Does your opinion on movies matter if you're not INTJ?
Dunno lol
>thinking MB is accurate
What if I'm /infp/?
its extremely accurate in detecting annoying faggots, just look at the people who care about it
>Mbti isn't real Reeeee
Is this how people cope when their test results don't return NT?
One could say only my opinion matters since I'm a based ENFP
>astrology but with science
Are you a libra? :P
My old INTJ college roommate said his favorite anime was Sword Art Online and that "he wished that world was real". Also he was an antisocial pussy faggot who unironically wanted to LARP as killua from hunter x hunter. (Not even joking lmao his words not mine)
An autistic INTJ opinion is worth less than even some Sensors.
t. entp gang gang
>not being intp
>he wished that world was real
regardless of the quality of the anime, who doesn't wish that?
imagine not being an LGBT in 2019
>Muh appeal to tribalism
INTJ was always based. Low IQ zoomers will never understand the masterwork of the INTJ mind.
that goes by default in this place, especially if you're OP
SFNS (FC) here
ENTJ masterrace reporting
Es are the only ones who can truly appreciate art
I noticed that all of Yea Forums or almost all of Yea Forums rather seem to be introverts. What a shocker huh?
>E and I mean extroverted and introverted in a literal way
get a load of this pleb
INTJs are drones. INTP/INFP masterrace.
>meyers briggs
LMAO, I remember when I started college too
get this shit out of here