Bad Filmmaking General

Attached: TDKR.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

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Ok you start

Is that unedited? It makes no sense.


the dark knight rises is full of sloppy directing
nolan is a fucking hack

That's the fault of the editor but I can see why one would argue directors don't spend enough time in the editing room

Somebody post the Catwoman fighting scenes.

Attached: GOT.gif (640x359, 3.23M)

I feel like he was burned out on directing Batman so he used the hundreds of millions of dollars on elaborate setpieces without giving the slightest shit about the script

This one can't be blamed on the editing alone, it doesn't even make sense in the writing.

Attached: TDKR2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>sloppy directing
There is nothing wrong the the 3 shots individually, the editor who chose to put this 3 together is the fuck up.

Attached: RE the final chapter.webm (500x208, 2.92M)

You could fill this thread with mcu shit

Attached: Quick saving at the wrong time.webm (480x270, 2.17M)

Directors approve or disapprove of editor's choices and the editor who put three seemingly disconnected shots together probably had to deal with the fact that the shots supposed to tie them together were not there.

And the director OK'd it.

Why don't the cops have guns?

Attached: 6565.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Jorah is done white knighting foids

nolan is such a fucking hack this real?

bravo nolan

that was the part where they were trying to be "good" like batman and not kill anyone

Attached: walking dead 2.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

someone post that batman with 180 rule

please tell me this is after you sped it up by 700%

Insane gun technique

Attached: 1557968486368.jpg (700x824, 68K)

they only had the location for an hour. there wasnt time for more than one take. nolan was rushing the production also so he could focus on interstellar.

Attached: walking dead 3.webm (330x475, 317K)


Attached: HD remaster.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

Attached: Die monster, You don't belong in this world.webm (720x404, 400K)

kek this show is garbage

Why did the dude jump out though?

Attached: What really happened.jpg (640x583, 65K)

Attached: walking dead 7.webm (940x528, 2.83M)

Gunkata was so damn aesthetic too bad they never implemented it well after Equilibrium

okay so this has to be some kind of training drill right...?

Attached: walking dead 5.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

This still makes me lose my shit

Why would he get burned out after directing a popcorn flick like TDK?

What the fuck is this shit? Why is this so popular?


Assuming Nolan had final cut privileges.

t. Nolan

what's that white car? looks like retarded ford sierra

>mfw he holds up the axe and i realize they're actually going to pull that bullshit

Attached: 1557657427342.jpg (1152x1152, 413K)

they tried to make the rock look taller using fucked cgi but he ended up just looking even more tiny kek

i dont get it

Someone a while back who'd watched the show said yeah, it's a simulation or something. As the episode progresses, the simulation starts to break down and everything gets purposely dumb - characters start saying stuff like "witty retort" instead of actually coming up with a witty retort.

Why is he always filming in locations like that though?

This is actually incredibly high level

It takes an enormous amount of strength to be fire a round without letting the recoil mess up your aim.

is a saturn idk the model.

The opening scene ALONE has so many questionable decisions that we're still discovering even now.
Like we only just found that CIA literally teleports across to the other side of the plane right after Bane talks for the first time

Didnt't someone do the math and it turns out even if 0.1% of the population survived, it'd be fairly easy to avoid encountering too many infected people/zombies just by moving away from densely populated areas?
How the fuck do they keep running into so many zombies it makes no sense.

>sand snakes made to be ultra badass fighters
>beaten by le finger in da bum pirate man


He didn't want to do TDKR, neither did Bale. He made TDKR to fulfil contract obligations, apparently. That shitfest is partly responsible for us getting Interstellar (of which I'm a huge fan), so I can ignore the one terrible movie Nolan's catalogue.

This is the same film as pic related. The entire thing is a fucking shambles

Attached: epic..gif (381x318, 2.82M)

Attached: Wonder Woman autistic editing.webm (1280x532, 1.53M)

Is this FTWD? I only watched the first season. It was so much better than TWD that I couldn't watch the latter seasons because it wasn't comfy shit.
Did it get that much worse?

Literally what happened here?

all movies when the protag is surrounded has this bullshit, but nolan couldn't be arsed to remake the shot

that's so freaking cute

The Rock is 6'5"

Wouldn't it have just been easier to head shot one zombie and then rush up and kill the other, assuming only 1 bullet?

