ITT: childhood faps

ITT: childhood faps

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You just posted her, op.

Attached: 20IES.jpg (336x448, 97K)


God damn, she was so cute in her genie in a bottle phase. Way cuter than Spears. But the dirty era knocked her down to like a 5.

for exactly 2 seconds I thought this meant something else entirely

Never liked her face.

Attached: 1518568052503.png (1080x1076, 1.23M)

Maddie is not going to age well at all.

faps period

Attached: 1488401004858.webm (700x720, 2.65M)

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For me it is Ain't no other man and Candyman Christina

Attached: 1555158533520.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1538239426469.jpg (960x1515, 186K)
superior christina kino

Christina > Britney

>tfw she now has four beautiful kids and is still qt
Feels good man

Attached: CRAAAAAAAAAAAAWLING.jpg (1280x500, 40K)

I busted so many nuts to Prue and Phoebe

Attached: OG power of 3.jpg (833x1181, 188K)

not proud of it, but it happened

Attached: the-dinos-charlene.png (1200x900, 1.45M)

Charlie's angels was my favorite

Attached: 2e8675cfe49aff6fca24aaa8c5c18677.jpg (936x1252, 103K)

Nigga wtf

Attached: 1561170193942.jpg (960x960, 30K)

Attached: 001MRF_Christina_Aguilera_038.jpg (720x540, 91K)

The opening lyrics of this song are one of the best in mainstream pop.

thats just a typical Yea Forums user user

No shame bro. No shame.
>Yea Forums crushes zoomers will never understand

>Yea Forums
What is this?

Attached: 1558641867416.jpg (337x372, 23K)

Christina pre-dirty era

I used to watch MTV pants off, those were the days.

Attached: baby jane.jpg (1122x835, 112K)

didn't they ban your tripcode for a year, faglord?

boomers out