Tarantino's New Movie = Flop of Year?

Summer 2019 has proven a rocky road for Hollywood, but could the biggest bomb be just weeks away? An intriguing leak on Yea Forums this month shared that Sony Studios is privately melting down over tracking for Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood. The Insider user dished that

>The movie cost $150 million, at least, and Sony has spent another $100-130 million on global marketing. The studio is in a jam because Tarantino will not allow his movie to be "spoiled" by marketing and press. Problem is there is no signature ultraviolence that audiences crave until the final 15 minutes. The lack of guns, blood, action, sex and even romance in the marketing isn't connecting. Especially with younger audiences who don't understand the plot, nor find the Manson subplot or Sharon Tate story to be engaging.

>The Hateful 8 disappointed but its stagey contained set tempered industry reaction. This movie on the other hand is supposed to be a huge hit, his biggest. Notably, it's also his first without Jewish mentor, infamous legend Harvey Weinstein. Sony needs QT to stay in their fold but he'll likely bail if this doesn't rack up Django grosses. Worldwide is a little better right now, but $350 million including US does not break even.

Personally I hate Hollywood. I will lmao if the Big One Earthquake brings Hollywood to its knees as its most celebrated Golden Boy hack director finally falls between the cracks of irrelevance. He's the original Reddit Rebel filmmaker.

Insider user also leaked details for Tarantino's next two projects, which I can share if interested. One involves his new wife, Israeli pop singer and aspiring actress Daniella Pick. She might be his downfall according to Insider user.

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Other urls found in this thread:


QT is a jewish puppet at this point, there's no denying it. But I feel like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is going to be great.

More pasta from Insider user about tracking and bad word of mouth.

>Leonardo DiCaprio is A+ list, no one is arguing that, however, his success is consistent because he tends to choose high concept films that, while mature in subject matter, are easily communicated via marketing. His longtime relationship with Scorsese surprisingly tracks well with millennials too, which allows middling releases like Shutter Island to do well at box office.

>Pitt is not the star he once was, and he's laid too low after World War Z, which was a shocking success, a lucky break, because it was long thought DoA. That said, WWZ cost $250 million, at least that, maybe $300 million. It didn't break even until ancillaries kicked in.

>Ad Astra was moved because it's tracking horribly at Disney, and Tarantino demanded it not share any limelight with his movie. Iirc, Tarantino had a public dispute against Disney for releasing a film near Hateful 8.

>Pitt and DiCaprio in a big budget thriller or war movie would do gangbusters. But here, they are playing losers. Tracking also shows that younger audiences and those outside the coasts are confused by whether DiCaprio is impersonating a real actor from the era. This is all negative.

Before anyone says Insider user is a Q LARP, I forgot to explain that he leaked tracking data here and additional leaks about Tarantino's next projects before tracking info was publicly shared. In fact, the tracking info may have been publicly shared to counter Insider user's leak, nevertheless as you can read below, his leak was correct, the film is not tracking well particularly with millennials and Zoomers.


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Are you a Sony intern? Try harder.

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Stop talking about yourself in third person and get a fucking trip already

Overrated hack.

Dare I say, Flopantino

>The movie cost $150 million
WHAT??? Where!?!

What is known about Tarantino's new "Bride"?

- her name is Danielle Pick

- she is Israeli and a deep practioner of Judaism

- she works as a model, but is best known as a pop singer in Israel. Her father is considered a music legend in her home country, described as an Elton John like success story.

- she is an aspiring actress and has a small role in Tarantino's Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood

- she is a member of the Likud Party, although Tarantino's political affiliation is Israel is unknown

- the newlyweds have a home in Israel and a home in Los Angeles, and they are spending more and more time in Israel, where Tarantino has become a beloved tabloid fixture, said to have embraced the thriving local film industry and its deep history.

- Pick has stated that she and Tarantino live a "quiet life" and prefer to stay at home in Israel where they cook dinner and watch movies. She refused to hire a home decorator and furnished their new home and chose its schemes herself.

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Every executive will crow, see, this proves we need to stick to comic books and sequels!

You're aware that Tarantino is basically capeshit posing as liberal historical revisionism. He literally has a comic book line and he's producing a Django/Zorro spinoff movie of Django Unchained but will not be directing. I bet you will cream your pants if Robert Rodriguez directs, you fucking Reddit summerfag.

Attached: Django-Zorro_-1.jpg (600x900, 68K)

Muh black slave emancipator. Muh Mexican Robbin Hood. Tarantino based. Capeshit cancelled.

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Why did this movie cost so much? Embezzling?

hollywood won't understand that nobody gives a shit about hollywood except hollywood.

this looks photoshopped

Oh of course, but he's the one guy with any originality until Mel or Clint drop their long-cooking projects.

>>The movie cost $150 million, at least, and Sony has spent another $100-130 million on global marketing.
This is fiction.

>Marrying a jewess.
He must've thought it was white boy day.

The two stars

>Tarantino's New Movie = Flop of Year?
You should write for the Daily Sport or some shit with absolutely fucking retarded headlines like that.

>Especially with younger audiences who don't understand the plot
Because it will take someone with your genuis level IQ to understand a fucking Tarantino film, right?

It's not showing anywhere near me and I'm around several film capitals. Of course it's flopping. Has it even wide released yet?

Prove it. You can't.

You deliberately have no source.

How many "film capitals" are there lol?

Checked. The source is an Insider who leaked here recently. His info was later confirmed by Deadline.com.

The burden of proof is on you, not him.

>her name is Danielle Pick
I guess Quentin really knows how to pick'em

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In California there's 3 cultural epicenters which leads to tons of towns that are full of patrons. Even ghetto cities get a lot of artsy indie shit.

but roberto rodriguez is not that good

post her feet

Feet profiled in a controversial Zio-fem publication.

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Almost every single picture of her she’s got her feet out. He’s a gross old perv who needs to have heart attack already

Jerusalem Feetfag Awards 2017.

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It was discussed in a previous thread, but it's almost like there's a coordinated industry effort to infantilize Tarantino's legacy by emphasising his foot fetishism. Then as you pointed out, every photo of his wife online, with Tarantino and by herself, inexplicably focuses on her soles and/or toes. Try to find a single photo of her with sneakers on.

So is Tarantino in on this? He risks being a joke, remembered more for liking feet than directing movies. The trailer for Once Upon also has a close-up of Margot Qualley's dirty feet on an automobile's dashboard. A Rubicon has been crossed now, where your average ticketbuyer thinks twice subconsciously about seeing a Tarantino "kino" in public?

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oy vey what big ugly feet
Tel Aviv could save the US taxpayer a pretty penny by stopping any new purchases of road grading equipment and outfitting this lass in sandals to tamp down the fresh laid asphalt

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what the fuck even is this movie other than sucking off hollywood?

His movies all end the same now, with bloody revenge. It's so gd boring. I srsly thought he's shake it up this time but no. The characters kill the Manson girls at the end to ever growing louder vintage music. How doesn't he understand how repetitive he's become.

True Romance Kill Bill crossover when?