Why was ProZD in Spiderman: Far From Home?

Why was ProZD in Spiderman: Far From Home?

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a guy this ugly has a wife while you are an incel shitposting on Yea Forums

Look at the comments to his vids. He's considered quite good looking.

He's literally 6'9"

I bet she even lets him prep the bull. You losers will never get to prep the bull.


Looks like Nick Fury's face copy pasted on the fat kid's head

he isn't even fat, it is just his head is huge

What the fuck does she see in him? This guy is literally a complete fatass who shows no signs of stopping his overeating, and he's obsessed with anime and jap shit to a point where he spends 1000s of dollars on it

I don't see you uploading funny videos on youtube.

>this level of projecting

lmao, either grow a pair and ask her out or stop being mad at a guy that did

Ok, yes his videos are funny but they're not original content. The jokes are derived from anime and video games
And anyway, being a funny Youtuber isnt good enough. Look at Dunkey's gf Leah. She's ugly as fuck and so is Dunkey. But this guy ProZD scored a girl who is way above him in attractiveness

He posts 20 second clips on YouTube and makes a gazillion dollars from it.

>She's ugly as fuck

jesus, that thing literally looks like a fat slug, with squinty goblin eyes

It's original content. It pokes fun at tropes from anime and video games, but it's still original content. It's not like he directly parodies specific games/anime.

You coud blindfold him with a dental floss.

he's wealthy, she's a gold digger, that's literally it
whenever you see a girl with someone like that, it's always due to fame or fortune

Imagine being fat and Asian. You'd never be able to find your dick!

He's average looking but fat. The main thing is that he's a rich charismatic guy with a huge online following.

He can have 14 year old girls bouncing off his dick once a day if he wanted to. He gets to pick the best of the best.

why is Hollywood trying to push blonde girls with fat Asian dudes now?

Are you serious? You think Leah is hot? She looks like a grandma

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its just the glasses and hair. her voice is feminine as fuck

They met on a Super Mario fanfiction site, incel. Just because girls find you repulsive doesn't mean true love doesn't exist

>Super Mario fanfiction site

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how long has Dunkey been with his gf tho?
before he became famous I'm betting, if he was single now he'd be able to pick a lot hotter one

the toad asian probably wasn't even capable of getting any gf at all before his internet fame and money, but now he has a bit of a pick from weebs

Dude cmon. Her whole head shape is fucked up. Shes not attractive at all. I agree she has a nice cute voice but when you look like that...yikes

so she's both severely mentally ill, and a gold digger

he is funny and popular. That's not a synonym of good looking.

>They met on a Super Mario fanfiction site
How does this even work.

weebs usually date together

Hes not a really handsome dude, but can pass at a cute panda guy.

How awkward would the sex be? Seriously

he looks like a bloated, slant eyed toad
like someone even a prostitute would charge extra for

Being a weeb is more of a male thing, it is very niche and confined to the dark corners of the interwebs like Yea Forums. However, being a koreaboo is more of a female thing, very mainstream, and out into the open.

That is the difference ...

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I have literally never met a single girl into that gay korean shit, I have actually met a couple of weeb girls tho

>How awkward would the sex be? Seriously

he's fat and unathletic, so he may have difficulty maintaining an erection.

I am sure you meet a lot of girls

Giga cope.

Yeah because normal girls marry anime addicted blobs

>What the fuck does she see in him?
money and fame

>Yeah because normal girls marry anime addicted blobs

If they have wads of cash? yeah.

Asian guys are bros, happy to see them get some white girls. White guys like Asian girls so whats the problem? At least they're not spics or niggers

>so whats the problem?
Whites have a seething crabs-in-a-bucket complex.

>White guys like Asian girls
Nobody cares if some Beta White dude buys some brown golbin from then Phillipies.

Is Asian Masculinity leaking into Yea Forums once again?

>White guys like Asian girls
only betas do


Lmaoing @ you're lives

>whats the problem
Their self-loathing sons go on mass shootings.

3dpd/2d is better is a meme
Look at the chink in the OP he probably posts "2d is better than pig disgusting 3d" all day but he goes and marries a white girl while you're distracted by his propaganda

He's not ugly. And he's funny. His girl is obviously yandere too.

This guy looks like Tahm Kench.LMAO'ing at these r/asianmasculinity refugees

>>What the fuck does she see in him

What does she see in a man with ambition, who built a name and brand for himself, who has worldwide fame and recognition, who has companies shitting out their ass to sponsor him, who has studios putting him in movies, who is confident, funny, and isn't some crybaby anonymous incel? GEE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT I DON'T KNOW.



