't go. I tagged along with my friends to watch capeshit and it wasn't any better
>"hurr amerikaz all think they live in big hollywood film with da big car and sexy gurl, no clue how hard it is out on siberian steppe with only bulls and my ugly daughters to fuck!"
I thought all boys and all girls schools were supposed to pair up for dances.
Maybe that's just in movies.
I got drunk and crashed after parties
This but unironically. Hate it love it, America is one giant amusement park of vanity and grandiose. Pretty fun, but not comfy.
As long as the celebrity isn't named "Patton."
lol remember when she dated a fat asian incel and we were all full of hope and it turned out to just be a joke hah ha wasn't that so funny?
Supposed to but not really since we never meet each other much like regular schools
>He didn't go
How fucked does your social life have to be for you to not go? I was a fucking loser in high school. Long hair autist tier. But I still had a solid group of friends and we all went together. Most of us didn't have dates but it didn't matter. We snuck vodka in, got shitfaced and spent the night partying at one guy's house drinking and playing vanilla WoW till like 10 am the next day. Shit was cash.
fat guy was from a movie dumbass.
I fucked a local celebrity. She's hot and super rich, but she's like 45 so I just nutted and left.
blonde people look so weird. like an inversion of natural human colors i really dont think humans were actually meant to look like that. mutation. and it only effects white people
wait- SHE'S the famous one?
The girl with an average/middling titless body, shiny skin, eye bags, and trout lips?
Not the dashing, tall and handsome boy?
What in the absolute fuck?
t. shit skin
I don't know man. We had one aswell (Germany) but nobody really cared about having a date and there was no such thing as prom queen.
It was just dressing up fancy, smuggling in lots of alcohol, dancing and reminiscing a bit. Not that big of a deal.
>Tough Man fight
Kek how fucking old are you user?
I did but it was extremely boring, I even went to a house party afterwards with a bunch of popular kids and it was just like any other house party, most people went home early. Then again I'm Canadian.
Fuck off nigger.
calm down, bro.
it's just bants.
>literally just had a dinner then went home after 30 minutes
Parties are not my thing
What's it like having skin that's literally the color of shit?
>last video
>he gets in the car first
fucking BEEFED IT
If your shit is literally black you’ve got bigger problems than being racist
i went, just talked with my friends and ate the shit food. it was boring.
i didn't go to prom
boomers can suck my left nut, i ain't spending a dime on tickets
>inb4 jew
I even dropped out half a year before graduation so that I didn’t even have to think about going
most of my friends didn't go either so i didn't miss anything
fuck off you humblebragging cunts
Ongurry-Foy Alliance
don't feed it.
Yeah, celebrities are just attention starved people cranked up to 100. It'll be a humbling experience. Especially when searching for a future mate that doesn't crave attention and external praise for validation. A more down to earth person because at the point you'll know what it's like to be with someone who has their head in the clouds and can fake smile on cue.
Sounds like you could have just done that without the prom part. I had a few friends that probably would have let me join their party but none of us had dates so i figured it wasnt worth the money
Based fellow jew
I didn't have money, friends or a date so I figured there was no point
aw, baby wants diapey?
who the fuck talked to people at school? I just showed up and practically ran home when it was over
Why is soccer such a big deal to faggy euros
me. it's how you build social skills and get someone like your school's Valedictorian to like you, in spite of you being an absolute retard in comparison.
I have never heard anyone in europe talk about soccer
that dude is so much better looking than her it's unreal.
are you bragging about being friends with the biggest nerd in school?
what would I do with social skills in my NEET cave?
Your skin is literally black?
>went to prom
>still a virgin loser
wtf bros
is your skin literally white pinkskin?
In normie world this guy out classes her
We don’t look weird at all, this isn’t even good bait
just went to the after party at rich friends house. i always stole from the wealthy Stacey's purses when they were off getting fucked by chad made a few hundred that night
based but not in the reddit way
hes better looking than her
Why do they love association football so much?
I went to work while all my friends who also worked with me went with dates.
>Be handsome Chad
I think he's doing all right.
Is that something to be ashamed of?
Shit talk niggers in video games
>playing multiplayer games
oh no
I stay that night watching Simpsons and Futurama
I didn't but why are you bringing it up?
You just didn’t have a date and we’re ashamed. I hate this board.
She’s a 7, I don’t know why you Yea Forumsedditors overhype her. Kathryn Newton mogs her hard.
This guy absolutely mogs her
THIS so much
Horrible school discos in bong in my day ..
But Kids 2019 its all mutt tier flash cars an big dresses an the Horrible best liked all adored .. at school discos we fingered all an every girl an blows , an battered the shit out of the pop Jock/footie guys type blokes , this was Bong Comps
he was sniped in nam ,niggers all time
Goddamnit. Just once, I wanna be the rich tall white guy. Why is life so unfair bros?
