Lets talk about her

lets talk about her

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let's talk about the hair
did they go out of their way to make it extra shitty?

She allegedly offered herself to David Fincher while he was casting for his Pretty Baby remake, and indicated that she was used to this kind of behavior.

Expect to hear a lot of Corey Feldman styled stories from/about her in the coming years, probably following a breakdown.

My boyfriend openly wants to fuck her

She not interesting looking without the shaved head. I know the actress wants to do more but the human she gets the lamer she is.

like slice her open and then fuck her? based

She's fine. She's written competently. She seems so immature though for somebody out in the world as long as her. I wonder if they'll change her if she comes back.

Where the fuck did that come from

Also who the hell would remake Pretty Baby

How about you go "talk about her" on where this beta fawning cancer belongs instead, pal.

Honestly if u guys just went back to solely making waifu threads like these intead of pretending to like season 3 is good ud probably enjoy the board more.


source has "called it" many, many times in the past

Weinstein wasn't an anomaly, he was just practicing the Hollywood culture that has existed since his career began, and persists even now. What adult actresses have to do for parts has been common knowledge and joke fodder for many years, and the same is true for child stars.

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your boyfriend is based

I read that she offered to give David Fincher a BJ but he said no.

you mean HER?

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What site is this

I'm calling bullshit on that. Fincher is big into the casting couch.

Best girl but fuck the writers for fucking Steve over

I hate her acting more than anything but would fuck her.

crazy days and nights

sounds like she's had some casting couch moments herself. others in hollywood would be be wise to never meet alone with her, for the inevitable tell-all in 2025

Poor lad, at least kiss him for what he was put through

is it gay if I wish I could dress like a woman? Their clothes are based

well? do you want to fuck finn?

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he could unironically pass for Millie with a little makeup

Millie is pure as snow.

>others in hollywood would be be wise to never meet alone with her

I believe this 100% I just don't believe for a second that the guy who is known for charging Rooney to play Lisbeth with both money AND a threesome with his wife rejected a blowjob from MBB.

>lets talk about her
She's not even attractive, her head looks like an upside down pyramid

I can see having some general caution in the era of Me Too, especially when dealing with someone underage like that. Double especially if you're planning to do something like a Pretty Baby remake, which is going to put you (and her) under a microscope either way.

You also consider that it has to be leaked by someone, and given the scenario painted, that someone has to be a close friend to Fincher, or Fincher himself, maybe trying to hedge himself against a story from Brown. If that's the case, it isn't hard to imagine him saying "yes" in reality, but "no" in his story.

Or, could just be bullshit. The source is usually right, but it is still fundamentally an unsourced gossip column.

Definitely not gay my friend so long as you don't actually do it.

He got a pretty mouth

I'm afraid your "boyfriend" is an incel then

>is it gay if I wish I could dress like a woman? Their clothes are based
You want to dress like woman because you want man to have access to your booty-hole, your turdsocket, your stink-tube.
Very very gay.

It keeps growing.

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He looks like me but a boy so... no.

she fucks older guys

No, I find men revolting, women just get to wear nice clothes it's not fair

Millie was reportedly paid $350,000 per episode for season three, do you guys think that is too much?

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yikes sweetie. bad taste. but also post pic

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I've known more expensive whores

>You also consider that it has to be leaked by someone, and given the scenario painted, that someone has to be a close friend to Fincher, or Fincher himself, maybe trying to hedge himself against a story from Brown. If that's the case, it isn't hard to imagine him saying "yes" in reality, but "no" in his story.

I actually did consider it and this is the only scenario in which it is 'likely' true.

Pedos will pay nearly anything for quality cunny

Finn would make a hot girl

She looked 10 years older than the other kids.

based incel

She's the star of the show now, more than any other. Not talking about which character is "kino" or whatever other fag term, just in terms of the general public and recognition.

$350k is reasonable from that perspective. It isn't like you can go to the Millie store and get another one for cheaper. If anything, she probably wishes she could renegotiate.

She actually took a bath on that. She could easily demand a mill an ep.

Weren't The Big Bang idiots paid 1mil/ep? Pretty sure they were. Stranger Things sells a ton of merch and brings in the subs.

That schnoz is gonna be on the floor by season 5

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She fucked drake

Netflix spent $200m on a movie where Robert Deniro wears platform shoes

>The source is usually right
You mean, sometimes right.

I mean that I can't think of any instance where the source was proven to be incontrovertibly wrong. Information is either released weeks/months later that proves the story was spot on, or nothing comes at all, leaving it in limbo.

But I don't religiously follow it, either, so maybe it has been proven wrong. But I've never seen it.

One that predicted the allison mack sex cult years before anyone else, google it im not your sauce factory

>or nothing comes at all, leaving it in limbo.
I guess if it was never proven wrong, then it's true, like pink invisible unicorns.

No, but reasonable adults are able to make a distinction between "reasonable, but unconfirmed" and "proven to be false".