I Would also slip on ice if i saw those two dudes using their weapons to punch batman instead of just shooting him

Bullets ricochet off the car and back onto him.

Couldn't they do another take?

Pffft, even my little sister is taller than 6'5"

>the simulation starts to break down and everything gets purposely dumb - characters start saying stuff like "witty retort" instead of actually coming up with a witty retort.
I don't know what this means.

>that filename

Attached: lelf.jpg (600x557, 39K)

The Rock is 6' without shoe lifts

wtf this is Rowan Atkinson level

even worse edit is just before that when the guy tries to get into the batmobile & gets shot

anyone have that webm?

fucking hell

nerve gas

The characters literally speak the words "witty retort" instead of saying a witty retort. ie the simulation calls for a witty retort, but it's starting to fail and break down, so they just say the phrase "witty retort" instead.

Then google is a fucking lying asshole.

>"Here's you epic trailer scene."

Never noticed before, but it looks like the girl on the right does not even have her finger on the trigger for the gun in her left hand.

wait wtf

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Everytime I watch this I can't stop laughing.

Does this show have supernatural elements?

someone please explain

Yo what the fuck is this?

>watching after credits

Attached: 14531564522.png (1106x1012, 728K)

The Guns of the Patriots.

This is borderline experimental.

is this in the movie like this?

not real. some cheeky user edited the actual movie.

The Resident Evil films were basically Bollywood films.

Well... what was it before?

Villain reveals himself and starts talking to her, she reaches for her sword but realizes she left it on the roof of the watchtower

Cuts to a different scene with secondary characters

Cuts back and she grabbed her sword and jumped down while the villain was just standing there I guess

Attached: kincarchase.webm (1280x688, 1012K)

It's edited to show how it doesn't make any sense Bad filmmaking includes illogical flow

It is edited. There's a bit where the gun on top of the vehicle comes out and starts shooting and Talia tells them to kill them all.

It's still a stupid scene and a pointless character tho

Attached: mirror.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

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Attached: peekaboo.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)

don't watch but iirc this group's main weapons guy sabotaged all the guns/bullets somehow making them explode in the barrel

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Season 3 is the best season of any Walking Dead show. After that one they booted the showrunner and got hacks to do it leading to the worst WD season. The clip is from season 5.

this has soul

no excuse

He's walking up next to him and talking in order to portray some kind of "badass" moment.
I know you dumb fuck shit posters know this already but im so fucking tired of this stale ass meme

>implying that isn't actually super fucking cool

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Attached: spiraltrap.webm (1920x804, 1.73M)

all of the batman movies have terrible directing/editing

fucking kek I thought that smoke they were shooting in was actually a wall so it looked like they were doing all tactical while just shooting at a wall

Is there a cut every half second? i can't count them

>this was unironically committed to cinema history

Attached: killjill.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Yes incredibly high level shooting a pistol without the slide blowing back

Attached: lasertrap w subs.webm (1400x586, 1.95M)

im out of the lopp with this show but how did the zombie epidemic even start

All that money blown into this series and they couldn't hire a decent cinematographer or some hong kong veteran stunt coordinator.

Zombies form hordes that just move through the entire country.

Looks like those resident evil mutated zombies.

She doesn't, what a shot.

What the fuck is this

Attached: 1552506413080.png (600x536, 253K)

Why is Jax beating up Sonya

wheres the blood and stuff

So you can't look at anything for too long

>one dude in a mullet not firing
Is this a comedy show?

Attached: RIP in pieces.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

Attached: force dagger.webm (640x536, 2.71M)

I actually really like how Saw 4 is edited. It has style unlike most horror movies.

this is kino though, practical and cgi effects done right

Attached: Ian McKellen blows up.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

Don't they know lasers cauterize?

Attached: cartrap.webm (640x360, 2.74M)


>bad Filmmaking
TDKR is a comedy masterpiece and spawned the greatest meme ever, what the fucks wrong with you?

the last couple saw films were a doozy

Which one is this?

Whats wrong with this

The Rock is quite a bit taller and bigger than Vin Diesel in real life.

I can't believe there's actually footage of the linkin park guy killing himself.


What's bad about this one

Pick one. Bennington thought he was hotter shit than skippy so he paid the price.


