Why the hell does this board have to get so butt hurt about a black person being the new little mermaid as if they were gonna watch it anyway? don't they realize that in all likelyhood Disney was hoping on this reaction from the start? knowing the outrage would give the movie attention and encourage people to see it in protest?
>inb4 the little mermaid is Danish
it's an American movie based on an American cartoon. for all intents and purposes it lost it's "Danishness" a long time ago
Kayden Evans
No one considered niggers here as "Danish" and will never be. Denmark is'n in the new world.
Dylan Moore
Why do you care so much, niggerlover
Nathaniel Barnes
It’s true, y’all folks gotta know how bout dah
Josiah Murphy
I hate nigger speak so much. "HEY Y'ALL, BIX NOOD DINDU NIGGA, Y'ALL NIGGAS FINNA BE TRYNNA MUHFUGGA". I hope every black motherfucker on this planet chokes on their own blood before they die for talking like this. "Ebonics", is it? Fuck that and fuck every stupid motherfucker that allowed blacks to even talk like that without getting whipped in the fucking dick for it. God damn it every time I hear that shit it just boils my blood, and every stupid fucking cunt rich white girl singing this retarded nigger rap music with the same retarded words, if you can even call them words.
It’s not even black people, it's white urbanites embracing urban black culture because they’re end-stage corporate consumers who lack any culture of their own.
Landon Richardson
>there are people who still insist that America doesn't need to be destroyed
Juan Lee
God I hate niggers.
Robert Perry
not an argument
why do you have to care about blacks being in movies so much?
Isaac Rodriguez
>at work >big meeting where the project manager is having a Q&A with the employees >black girl has a question >"how cum we ain't sposed' to be doin' dat? >PM cracks a smile >"I'm sorry, what was that?" >she has to repeat herself two more times before another employee translates her sheboon speak to English for him
I feel like I was the only one in the room who found this humorous.
Anthony Reyes
it's funny that libfags have already usurped the butthurt throne by getting outraged about the outrage
Easton Long
>their are >ancient denmark having any black people
black people really wonder why whites are racist when they say shit this dumb
Logan Smith
Because it’s a symptom of a much bigger issue
Owen Cox
no niggers in Denmark before the jews were forcing migration and certainly none in medieval Denmark that were not in chains as god intended.
And would a real prince have picked a darky as his future queen
Sebastian Diaz
>ancient denmark having any black people
the little Mermaid is set in the 19th century, not ancient times
Leo Ramirez
And i'm sure it was a great multicultural society full of niggers, asians and muslims, right, burgerclap?
Jose Thomas
she's clearly not black
it's hilarious how blacks have conquered every race. everyone wants to be black. hilarious shit..
Easton Ross
That's more of a britbong thing.
Easton King
early 19th century, almost 200 years ago
Leo Ramirez
didn't say it was, just pointing out a fact, you should try actually seeing a movie before complaining next time huh?
The sad part about all this, is that no one cares.
Jack Carter
So by that logic white people are from Africa so why is the Lion King cast as black?
Carter Garcia
imagine being triggered over a cartoon made for little children
Charles Hill
Almost every single poster in this thread is a Disney employee. This is what marketing in the 21st century looks like.
Parker Thompson
It's a Disney marketing campaign...
Bentley Turner
This one is particularly poorly executed. I think people have reached their limit on being baited, so there is nothing genuine about any of this. It's shills reacting to a sentiment that no one cares enough to generate.
Hudson Green
If a white person played beyonce in a movie how do you think that would go?
Benjamin Robinson
Eli Johnson
Ariel is a real Danish person, not an African immigrant. That's like Mulan being played by a white person because white people can live in China, as well.
You meme, but the first native Americans were the Clovis culture who were Paleo-Indian crossing to the American Continent from Beringia. All remaining native Americans from the tribal nations we have today trace their genetic data from Clovis culture humans via DNA tests and gnomic study. This has been confirmed from Clovis remains of bone and tooth enamel in North American Canadian, and South American Clovis sites. No other haplotype of peoples has as high an amount of Clovis matched genetic materiel than Native Americans.
Ethan Rogers
Not our fault you can't recognize blacksploitation when you see it.
Carter Richardson
There are no black people from Denmark. There are niggers who moved to Denmark who the locals lazily forgot to lynch.
Ryder Rivera
Only Prince Henry the Cuckold.
Zachary Sullivan
so are you pro life or pro choice?
William Russell
Justin Lopez
black people are literally a race of schizo /pol/ conspiracy tards
Aaron James
>You're either against killing babies or against government enslavement
Jose Torres
It gives them power they wouldn't otherwise have, so that's a yes.
Landon Diaz
Denmark didn't really have any foreigners (in measurable quantities) until the 1960s. The Social Democrats (Anker Jorgensen) bought votes by importing turks to do the shit labour so everyone else could get an early pension. It's the same across most of western Europe
Ayden Moore
There are no danish niggers.
Isaac Torres
Well there's white people in Africa so Black Panther should be white. And there's white people in America so hey let's make a movie about MLK Jr. and have him be white. Also, it's funny that the people who shit on white rednecks also appropriate redneck words like "y'all."
Christian Peterson
>Denmark didn't really have any foreigners until the 1960s I know you mean browns and/or blacks, but this still got a good 'heh' out of me.