So how do we call it when white non-redheads and non-redheads in general appropriate our hairs and use it for becoming beauty icons while they shit on us?
Should we call this Gingerface? Gingerism?
So how do we call it when white non-redheads and non-redheads in general appropriate our hairs and use it for becoming...
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I didn’t know you were a Ginger Mr. Bond...
It's called "finding red hair pleasing but not the cancerous, ill-looking, freckled, ghostly skin that accompanies actual gingers"-ism.
Also known as "aesthetics".
It's called "don't be a faggot"
Gingers make up 1-2% of the world population. They are the smallest minority. They're the most ostracized minority in history. Even today it's considered normal or funny to sexually harass, verbally abuse and assault them just because they're ginger. The government are trying to kill them off for good. They're literally going extinct.
lots of non-redheads have red facial hair desu
>They're the most ostracized minority in history.
What about the Jews, didn't they get kicked out of 10000 countries or whatever
Red haired girls are ugly
and every time it was well deserved
You don't believe that,m you say this just because ginger girls don't want a little cuck like you.
Try to be worthy for them and you will consider them as the goddesses they are
But gingers are our people, they're part of our world. Every attack on them is an attack on us.
Protect gingers
Look at OP’s digits and Die Another Day. Either way, Stephens is a ginger. His hair is copper and his beard bright red. Fassbender too. Domhall Gleeson is a proper ginger, but they count as redheads too.
Jews took it but gave it as well. Gingers however have been oppressed completely unprovoked with no retaliation since forever (Unless you count British monarchy which is such a minuscule period that it's hardly worth mentioning)
I'm not even memeing. The oppression of gingers is such a great subject to study. From the occult, witchcraft, etc
Dubs of Lies.
I know we like to talk about the beauty of our ginger sisters and ginger goddesses, and it's not a bad thing.
But let's not forget that without ginger men we wouldn't have these beautiful goddesses
She is this beautiful because she is jewish ginger
First, it's not their natural color
>The government are trying to kill them off for good. They're literally going extinct.
Good, gingers and paddyniggers are subhumans and not white
manface like all redhead women
She’s literally a EuroMutt with mostly South blood. The father was a Med Bull with DNA from Greece to France, and the mother was Celtic. She’s got 0 like blood.
That's the point! Read what OP say! Fake redheads appropriated the pain of my people for becoming a beauty symbol while shitting on us, and so Emma Stone, Christina Hendricks and Sophie Turner are cancelled as white women.
Oh boy do you have a lot of history books to read... Redheads are literally the whitest you could be.
She’s literally got more Ames blood than anything else.
Perfect face like all redhead women
>the pain of my people
She converted to Judaism, she is a jew.
You don't call butterfly not-caterpillars, you don't call adults not-childrens.
She is a jewish ginger
...She’s married to an Italian Count (or some other title like that) you colossal faggot.
Then why did op said she was a jew?
...Chastain’s not even mentioned in the OP. This faggot is just that, a lying a faggot.
Neanderthal Envy.
>converted to Judaism
Impossible. A jew is a jew because his mother is a jew. That's the only way.
“A Jew is a person of Jewish descent or any person who declares himself or herself to be a Jew and who identifies with the history, ethical values, culture, civilization, community, and fate of the Jewish people.
In other words, brukhim ha’baim – blessed are those who have arrived, have actually shown up, have demonstrated their commitment to our people. Welcome, and ethnic bouncers begone!” - Rabbi Adam Chalom
Isla Fisher is a jewish ginger
I am certain you could find another rabbi to vehemently disagree.
1 that agrees is enought
Keeping it superhero/Disney
Hot Ginger Female: Extremely Hot
Ugly Ginger Female: Extremely Ugly
Handsome Ginger Male: Above-average man
Ugly Ginger Male: Bottom dwelling abomination
Friendly reminder this is what the ugly ginger looks like
I think red hair looks good on men, 2bh. It's unique. The problem is red hair seems to exacerbate negative traits. If you're attractive, it makes you very distinguished looking, and if you're ugly, it makes you look particularly pathetic. It's possibly also worth growing a beard.