Inside the logic of the show, that sequence is a simulation. It is an AI trying to predict what will happen next. The AI runs different scenarios to figure out which action it should advise the characters to take next. As the episode goes on, the situation becomes more dire, and the AI has to progressively simplify the simulations so that it can run them in less time. It's played for comedy at first, with one of the characters literally saying "witty retort" instead of coming up with an actual retort, as if the AI couldn't afford the processing powering to predict what he might actually say. This leads to action sequences being simulates as well, which is why there's no muzzle flash.

I heard the real reason that the sequence is shitty is because one of the actresses was pregnant, and her doctor wouldn't let her go near the combination of extremely loud noise, and gunshot residue, that is a blank firing gun, but the show did come up with a reasonable excuse.

If you still can't understand this, idk how to help.

what movie was this one?

what movie?


I don't get it, why would he fall asleep just after shooting Bane's goons?

post the laser death at the end now

What show is this?

If you cant identify kino you don't deserve kino.

Attached: spiralaftermath.webm (1920x804, 978K)

Is this unedited? - Total Bollywood

Then it's even easier to avoid them.

The US has 32 people per square kilometer. Imagine a one mile radius where you are completely in the center, one mile in every direction, alright? There's ten people in that area (roughly) balanced around the whole country. Move out to, say, Wyoming, and there's two people in that area, one of them being you.

Zombie horde are for retards who don't get out of the city of realise just how big a country is.


Attached: BR joins the server.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

>300ms ping

I think if you want something not realistic but believable you should look into the Korean "Kingdom", which is politics and zombie and actual plot progression, I enjoyed it quite a lot, shame I only ever saw 2 threads of it on Yea Forums when I hadnt seen it yet.

For me the great thing is well other than what I mentioned is being set in a Medieval time, so you don't have to turn your brain off like in Walking dead.
Which requires it by default after all....where are the tanks? Why are zombies a problem with an army, national guard, cops, over 30 million hunting license and guns available to most of the population.

To fight an enemy whose weakness is ladders and jogging.

for what purpose though

Pretty cool editing

Attached: 1560372732689.webm (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Attached: 1551809610326.webm (708x392, 231K)

>S7+ /got/hackery
it's just too fucking ez

Attached: 1365201142447.jpg (700x700, 118K)

girl on left has now ruptured eardrum because of 2 guns going off right next to her ear

>cameronfags WILL defend this

Attached: 1551307198544.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>BR joins the server.webm
why do you guys hate us so much

Attached: Play of the game GENJI.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

They're Uwe Boll movies with a budget

Note that their fingers pulling the trigger don't sync up at all with the barrel flash.

That's behind the scene

>while the villain was just standing there I guess
what was he supposed to do. he was there to talk to her and try to get her to join him. he wasn't planning on attacking right away.

Person of Interest. It's mostly a mystery-of-the-week crime drama, but it's pretty decent. Basically, a character called Harold Finch, played by Michel Emerson, develops a counter-terrorism AI for the NSA after the events of 9/11. Once he finishes the machine, he fakes his death, because he’s afraid he’d be considered a loose end. It turns out, before he finished the machine, he put in a “contingency” function. Whilst threats to national security are reported to the government, more mundane violent crimes are secretly reported to him. He hires a homeless alcoholic ex-CIA spook, played by Jim Caviezel, and gives him a new purpose as a vigilante. Together they try to stop violent crimes before they have a chance to happen.

The mystery-of-the-week episodes are pretty decent, but the show flourishes in its overarching story, which unfortunately doesn’t really get going until the second season. Still, it’s worth giving a shot if you like the concept. The music’s good, too.

holy kek

their smug expressions really piss me off

and this

Attached: deepfake.webm (1422x600, 2.94M)

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Attached: 1553357521106.webm (980x408, 2.86M)

single greatest scene of all time

>the fallen Sagal

literally anime tier

Attached: 1561884904789.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

I almost feel bad for anyone who had to watch this in theaters.

>lol high schoolers just dance sometimes don't they??? XD let's leave it in for the lulz
Lynch is a hack

Attached: 1551927083951.webm (1440x1080, 2.47M)

Amy a cute

for a moment I thought he was using the pistol to make the chopper spin on itself.

holy fuck

Attached: 1501463140411.jpg (259x194, 7K)

>the "slow" shot of him adjusting his hair during a lull in the fight still has a jump cut to speed it up
holy fuck now THIS is art

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Attached: 1550226006538.webm (1280x720, 585K)

Looks like they're looking past each other and not at each other. So ridiculous

Are you incel? Dont you? I also did this moves sometimes

lol i never noticed that before

Shut the fuck up retard, that scene is after the simulation is over.



