Did anyone notice that James Bond literally raped a woman in Goldfinger?

Did anyone notice that James Bond literally raped a woman in Goldfinger?

Attached: goldfinger-roll-in-the-hay.jpg (600x300, 140K)

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she's clearly smiling on that pic.

watch the scene, she's trying so hard to keep him away that she opens her mouth in effort


that's hot

>James Bond rapes Pussy

Raping isnt bad its putting bitches in their place. Only white cucks are calling it bad and their women are walking all over them seeking out third worlders to rape them

It was the 60s, before rape was invented

That wasn't rape in the 60s. Now just being in the same room as her would be considered hate rape.

>look I can't explain what this is all about


Yes. Everybody did. James Bond isn't meant to be a nice person. He literally has a license to kill and works for a government that has a history of literally attempting world domination.

he saved the entire world by forcing himself onto a woman. Then he gave her dick so good she did what ever he said.

this is the state of James Bond now.


Women want to be raped.

mmm that gorgeous women feet

why do you listen to a podcast called "Hey bitch podcast"

yes, i will totally listen to that till I reach the part you are talking about

women really are a meme

Attached: 8d442ce4b1bc1054c9178fd00e97f769--memes.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>this women speak for all women

He's got a license for that, it's fine.

his loicense said kill, not rape. killing her would be fine

he murdered her vagina

To get insight on female psychology.
I'm too lazy to find the timestamps. Basically, they complain about their bfs not choking them, or slapping them hard enough during sex. All four of them.

>I'm too lazy to find the timestamps. Basically, they complain about their bfs not choking them, or slapping them hard enough during sex. All four of them

So what? You don't see the difference between something happening with consent and someone forcing the same thing on someone?

>illogical incoherent babbling
>unironically failing the bechdel test
>my vagina

they do

license to murder dat pussy

The podcast is about their worst sex experiences, which were described as their bfs not fulfilling their rape fantasies.
It's late, I'm not going to argue with you. Someone else will be along shortly to do so.

I'm sure there are less faggy ways to do that
like meeting actual women.

yes, even if it's a literal rape fantasy, with and without consent is a difference between day and night. we don't even need to argue about that, if you don't see that, neck yourself

In Skyfall he rapes an asian woman from behind when she is in the shower. Seriously.

t. Ugly

Consent is a grey area. You know this even if you're not willing to acknowledge it openly.

If you're talking about her ex-bfs and past sex experiences, you're probably more gay. I was bored, it was morbid curiosity.
Don't be so insecure, unless you're some seething woman who's anxious because your deepest secrets are revealed.

how so? it shouldn't be though. no should mean no


proof it’s rape

Just because you consent to it, it doesn't mean it isn't fucked up.
I consent to eating shit, or getting murdered for my sexual pleasure. It's still fucked up.
Even if it's just fantasy or roleplay. Society will judge.

But of course you'd wouldn't understand the logic, because you need to post tits or gtfo.

Yes and women should be attracted to nice guys who act all nice right.

He got the rape endorsement on his killing license.

you've changed, /pol/.

Absolute chad

lmao. post tits or gtfo.
I didn't make the bitches (they call themselves that) reveal their true nature on the podcast.
I was expecting small dick jokes, and premature cum stories about their exes, but who knew all of them whined about not getting beaten and rough handled hard enough in bed.

what the fuck are you even talking about

Have sex

Women like that rough roleplay and when a man is confident. My condolences on being a loser virgin.

Sure. Just like I don't mind fucking and forgetting girls who have a worse vocabulary than a tickle me elmo.

He cured her lesbianism, errybody wins

NIggas just date a dictionary lmao

If you say so. I mean it has a lot of common with you. Loose, outdated and good for only one thing.

With me? You don't know anything about me lmao. I can't imagine being women having to put with you, who can't make a strong logical argument, a trait of intelligence.

she clearly consented at the 33s mark, whats the problem again?

>Now just being in the same room as her would be considered hate rape.
please consult help before you hurt someone

You 're completely insane fahm

Look it's trying to to communicate.

The only halfway thing fall out of your mouth lately was a fucking green tooth.

lmao you're same fag as this guy (girl) below.
Nice reddit spacing. Go back.

What's even hotter is that she's a lesbian in the book.

>reddit spacing

The rule is at least 6 months of lurking before posting, gtfo newfag

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people read James Bond books?

I really wouldn't recommend them.

The actress' name is unironically Honor Blackman.

Attached: honour1_2316090b.jpg (620x388, 51K)

That seems pretty ironic to me

Have Sex

Aw shit, been a long ass time since I saw this shit posted.

lmao is that fucking music really in the movie

>been here this long
>still doesn't know posting etiquette
Then you must be retarded.

Parents were pranksters.

>posting etiquette
What, you mean dredged up shit that only came about in the last couple of years, probably brought in by actual former redditors? (Because how else would they know what redditspacing is?)
Check the Yea Forums archive back to 2010, "redditspacing" is very common.

Women are the jews of gender.

You mean succeeded at world domination, it's the other whiteoid empires that were the triers.

Attached: schizophrenia.png (1510x254, 51K)

You can't rape the willing.

What an absolute unit

>posting etiquette

the "reddispacing" meme is two years old at best. it's literal newfags and actual redditors/ex redditors. i never even knew what reddit had anything to do with the spacing until someone who obviously posted on reddit before told me. fuck off.


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Attached: BOND-actors.png (652x600, 443K)

>(Because how else would they know what redditspacing is?)
Because you can know something by getting told. Lel your logic is just pure retard.
lmao. Imagine being on a film board and can't into aesthetics.

Reddit spacing is most offensive due to its ugliness, not due to its association with a certain site (which is ugly too).

See? Only redditors get mad about getting called out on reddit spacing.

A lot of older movies haven't aged well.

How many old "romance" movies have you seen that's basically a stalker who gets the girl?

Attached: where-is.gif (414x212, 10K)

>Reddit spacing is most offensive due to its ugliness, not due to its association with a certain site (which is ugly too).

Imagine being such a snowflake

that spacing
triggers you

true but bad advice. she can consent 10 years ago but one morning a decade later she decides to bring it up again in a negative way, and you are ass is grass, kiddo.

wrong spacing

This is courtship done RIGHT!


well considering her boss was trying to crash the world economy, seducing her is a kinder fate than just putting a slug through her skill

You need to go back