You better listen to me little nigga. Go get a job. And a hustle. And a side hustle. Man the fuck up.

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Dude, I dont even have a fucking degree, I'm 24 and have been sitting on my ass since high school.

Do people support this guy because he's funny, or do they support him because he's a fat gook that has a lot in common with the regular chink? It seems to me that he doesn't put a lot of effort in his 1 fucking MINUTE videos. It's 40 seconds of being awkward followed by an ad.

And no, I don't fucking see what she sees in him. Most of these white women who date gooks are naive little wenches that get themselves trapped in relationships they really shouldn't be in. She looks like the typical metropolitan whore.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a race traitor. Forget about politics. Forget about your personal opinions. Her being with him is just unnatural and gross. Women need to stop fucking around with dogs.

That's WMAF couples though. AMWF gives us chads like Keanu, Bruce Lee, Cary Fukunaga etc.

>You better listen to me little nigga. Go get a job. And a hustle. And a side hustle. Man the fuck up.

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I think the WMAF are mostly older white guys getting cheap Thai whore girlfriends. This means the guy is 40+, and older males tend to produce more messed up kids.

>And no, I don't fucking see what she sees in him. Most of these white women who date gooks are naive little wenches that get themselves trapped in relationships they really shouldn't be in.
Based & seethingpilled

people watch his videos?

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Also most likely, a relationship that's founded on a fetish (yellow/white fever) is not going to be a healthy environment for any child growing up.

At least with asian males/white females, asian males are so undesirable that the girl is probably there for reasons other than race.

>he doesn't want a qt grandma gf who makes cookies for you

smdh. you gonna be bitchless forever

I'm mixed race, sòyjak faggot

>smdh. you gonna be bitchless forever
>I'm mixed race

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He also has a hot voice. I hot voice can trick girls into thinking you are more interesting/attractive than what you actually are. I'm also a little ugly and kind of a retard but my voice had got me a couple of cute girlfriends.

Are you guys seriously that fucking bitter you'll rip on the guy for having a wife who loves him?

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He looks clean and seems to have healthy skin.


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>Being a weeb is more of a male thing, it is very niche
You're fucking kidding me, right? I haven't met a girl my age who isn't at least familiar with the popular series. Unless your definition of weeb includes pedophilia.

Actually, i have wife

>post a non-male model guy with a gf/wife
>/r9kLookismFitTV/ goes into a seething frothing hellfire-fueled rage


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you guys are acting like that little blond goblin is hot, she's just as repulsive as him


Ive seen it happen it before,but keep in mind its because i live in a third world shithole,the guy was korean and lives back on S.Korea,the girl was white and cute and they met trough VR Chat,hes a chubby guy who uses cute chibi anime characters as icons,im pretty sure the only reasons she is attracted to him are the koreaboo bullshit that has spread like the plague but also to get out of this shithole


You incels seriously need to learn to settle. Honestly half of you could find a girl if your expectations weren’t so unrealistic/high

I think he was popular on reddit for a bit, but at some point people lost interest in his stuff it seems. As for the woman and why she's with him, who knows? It's her life.

so cucked can't even @ me lmao

The girl in the OP met him on a Super Mario fanfiction site according to the file name, and your Korean guy met a girl on VR chat. These aren't quality women.

>post AMWF
>Yea Forums becomes a schizophrenic ball of rage

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South Brasil,yes i know the mutt meme but she was pale white,either way i understand shes just trying the easy way out of here,although they're in a long distance relationship so im pretty sure it will crash and burn

actually my wife is out getting me some ice tea

you dont know how bad it actually is

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I am not a woman but I think he is cute in the same way a puppy is cute. I assume some women are into that especially the weeb kind

>sprinkles your nutmeg
>devolves a video into current day politics


Its kaiji kun show sum respect you newfag

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I actually know the girl... They're not a monogamous couple.

>imagine being born in capitalist country and not knowing how your country works

Please watch this documentary excerpt

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Damn, he married with THIS?

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proof or bullshit


the incel level in this thread is too cringe
literally just ask a girl out lmao

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Uh there's layers to it, but yeah women generally prefer KPOP. Dudes prefer anime. Dragon Ball Z and Naruto are pretty mainstream nowadays. Most guys can name a character. Just like most girls can name a KPOP group. The obsessives are more fringe. Most people on Yea Forums will never visit Japan or really even give a shit about the culture. Same with tumblr KPOP fangirls.