They are looking past each other. That's the point.

post seagal moving his weapon to each shoulder

>Lool mom, colors!

Attached: 4333551539058.webm (720x304, 2.37M)

This is actually great.

it's ok, nerd.

yeah, because you're retarded.

This looks cool but I'm fairly certain it's just a couple of people waving lights around just out of frame

No, I'm just not a pretentious faggot who hates fun.

Everytime I watch this it gets worse. Even disregarding the vanishing weapon... I can't make heads or tails of what the fuck is going on with her left arm and his right arm. It seems like she's pushing his arm down towards her own face and he is resisting it and not the other way round.

cool idea, but overdone

yeah, you're a retarded faggot who has fun watching dumb things (because you're dumb as well)

I still don't fully understand it but sounds fucking retarded.

Bull shit, post the unedited version.

It doesn't matter that it's dumb if it's fun. Learn to have some fun you dumb faggot.

Honestly? I don't remember. I think jeff daniels might have explained it, but I really don't fucking remember what the cause was.

lol when he raises his arms and she goes "ouch!" and falls

The fight is between three actors largely untrained in stunt fighting, one of whom was ~50 at time of filming.

The game was rigged from the start.

Attached: segal floats.webm (1280x720, 191K)

That's not fun, it's just retarded. You literally seem to think everyone kind of likes that intuitively but then thinks "oh wait that doesn't quite make sense, my fun is ruined" instead of immediately finding it stupid. You only think something like that is fun because you have the sensibilities of a 8 year old.

Cinematography means lighting on set

Lighting means lighting. Cinematography means cinematography, which involves several facets, one of those being lighting.

Backstage stuff shows that he actually gets run over by that tumbler, I guess it was too much for a PG-13 movie

this is just shitty greenscreening because these two hate each other IRL and refuse to work together, you can tell from the lighting

visualize what happens between the shots
it's fucking stupid
and they could have easily fixed it by having her take the sword before him appearing

Who is in the wrong?

The other one is color rendition, but it has nothing to do with fight choreography or camerawork techniques to film it like user implied.


Attached: 1535663878462.png (500x591, 154K)

why did he give up on these scenes was he ever asked in an interview?

>The US has 32 people per square kilometer
You keep assuming that US landscape is homogeneous when in fact the country has thousands of square kilometers of harsh environment where it wouldn't be logical to reside in for too long (deserts, mountain ranges, middle of nowhere etc). Plus, these survivors need to stay close to towns and cities to forage for supplies which is why they must willingly go through zombie hordes many times.

it's pretty obvious she was intended to be hurt but they couldn't let their precious mary sue not be perfect so they CG'd it out in post

>Yea Forums anons were raving about this movie when it came out

Attached: 6807971751465.webm (941x400, 2.78M)

Wait, you don't think that splitting a bullet is impossible do you?

it was just poltard because muh based Mel

holy shit the new roblox looks amazing

Havent seen the movie (which I liked) in years, when I read the book, I imagined the fights with the shield on to be slow and methodical, because they had to pass the shield.

Isn't that the guy from GoT?

To be fair, it was 1997

lmao what movie?

That bond movie with the extra 'sweeping' the floor cause of sound


kek which SNL skit is this from

lmao this is such a pleb classic when they're defending bad scenes
>akshually, this happens in real life!

yeah retard, i'm sure under controlled circumstances it might or whatever, but you can go on youtube and see a guy in a ninja outfit doing crazy stuff with nunchucks. the feasibility doesn't mean it would be cool to see him fighting zombies in a "serious" survival drama.

i mean, it wouldn't be cool for me. i'm sure you'd find it amazing.

>Why are zombies a problem with an army, national guard, cops, over 30 million hunting license and guns available to most of the population.
That's what I really liked about Night of the Living Dead. Zombies really aren't that much of a threat if you have guns. Even without guns you can just run circles around them and tackle them so they fall over.

