ITT: childhood faps
ITT: childhood faps
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You just posted her, op.
God damn, she was so cute in her genie in a bottle phase. Way cuter than Spears. But the dirty era knocked her down to like a 5.
for exactly 2 seconds I thought this meant something else entirely
Never liked her face.
Maddie is not going to age well at all.
faps period
For me it is Ain't no other man and Candyman Christina
superior christina kino
Christina > Britney
>tfw she now has four beautiful kids and is still qt
Feels good man
I busted so many nuts to Prue and Phoebe
not proud of it, but it happened
Charlie's angels was my favorite
Nigga wtf
The opening lyrics of this song are one of the best in mainstream pop.
thats just a typical Yea Forums user user
No shame bro. No shame.
>Yea Forums crushes zoomers will never understand
>Yea Forums
What is this?
Christina pre-dirty era
I used to watch MTV pants off, those were the days.
didn't they ban your tripcode for a year, faglord?
boomers out