I stayed home and played Kaizo Mario hacked roms all night
what the fuck are you trying to say
I didn't go.
I wish I went to prom because I'm living in worst timeline now.
the guy looks better than 90% of hollywood stars rn
>tfw no ongurry gf
it hurts
If you are a normie and have a strong family and a big social circle, prom is a lot of fun and the after-party is amazing
Obviously Yea Forums is full of virgins and shitskins and poorfag Europeans that's why prom is so villified here.
he's right though. americans are the most dramatic faggots in existence. it's straight cringe the way they act.
>tfw didn't get to go as the girl
based schizo user
he's a good looking guy, he'll be alright.
doesn't look that weird, but aesthetically dark haired light eyes mogs blonde hair light eyes.
timothee chalamet is a better looking twink than this guy.
do you guys think he got to 4th base? (feet)
KYS cunt an try a lil better b8 ok that shit an it makes YOU LOOK a PROPER SAD OLD CUNT , just saying listen Brush your teeth with paste stiff brush an shower moar ok an use Deodorant and Antiperspirant .. smelly shit .. But thanks input
it was called the jr/sr dance because my school was private and weird but I didn't go to it or any school dances
a year ago I even looked at the photos of the dances and they seemed as lame now as they did back then
maybe my standards are too high but I didn't meet any girls I wanted to go to a dance with anyway so no regrets
comp school discos .. cringefest but when you tu rned Chad it went great for my gang /lot ..
Me. I saw photos of it afterwards and I don't regret skipping it at all. The girls who were usually really cute all looked horrible as they got fake tans and caked themselves in make-up.
Nigger detected
was this bong user where you anally raped from 8yo By all that house who Tory scum now
Not all the night scenes though, right? Jesus obviously stuffed all those into some sort of director's cut / deleted scenes section, r-right!?
>1 year of the film is me jerking off
Might as well go to hell
didn't go to a single dance
Such things cannot be experienced by third worlders, i.e. everyone except The United States of America.
They can only wish. Like the bollywood shitskins. The pathetic subhumans of yuropa.
I live a big life. With big cars. Big booty bust bitches. My big balls, my big ol bick I stick in her brack.
My height starts at 6, my dick starts at 6.
I just can't relate to shitskins. Poor people. Ugly people. Subhumans. Zipperheads. Wops. Nignogapolliwogs. Coonskins. Paleoithicus Afrikanus.
All of you other things outside of my glorious home.
I went to Four actually. Though I'll take any excuse to wear a nice suit and dance to cliche music given to me
Is it true there is a lot of gay shit in all boys school?
Oh man, unless you live here you don't fuckjng believe the extent of how pervasive this is.
When I was in grade school it was distrubing the level of brainlessness in some of my classmates.
A lot of kids would copy personalities 1:1 from tv and films.
And even though girls would complain about "drama" they obviously loved it because it made them feel like they were in a shitty reality tv show.
Youtube popping up made this even worse and I still see this behavior in college.
These shows took real life and exaggerated it, brainlets saw this amd thought "oh, so that's how real people act" and copied it.
So now a lot of people have the depth of a reality tv character.
>tfw your lack of any sexual or dating experience in high school became a red flag telling women to stay away from you for the rest of your life afterward
I think that you never make a full recovery, but you always recover for the most part.
But it does change you. Probably forever.
Same with being cheated on. You never fully recover. Pretty shitty thing to do to someone.
Amazingly true.
Noooooo! They should be with black guys!
>A lot of kids would copy personalities 1:1 from tv and films.
Haha, could you imagine doing such a thing
i'm 32 so i don't know what kids do now, but when i was in high school barely anyone even went to these retarded dances, it was mostly just try hards. i live in new england and it's just not a very big thing here, spots also are not a big thing where i live. the only people who went to high school footballs were the parents of the kids playing, literally no one else gave a shit.
It was the opposite for me in college.
I went from little to no female interest in high school to about over a dozen chicks (6-8 range, nothing crazy) that were dtf.
But I'm still a virgin because tism and shiet.
Because we do?
Is that you drive user?
My daughter's basically a slut. I've talked to her about it, says it's what she wants to do.
Makes me not want to love her anymore, but what else can I do? She's pretty, and she knows it. Even if I cut her off, she's got dozens of guy friends to have her back. I think she's just fucked.
Shit sux son.
>grade school children are stupid and easily influenced by what is popular
holy shit user, I never would have guessed.
Thankfully you were an enlightened cynic who didn't give a shit about television or film so it didn't influence you at all as a child.
We are all Drive user deep down