I know baneposting is a staple here, but I just don't understand one thing about the plane scene. Why the fuck didn't the CIA pilots just move out of the way? It would have taken more skill to maneuver the aircraft steadily enough for those goons to board, than it would have been to simply drop altitude like 20 feet. Whats the bigger plane going to do? Land 4 guys dangling from harnesses onto a moving plane that's attempting to avoid it? Did they not see it on Radar?

What the FUCK were the CIA pilots doing? Were they in on it and I missed it?

Attached: DL9_EavXcAAqjwb.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

That fight scene was where I knew GoT was broken and would never be good again.

>Deadwood/Walking Dead Crossover


t. Milla

>slow and methodical, because they had to pass the shield.
You are correct and it make the fremen upset at paul because they thought he was going slow to torment his opponent not realizing he was use to shield fighting.

Ah yes, The underhand feint into accel slash.

Not bad if it looks cool, I don't give a shit about nerd stuff.

subverted expectations

>not crawling-in-my-skin.webm

So Leo did run and Kate couldn't be arsed?

I get the need to use a flashpaper gun, but why not just film a closeup of a real gun?

Needs more cuts, I can almost tell what's going on.

Looks like they're both standing on a longboard.

During a occupy wall street type movement

I used to dance a lot during random moments in high school because for some reason it made my feet hurt less :(
t. deformed feet person

You're coming up with a whole lot of reasons for not finding something fun to be fun. You don't eeven the show for fucks sake, you can't complain about the tone of the show or how fitting splitting a bullet is if the only context you have for that webm are it being shown on a zombie show.

Attached: 1479815952375.png (480x800, 309K)

jfc what kind of sick fuck comes up with this shit and actually thinks it's good?
what kind of sick weirdos enjoy watching this shit?

Attached: i_dont_want_to_live_on_this_planet_anymore.png (500x282, 133K)

These two actors dont like each other apparently they couldnt record scenes together without fighting.

lmao what movie is this?

t. Rian Johnson

Dragged across concrete

have you even watched the show? thats eugene. hes the one that made the bullets wrong on purpose so they would explode

No need to imagine, that's how they were described in the book. The movie, while fun, is a terrible adaptation of the source material.

This is tongue-in-cheek and you guys just don't get his movies. Brawl had even more obvious use of dolls and stuff like that.

ahhh, it's different if the movie is science fiction. I care about nerd stuff then especially when tiny details can ruin an entire franchise
I was talking about slasher, horror, accion movies, etc, you know. The kind of movies that people watch just for the cool scenes.


There's a reason baneposting became a thing. That entire scene is so utterly stupid you can't help but make fun of it.

It's low key kino.

Attached: weightliftingtrap.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

I'm just explaining something to you sweetie.

How does stuff like this get past editing

This will be forever funny.

most likely insurance bullshit meant only stunts could do that shot

I have great expectations for Villeneuve's adaptation, there is much that can be shown that would be interesting that the movie did not dwell on, still Dune is a beast I can't understand, Lynch doesn't seem to want to talk about, and producers messed a lot with it, so I wonder if Lynch had full control how different would it have been.

yeah no

I didn't fucking expect to see Gary Oldman, what the fuck.

>no better shots
>no money to CGI it somehow
>producer dgaf

thats the coward that shot Wild Bill Hicock

should have fixed this scene instead of the stars.

>huge body of water moving toward you
>slippery floor
>could fall/drown and delay the production by months or outright stop it
Why take the chance? They did the right thing even if the effect came out wrong.

>So...this is the full power of...GUN KATA!?!?

Attached: john woo old.jpg (3494x2330, 2.81M)

whoever edited this is a genius. he has to know that this is what segals shitty movies were always like. Segal probably thought he was filming a serious movie

They're standing next to each other not across, Yea Forums is full of retards

Attached: Screenshot_20190706-180334.png (1920x1080, 1021K)

i counted, there is 96 cuts in this 63 second clip.

um, no it doesn't.

>he actually watched that crap
you're the real retard :^)

Is that Danny Glover driving an R32 Skyline?

Other user here, it does for the most part

dwayne needs to work on his posture

I just hope it doesnt look retarded. It works in the book because of the medium its in. Not convinced it could work visually


Killed me with that filename

Attached: 1551511561269.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

I was taking a break from a marvel marathon

Attached: 20190403_233848.png (1028x524, 144K)

It's still a shitty scene if everyone who watches it without context thinks that it looks like goofy CGI. Frame and light that shit properly.

