It doesn't get comfier than Generation Kill
It doesn't get comfier than Generation Kill
I have to go have dinner with some cunnies.
Keep this thread frosty for me.
This thread isn't staying very frosty.
Im torn between a rewatch marathon of Band of Brothers and Generation Kill.
What should i watch first?
Doctor was the most based character
BoB first then GK to wash your mouth of the hokey bullshit BoB spews
both still kino though
Band of Brothers is pretty corny and bland
Post pics later?
Spooning your gf right after fucking with some shitty romcom in the background while you doze in and out of consciousness while groping her seemed comfier even though GK is pretty good.
BoB is kinda corny but it is still really comfy. And Generation Kill is top tier comfiness with all the bitter irony you find in Yea Forums.
In the end i watch them for the feels. I'll never ride a truck with my squad mates talking about cute german/haji girls.
There's something I've been keeping from you. I wasn't sure we were gonna live to share this moment.
It’s peak comfy. Every time I watch it, i get hit so hard with nostalgia. It almost makes me forget the bullshit.
What, you've been to Iraq?
Not that fag but some of us remember consuming ephedra like ripped fuel in the 90s and ranting endlessly or flipping to VH1 (mtv was already dead) and cleaning house all night long.
We all should be more like Trombley
I wish i was more like Trombley
What did he mean by this ?
Oh how she rocks
In Kefs and tube socks
The the violence of action was on their side.
Nah, GK sounds way comfier than that
But she doesn’t know who I aaaam
Are there any other films / tv shows about the war in Iraq that aren't garbage? Documentaries excluded of course.
>can't enjoy the war time romanticism of BoB and the gritty realism of GK simultaneously
Plebs both of you
>this HBO miniseries is amazingly good
>I wonder if the other acclaimed HBO miniseries are good?
>Should i bother to watch Olive Kitteridge or The Night Of, or Mildred Pierce?
>nah fuck it they're just boring character dramas
>they're not about war or swords or boats
wtf is wrong with you cunts, honestly?
It’s still good, they just aren’t pretending that the corny feel good bullshit is good
Now go into the Rome thread and tell them they can’t keep rewatching shows with swords
>this acclaimed HBO drama series is amazing
>I loved other HBO dramas like The Sopranos
>Should I watch other recent acclaimed HBO dramas, like: The Leftovers or My Brilliant Friend or Succession?
>no fuck that
>the 13th legion isn't in that
>the actors have a gaulic look to them
Three Kings is good, but it's the first gulf war
>but it's the first gulf war
So is Jarhead
How does one become more like Trombley?
The master!
knock up a mexican and shoot some kids
>A retired battalion sergeant major who was portrayed in the HBO miniseries "Generation Kill" was sentenced to 10 years in prison Wednesday for a sex offense involving a minor.
>Retired Sgt. Maj. John Joseph Sixta, the former top enlisted leader of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, pleaded guilty in Yuma Justice Court in Arizona to a sexual abuse charge for a case involving the child of a family he had befriended.
>"He took advantage of the little girl by befriending the family" the prosecutor, Jim Eustace, said.
>Sixta's attorney, Julie McDonald, said her client entered a guilty plea on that charge in order to drop other charges of sexual contact with a minor and molestation of a child.
>Due to the nature of the crime, Sixta will serve all 10 years of the sentence and will not receive credit for good behavior, McDonald and Eustace said. Sixta was taken into custody in Arizona on July 2.
>Sixta faces an additional charge in California. In June, prosecutors in Riverside County, California, charged him with committing a lewd act on a child under 14 years old. A warrant was issued on June 25. Riverside is about 50 miles northeast of Camp Pendleton, where Sixta's former battalion is headquartered. Lawyers said the alleged victims in the California case is different from the victim Arizona case.
>McDonald and Eustace said California authorities can deliver a writ of habeas corpus to have Sixta transferred to Riverside officials to face charges there. McDonald said the time her client spends in California jail during trial will count toward his 10 year sentence in Arizona. If he's convicted and sentenced in California, he could either serve the two sentences concurrently, or he could serve his time in California after he completes his sentence in Arizona.
>Chef BoiArdieee!
What else are you hiding in the generation kill filder user? A fat chick?
>It doesn't get comfier than Generation Kill
I am assured of this...
Seriously though, how could he not know "danger close"?
Fucking Sixta
We've all got a job to do, and Seargent Major Sixta's job is to fuck children. He excels at it.
I like the Spartacus threads more
i dun care if yar marine has a suckin chest wound he will not TRAIPSE AROUND THE DECK WITH HIS SHIRT TAILS HANGIN OUT
might just njp all yalls asses
Is this worth watching or is it more like the netflix rome show that came out recently?
Its gay boomer shit.
that's a weird way of saying boring. Nothing happens: the show.
>hurr it's suppostah be liek that real leif war is liek that!
A show is supposed to be exciting, not make me want to check how much time is left in the middle of an episode
>inb4 hurr ADD ADHD
Fuck off nigger
I'm going to have to rewatch. Btw any of you Anons know how to get the subs(from srt files) to show up on my webms?
