Is that shopped?
How do they expect to make this film feminist? Isn't the plot basically a girl trying to change everything about herself so she can run away with some chad?
Her eyes are so far apart I go crosseyed trying to look at her face
remember Yea Forums when will smith was genie?
it all worked out in the end now didn't it?
>black girl
Will Smith isn't ugly
the point is the outrage is fake
its all some spamming /pol/tard / white twitter
literately 99 percent of movies audiences dont care at all and would welcome her
>How do they expect to make this film feminist?
Who or what are you replying to?
ayy lmao
Just do the same stupid shit they did with Beauty And The Beast where she invented a washing machine the evil men break because she was teaching a girl how to read
Eat shit and fucking die
>literately 99 percent of movies audiences dont care at all and would welcome her
You keep laughing but in your heart you know... Superman is next.
> New Captain America is black
> New iron man is a black female
> New Spiderman is black
> Starfire is black
> Ariel is black
You know it now. Supes, Bats and 007 are next and there is literally nothing you can do about it. You let it go too far.
>totally forgotten concept
>put nignog as ariel so it sturs controversy and gets attention to forgotten concept
When do these blacks understand they are being used again and again.
Who are you quoting, ledditard?
She looks like a Grey
why should blacks have everything we have its not fair wahhhh wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
why should they?
because they're kangz and we're not.
why shouldn't they?
>be black
>get hand-me-down characters written by whites and Jews
>basically all Disney and Shitflix
lmao here's your scraps, nigger.
>Who are you quoting, ledditard?
Are you stupid? Can follow you follow the post trail?
Shit, didn't saw the post of the other idiot. Sorry user.
I just told my gf about this and she was legit disgusted. She’s as normie as you can get. The only people ok with this are virtue signalling or zoomers.
even tho this was meant to be a racist post. i can see the positive side of it.rather then complain ,why don't you take yourselves to the next level of film making the whites have already conquered this area . you have a chance to make a truly original work above all others!
were not stealing from you.were following in your footsteps is what im trying to say
Perfect casting
A liar who posts non-canon redheads to win sympathy by the looks of things.
Clown world
> she invented a washing machine
lmao was it really that bad?
>Thats a lie
>mfw all the little niglets see this movie and think they can magically breathe underwater and drown
reminder children are dumb enough to drown in the ocean looking for spongebob, if you think this won't happen you're wrong
how is dekendrix the only survivor?
A white man swam out to save him while the other 5 spear chuckers drowned trying the same.