>"I can't wear my suit because I might get recognized by my class and they'll realize I'm Spider-Man"
>give him the same iconic eyes of spider-man
"I can't wear my suit because I might get recognized by my class and they'll realize I'm Spider-Man"
it's the european rip off
I know you crossposted bitch
I'm sure they'd notice the massive amount of web that he leaves behind everywhere.
i stole that guy's post actually
not enough material to be an op though
The BP suit in Civil War was the high water mark. It's all shit from here on.
"Tight around the old web shooter".
Surprised they got away with that line!!!FACT!!!
They need to sell toys
What? Is this about spiderman? You posted a picture of night monkey
you mean porch monkey
Stop overthinking it, he’s cute as fuck. I love the night monkey bits. Ned points out he’s a European rip off, which made me laugh because I’m a European and Pakistanis here open up fried chicken shops called ‘Kentucky Hot Chicken.’
Sorry, meant for OP.
My hometown has both a Burger Hut and a Pizza King.
Tom Holland looked really cute in that suit :3
I still don't get why they replaced that one with the CGI one. The CGI one looks so ugly when in motion.
Night Monkey could kick Spider-man's ass, by the way.
This is why you can’t get dates.
He really did, his pretty eyes when he lifts up those goggles... is it wrong I really enjoyed him looking all vulnerable and beaten up in that jail cell too?
They seriously fucked it up the CW suit looks so nicely refined and detailed while the suit in BP looks like a fucking halloween costume in comparison.
I read web as weeb.
Why were Ned and Betty calling MJ as 'Night Monkey'?
I appreciated that all the Czechs speak proper czech.