You're probably latent homo considering you said you find men revolting — even the straightest, most alpha men know who their competition is. You find their clothing extremely appealing for a reason though, and it's because their clothing is a mixture of things designed to intrigue men and things men used to wear. High heeled boots for example we're used for horseback riding by men for the longest time. We wore robes for certain jobs or royal titles, we wore skirted armor or practical use skirts, tighter jeans were made for working men to keep from getting caught on dangerous loose sharp objects while providing a strong barrier (as were Converse at the very end of the Victorian era, mostly for roofers), ducktailed jackets were worn by classy Englishmen, layering was a sign of wealth, jewelry was a sign of wealth, flowers were extremely popular to show royal status, and the list can just keep going. We did basically everything but pretty bows. So between attraction and history, one could see why you would feel this way. Plus skirts have so much ball breathing room that it's actually insane that we let that one go. Holy shit do I want skirts back.

>reasonable, but unconfirmed
Do you believe this Millie story to be reasonable?

>seen holding hands
>flirts with him nonstop
>"have you ever been in love?"

Actually the sex cult thing was in articles before that. He just dropped the rumors closer to the arrest. We were talking about it on Yea Forums years before he posted it.

>everything but pretty bows
Bowties and bows for sailor boy outfits.

Oh yeah.

do you not? honestly the realm of 'reasonable' expands by a lightyear every fuckin' day now.

((((they)))) need to stop trying to pass this ((((guy)))) off as attractive.

If the age of consent in my country is 14, is it okay to say I want to fuck her?

What you want doesn't matter anyway. You will forever be a neverfuck.

Pretty baby was kino for non pedos

And for pedos.

Yeah. Do you not? The same culture that defends Polanski, allowed Pretty Baby to be made, support Weinstein, etc., it all still exists today. The number of confirmed stories of underage liaisons is high as-is.

A town notorious for cliques, with well documented predatory behavior towards actresses, with well documented undertones of pedophilia, engaging in "casting couch" practices with younger stars? It isn't exactly the Twilight Zone.

I'd whisper sweet nothings in her ear but then she's deaf

>it isn't exactly the twilight zone

Except for same website claims Fincher rubs his dick on anything that moves.

That's an exaggeration, but Fincher being open to new and frequent sexual experiences isn't exactly unconfirmed, either.

looks like my ex, and for that reason I'm out

He's officially not cute anymore, he lasted longer than I expected though. Probably a late bloomer.

yeah I can imagine it was well acted .

can't act, zero charisma and no chemistry with anyone on screen

but sucks a cock an does anal for anyone


is true what the rumors say?

He’s like Millie but actually attractive and likeable

nothing indisputable. lots of signs.

but you never will

>can't act

Patently untrue. The rest is true though.

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what if i make a small fortune? bet she'll be yatching in less than 5 years

>that literal frog looking kid turned out to be that semen demon
Child actor casting is the most unpredictable, it’s almost like a rollercoaster

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no user, I am sorry, but you are here forever


how do i make serious money if i live in the 3rd world?

that she fucks drake? absolutely

yachting, that's what rich oil sheiks do with hollywood starlets.

more like what e celebrity whores do to gullible rich men

He was clearly trying, but I doubt he succeeded. He can't cast her.

Why was this dude so weird about Mike and her bros? Did he want Elevens cunny for himself?

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That's the love of an adoptive father, degenerate.

kinda want to watch them fuck real good

you could always tell. it’s the lips

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From this post alone I can smell your cheese filled rolls you fat cunt

>no chemistry with anyone on screen
This is pretty obvious.

she's decent, trying to have chemistry with hacks, not entirely her fault

I have a deja vu feeling about this thread like I've read it some times ago


t. Millie's Hymen

she's saving her anal virginity for our wedding night, tho

>poor fag looking to build on a career to help support his family

>much lucky break
>waaah people are mean to me
>I’m always right

Why do the Byers family have to suffer so hard in this series?

she cute!

She's cute

love the fangs. you could make so many lewd things with them

jonathan was a sackless coward, he'd be supporting his family on minimum wage well into his 40s if not for nancy helping him to nut up

>that piece of shit hair
>tfw exact same hair

Lets talk about me

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Why do girls like femboys so much?

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why do a bunch of girls have a crush on this kid. i'd fuck this guy up easy

someone who won't resist their manipulation and control, even when it's revealed

Yeah I'd fuck him I mean fuck him up so hard ha...

The weakness is the point. They want to control as much as the man, so they go for weaker targets.

>i'd fuck this guy up easy

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This. They are non aggressive pushovers. The worst they will ever do is cheat on the girl or just vanish. They won't ever chew them out or disrupt their fantasy drama.

because they’re remarkably aesthetically pleasing. should be self-evident

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I'm pleased with the costume department this season

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Jesus Christ

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profoundly ugly, and still no teeth


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I have that screenshot as well.
It seems to be a different take from the trailer

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die pedo faggot trash

this season has delivered as far as i’m concerned between mike in short shorts and steve in a sailor outfit

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God has abandoned us

He posted about it in 2013 bro wtf are you talking about

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yeah, he's called numerous things well before others, he's clearly not just a LARPer

>think im locking into a comfy thread
>its just a bunch of faggots posting that jew boy

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It's the highlight of this season

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the gays infest everything, given time

That honestly sounds low

These are the dark days of Yea Forums

The millie pedo spam from the tranny discord usually comes an hour or 2 later so just wait for a bit.

>implying the tranny demo doesn't prefer a "boy" that looks mid-transition

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>waaah everything I dont like is from a gay discord
>despite the fact that im defending literal gay posters

They've been spamming Millie for the last 2 years so I think they probably prefer her over a boy

"they" are people you can't ID, so thats meaningless