Meh, Rupert Grint and Ed Sheeran are still hot
The Romans apparently didn't like redheads much, either, as they associated it with Celts. They also disliked blue eyes, which they associated with Goths. Barbarians on both sides, in other words.
Gingercaust is when they replace ginger characters with non-gingers. Gingerface is pretending to be a ginger when you're not, like pic related.
The Romans were indeed based
Well I don't think Rupert Grint was ever particularly bad looking, 2bh.
Was actually quite surprised to learn she was blonde, she's usually the one people bring up when insulting Christina Hendricks or Frogfu for being false redheads.
I don't know, but it disappoints me seeing this. It's like someone took something unique and beautiful and just poured shit all over it until it was brown and ugly and disgusting. Shitwashing might be a good term for it. Or just shit.
Based and Redhead-pilled
You know, I hated her before, she was just a boring "who gives a shit about she got boobs" that has an obnoxious voice actor and acts even worse. But just knowing she made her whole carrer by gingerfacing our SISTERS made me hope she will never be considered beautiful again but just a clear example of gingerface, I hope that she willbecome just a meme of gingerface, like Robert Downey jr black face or Rachel Dolezal memes. Just an old joke
I like this. Amy Addams is now what Rachel Dolezal is for black people.
>Amy Addams is such an inspiration ;) !!! A strong woman ginger with natural red hair lmao!!!!
>Should we call this Gingerface? Gingerism?
have sex
Let's see why this is bullshit.
>Scarlett Johansson isn't a ginger
>Neither Amber Heard is a ginger
>Anna is a strawberry redhead, it's just a mix between light orange and dark blonde. Nobody like them and consider them gingers.
>And so Blossom is a strawberry redhead.
>In the live action Kim Possible has being played by a Dark Brunette, not a valid example.
>All the actresses that played Daphne weren't redheads, exepct for Mary Kay Bergman that was the voice actor.
But yes! We should be grateful for this!!!!11!1!1!!!!
Red was one of the first hair dyes used in Rome.
It would’ve been fine if they had picked a more attractive black woman
But they go with second ugliest after Tessa T
So they hated the natural red hairs but they appropriated it?
That's another case of gingercaust and internalized gingerface
Goddammit, what is it with you people? Meds liked blonde and red hair too. They have it to their Gods and had it themselves. The Ancient Greeks considered everyone a Barbarian, it didn’t mean that whoever had blonde hair was stoned to death.
Our point is when they're praised for their fae redhairs while the world consider real and natural gingers obnoxious, souless and ugly. If you want to use red dye without problems then you've to erase the fact that is used for de-humanizing us and putting us under the bus
Greeks did it.
Nigger, they “disliked” Celts because they were a rival group. Ancient Greeks considered the neighboring “Italians” Barbarians. You think they hated fucking brunettes?
Did what?
Yes, but the oppression of the redheads has been intrnalized until now, if you want to use red dye first you have to let it no being oppressive for us.
And greeks murdered Socrates cuz he was different
>Well, afro gingers are still gingers
Her soft ginger ass and body is perfection! I wish I could spank my goddess like that! Look at the passion in her eyes and you will know why gingers are better then plain old white and blonde people!
why do you compare only redhead actresses? you can take anyone in Hollywood and dye their hair..
Sophie Turner is blonde. She dyed her hair red for GoT
I just love how shit like this constantly happens and retards still wonder why white right wing nationalism is spiking. Makes you think.
Because it's more prevalent on women
>What about the Jews
Don’t forget Black Annie
The 3 actresses are both fake redheads! The example is that is not just a non-white thing, but even white women appropriate ginger hairs and use it for becoming beauty icons fake redheads appropriated the pain of my people for becoming a beauty symbol while shitting on us, and so Emma Stone, Christina Hendricks and Sophie Turner are cancelled as white women.
No it wasn't you anti-Semitic retard.
Ariel is not ginger.
They're whiter than you'll ever be retarded racist.
>why white right wing nationalism is spiking
Because people like you are dumb as fuck?
lego is easy, just swap out the head
>how do we call it
Fucking ESLers need to be shot
this, she clearly used hair dye
>English as a Second Languagers
What's the problem?
Nothing; the phrase is grammatically correct under the rules concerning acronyms that are more common than their expansions.