>A show is supposed to be exciting
Confirmed for bait
>light 'im up
>let the hajis hit the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
>A show is supposed to be exciting
>The Leftovers
Consuming Daman Lindelof trash goes against my belief system.
>no comfy road trip show about a bunch of marines and the 101st airborn being deployed in baltimore by john adams after a russian nuclear reactor explodes because of mismanagement by the new jersey mafia run by larry david and garry shandling
If you're not already using ffmpeg to make your webm files, then get started.
Is this the story of the US Army capturing those airports in 1776?
Thanks.Guess it's time to ditch Xmedia.
Fuck off
you can do it in xmedia as well
>Subtitles -> "Render"
but XMedia is basically just a UI for ffmpeg commands. learning those commands can make you much more efficient at encoding videos.
i think there might be an issue rendering the subtitles in Xmedia recode though. You might have to
>Encode video with burnt subtitles
>Encode from that video into webm
you can't do both at once or it will desync the subtitles.
I consider the true history of the american revolution to be lost.
Op you should be more like trombley
maybe its a culture difference, but even tho i liked to see some of the detailed inner workings of the US gay killing machine i thought the characters were particularly petty and their concerns particularly unimportant. it felt like i was watching a bunch of crying children the entire time
I just made this now to give you an example.
>ffmpeg -i "Generation.Kill" -ss 00:14:01.6 -to 00:14:54.6 -c:v libvpx -crf 45 -b:v 900K -vf "subtitles=Generation.Kill" -an -sn "Generation Kill Serpentine Shell Serpentine.webm"
Let me break this down for you.
>-i "Generation.Kill"
(name of the input video, in quotation marks to be safe)
>-ss 00:14:01.6 -to 00:14:54.6
(where to begin and where to end the output)
>-c:v libvpx
(this converts the output into a Yea Forums-friendly webm)
>-crf 45 -b:v 900K
(you can choose different numbers for better results)
>-vf "subtitles=Generation.Kill"
(this burns the hardsubs, with the source in quotation marks to be safe)
>-an -sn
(audio: none, soft subtitles: none)
>"Generation Kill Serpentine Shell Serpentine.webm"
(name of the output video, in quotation marks to be safe)
Why why the heck would Beecher expect Iceman to remember the details of a old film, if that came out when Iceman was only four years old?
Yes I believe the subs need to be burnt in order for them to show up on Recode. There is an option to stream the subs directly but it doesn't seem to work for webms.
Just realised ffmpeg isn't gui based which kinda sucks for me. I'm not accustomed to using cmd. I was going through the documentation on their website and I think it might be a while before I make the switch to ffmpeg.
>why do Yea Forums only likes muh boats, wars and swords kino
because we're not reddit u bum
Yeah, uh-huh, the """true""" history.
How did the writers not notice that Article II requires that treaties receive a two-thirds vote, thus making this scene unconstitutional?
Just make a bat that you run when you want.
Thats what i do.
Post above yours tells you how to do it. No excuses now.
>tfw you play Arma3, and the other players keep using the term "danger close" inappropriately.
>"get in cover, enemies are danger close!"
>tfw banned on most arma3 servers for no reason
So was the mustache contest actually a psyop?
I'm not smart enough to understand the moustache thing
they were still really worried about fags in the military back then so to root them out they said "hey guys we dont mind if you grow mustaches now"
anyone with a mustache could then easily identifed as a fag and killed by the XOs later
>Stand by Hitman
>Assassin this is Steel Rain
>Your gridzone designators are correct
>prepare to observe...
Its the background chatter you don't notice until you rewatch it.
Who else was expecting the gun shield that Brad ordered to be delivered at the end of the final episode?
Remember, when you feel sad, to be more like Trombley
>inserted some faggotry
Typical hollywood kikes and faggots.
If some dude was doing that out in the open we'd mock him for being the faggot he is, and beat the shit out of him if he did it again.
When you're getting shot at by shitskins, you don't put up with bullshit back at the hooch, especially not from faggots.
Tell us about your training in gorilla warfare user
Bruh..that guy is the only actual vet(he plays himself in the show) in the entire cast. Pretty sure he would have spoken up if shit like this didn't happen irl.
>Implying it's gay if it's Rudy
Wew lad
So you don't want to know about the gay bar I'm gonna open? It's gonna be called the golden stream. And it's gonna be like this big urinal, right? And there's gonna be this two-way mirror that everybody pisses against. That way when you're sitting at the bar having drinks, there's like all these big fucking giant cocks just pissing right at you.
>implying fruity rudy wouldn't mop the floor with you and turn you into his cock put
>all these btfo faggots suddenly appear to whiteknight for faggotry
Seethe more.
where have I seen this
The Pacific
the pacific takes a huge nose dive with the episodes set in australia
>your gf
what is this meme?
>all these Generation Kill fans suddenly appear in a Generation Kill thread to defend Generation Kill from unwarranted criticism
I am shocked, SHOCKED.
>I know nothing about human nature, especially the nature of people living under pressure without sleep
Cool, thanks for sharing retard