Just watched this movie, never got to it because of the mediocre reviews. But fuck, it's pretty damn good

Just watched this movie, never got to it because of the mediocre reviews. But fuck, it's pretty damn good.
That love confession scene... didn't know that Affleck could be such a good actor.

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I just got dumped by a whore so I should rewatch this
All I remember from the movie are tracer jokes

Its the only decent movie that the hack director has made

this movie fucking sucks
>waaah my dream girl is a lesbian
Fuck outta here. Affleck is good in it though

actually decent flick

The "let's have a threesome" scene keeps it from being a masterpiece. Holden and Alyssa should have had their blow out, Banky comes home to find Holden gone. Cut to one year later and the final scene and using the attached song for the credits. Perfection!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/n12OBlcHx9E



Yeah, it's good and Ben is good in it.
His character is a idiot, and if he'd been able to get over his sexual insecurity and prejudices, he could have impregnated his waifu and permanently cured her of lesbianism. But I guess that's the point.

The only thing I remember about this movie is that scene where they argue about a threesome and this dumb bitch screaming the whole movie. Imagine falling for such a crazy hoe.

There was some scene that hit too close to home but I can't remember which one. Maybe the speech.

I feel like it just needed a better poster, so the people who dislike romcoms would actually watch it.

finally.. it's getting the acknowledgement it deserves. i've been trying to make this movie popular for 4 years now

What about Clerks?

you havn't done a good job have you

Kevin Smith is a hack.

It has good ideas but ultimately falls flat.

All downhill after the "tracer" scene

Banky is one of the best characters in the view askewniverse

My problem with this one is the dialogue is way overwritten. The actors do a good job despite that.

The only sci-fi film Smith has ever done.

Kevin Smith been with that goblin of his for eternity, why are his movies always about how many dicks his gf sucked in the past

Clerks 2 deserve some praise instead. That porchmonkey scene is glorious.

I don't get. Why did they all think whores have more experience in live than normal people?

Tttthis was before goblin. He was dating the lead actress at the time man, thats what makes the movie so interesting. Youre literally watching a woman read the breakup letters of her man, who she devastated. Those are literally kevins words of pain about her. Its a rare kind of movie.

Cucking Kevin amirite?