I hoped someone noticed it

nice comeback, 6/10 trolling

>that one cut to the guy on the ground 0:11

the rock is BILLED/CLAIMS to be 6'5
which means he's actually ~6'2 without lifts and shit lol

>Angela Kang
Can't make this shit up

not for the most part. it's the art of composing shots, which can include lighting but is mostly used to refer to where you point the camera

Looks like hes fighting a legit midget.

The entire police force was trapped inside a caved-in tunnel for months(?) as Bruce Wayne was recovering from his broken back. In the climax scene, the police are freed just as Bruce returns to Gotham (despite the city being under complete lock down).

The director composes shots you absolute pleb. He may do so together with the cinematographer, but the director has the last word.

A Jorah denied his Khaleesi

I can't believe Gandalf is fucking dead

Tell vin to stop being insecure because the rock easily mogs him

Vin is like 5' something, they CGI'd him in you brainlets

>being so new you can't identify obvious shills

Are you autistic or something?

>I made an autistic awful movie on purpose. Ha ha don't you get the joke?

>when she tries to duck


This is dishonest on your part, not how the scene was edited in the movie at all. Like two shots are missing. Anything to make Nolan seem like a hack I suppose

>Shills for the gibson flick
retard, It was mostly memeing cause the movie was bad in a funny and over the top way
I did it too

i love Nolan but yeah, this was a really stupid scene

back when league of legends didnt have aussie servers you couldnt play during the wee hours of the morning because thats when all the mexicans were on JAJAJAJA

>Interstellar (of which I'm a huge fan)
have sex

Yeah no, he made a solid well-received movie that has scenes of deliberate visual excess and humor. It's your right not to like it, but you don't make a dumb criticism akin to saying you dislike Kill Bill because it has unrealistic amounts of blood and the swordfighting feels fake.

>is a fucking shambles
is in fucking shambles

That rifle is still nowhere near him.

Gas canisters were supposed to cover their approach. It didn't work, but filming in cities is expensive so they didn't have time to reshoot.

The idea of a firearm based martial art was cool. The idea that it’d be based around standing out in the open with no cover was retarded.

Borderline experimental

What the hell are they doing?

Attached: bravo_nolan.webm (1280x720, 883K)


Biggest since the silent era

So much of this is so cool in theory tho. The way he slams the sheath. The fact that he acts more annoyed than angry. That fucking gotee

what is this kino?

Nolan gets some points for actually getting all those extras

good cinematography can make shitty choreography look good

roastie btfo

I don’t get the reference. Or the movie. Spoonfeed plox

interstellar was legit ruined by the ending
so much potential down the drain

It would still be pretty fucking stupid though. If a group is armed with melee weapons and they manage to charge a group of heavily armed individuals unseen they're still only going to kill a few people before being shot down. The big guys' instinctive reaction of charging back using the firearms as blunt weapons instead of stepping back and shooting is what doesn't make any sense.

Also they are being shot as they charge, so it was obviously written in a way where the big guys know they're coming. Smoke wouldn't protect you if you're charging down a narrow street against gunfire.

>this is what autists actually believe

We fucking know that, retard. It’s WHY. The shot composition is amateur and makes it look ridiculous

>retard, It was mostly memeing cause the movie was bad in a funny and over the top way
>I did it too
What an utter pleb.

See? You got nothing. I won. Melkino 1 Plebs 0 (and on suicide watch).

>tfw this is how I walk

Attached: Screen Shot 2016-11-12 at 5.47.00 PM.png (1288x1048, 1.45M)


>Meanwhile at the boys' locker room

You're most definitely sub 80 iq.

Attached: vin_diesel.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)

How did nolan get so sloppy inbetween tdk and tdkr?

>have you even watched the show?
why would someone watch the walking dead?

is diesel his actual real last name?

why don't you just look it up on wikipedia you lazy piece of shit?

lmao segal movies havent made it to theaters in years

i thought you knew since you have webm of him saved

Attached: Watashi no Kingu Arthur Densetsu.webm (700x292, 2.86M)

I'm not the user you replied to. I'm just here to chew gum and insult anons. And I'm all out of gum.

segal probably had just come back from a heavy lunch and demanded they set up a conveyor belt system so he doesnt have to walk

this the new xxx? lol
the first one was kino

stfu zoomer